View Full Version : What was your very first didtal camera?

Cobalt Blue
06-04-2011, 11:18am
I'm sitting at home feeling sorry for myself :o

Every time I save up for my 60D something happens and I have to use that money for other things, the latest being a friends passing and coming home to find out we have to move out of our house after 10 years. Don't get me wrong I have a pretty great life, 3 beautiful healthy sons, a caring hubby and we live comfortably. I count my blessings every day but that camera is 'my' thing. it's been my dream for so long now that I really dream about her:D

I do have a Nikon P100 p&s and it's taken some Ok pics and I'm very greatful that I've been able to capture our boys lives so far. I just yearn for something better and that something has to be a 60D:D, it fits in my hand like it's meant to be there! No-one in real life understands my desire to own her, everyone thinks my P100 is the bees knees... so i thought I'd bring my troubles here to the place where surely someone will understand!

So I need to get over myself, I really am blessed, and I thought it would be great to hear what everyone started with and if you want to share pics from that camera that would be great too!


06-04-2011, 12:10pm
I'm not sure you'd really like the answers Teressa - many here have probably upgraded from SLR to DSLR, partly to re-use existing lenses etc. You might end up with more camera envy than before :)

Personally: a D90 after "upgrading" from a F601.

06-04-2011, 12:41pm
Film - Box Brownie
Digital - Sony Mavica - you put a 3.5 inch floppy disk in it to store the photos on

06-04-2011, 12:54pm
My first digital camera was a Kodak one I bought from Woolies for around $100 LOL Before that I had an Olympus SLR

I then upgraded to a Canon Powershot

Then a Canon 450D and now a Canon 7D....this has been over a 10 year period, but I am only 27.

Ms Monny
06-04-2011, 12:56pm
My first film when I became serious was a Canon EOS something. I can't even remember what one BUT it was stolen after I had just finished my payments. I never got myself back on track after that (until recently) and I kick myself now for not putting money aside straight away to get another.

My first digital was a p&s and it still does me well (just don't look at the bottom of my signature please :o). It is a Canon and it has delivered me some pretty good photos.

There are many people who will agree with me in saying it isn't the camera but the person taking the photo that counts! You could have the most amazing expensive camera but still take crap photos. Keep going with the p&s, get some editing software and play with that. Read, read, read about making your photos better via composition, lighting etc and you can turn out some pretty good stuff with the camera you have. You never know whats around the corner....put your pennies away and keep on saving.

I pray that things start to work out better for you. :)

06-04-2011, 1:12pm
My first digital camera was a 640x480 BenQ DC300 (http://benq.lv/press/news.cfm/cat/0/id/47/year/2001), in 2001. Cost me about $350, from memory, from JB Hi-Fi.

It had no LCD screen on the back, just a small viewfinder, and it took incredibly noisy images - viewing the JPEGs it output was like looking at photos through a greeny-blue haze of pixels. :)

Our family had a Sony Digital Mavica like Rick, too - I remember they were incredibly expensive, several hundred dollars, used AA batteries (which would run out of juice after about 24 shots, I remember feeling like it was shooting a roll of film) and stored to a floppy disk. OMG the MEMORIES! Good times!!

06-04-2011, 1:20pm
dolphin webcam... and then a sony dsc-p31

06-04-2011, 1:27pm
1996 Kodak Digital 640 x 480 pixel from memory cost around $550 at the time. I don't recall it having any removable memory either but could be wrong.


06-04-2011, 1:29pm
My first digital camera was a Kodak DX3600 2.2 MP.
I got it about 10 years ago to document my family history & my travels seeking same.
The pictures are good & particularly excellent at taking pics of paper records, other documents & photographing other photos.
I haven't been able to get this quality from any of my Canon Powershot S1, S2 or S5 IS cameras.
Sure I can do more & blow them up bigger, but not the same crisp & sharp pictures of printed works ?
Why I don't know. I would love to know though, Please ?
When I pick it up to use it, it won't work ? But when I pick it up just to look at it like now it works Ok ! ? ! ? "%@^^&*)(_)+_*&"

JM Tran
06-04-2011, 1:39pm
a Pentax DL dslr back in late 2005:)

06-04-2011, 2:02pm
Film, Kodak Box brownie, Then Pentax Spotmatic , P&S Film, Fuji 5500 Digital, 350D Canon then 30D , 5D next ;)

06-04-2011, 2:03pm
1994 - A Kodak Digital Camera, she had 100,000 Pixels and 4 Meg of Internal Memory. It was enough for 16 "High" Res images. - Cost $1500

06-04-2011, 2:04pm
My first digital camera was a Fuji Finepix 3mp with 10x optical zoom and cost me a packet at the time - around $1,800 from memory.

My first SLR was a Hanimex - well it was my dad's actually - and the first I owned was a Pentax MZ-50, which provided at least one of the lenses that I now use with my Pentax K-x DSLR.

I'm also dreaming, Teressa, but my dreams involve a Pentax K-5 and a really big zoom lens ... *sigh* ... one day, if I'm lucky I guess! ;)

06-04-2011, 4:03pm
My first digital camera was a Canon PowerShot S45, which I purchased in 2002. The price tag at the time was around the better part of $1,300, and it offered 4mp, which at the time was the latest and greatest.

06-04-2011, 5:04pm
Kids bought me a P & S Olympus fe-240, 7.1 megapixel, 5x optical zoom for Christmas 2007

06-04-2011, 5:45pm
My first digital in 2002 was a Canon PowerShot ???-XX-NN or something. we used it for our cycling trip around Australia. A memory card worked out at $1 per MB, and each shot used up about 1MB. I had to ration shots and every month or so burn a CD of pictures at a photo shop at some exorbitant price. But you couldn't take a bad photo, Australia is such a photogenic country!

Proof is here:

06-04-2011, 11:03pm
Digital - Canon IXUS30 - Canon 50D - Canon 5DII
Film - Hanimex 126 - Praktika MTL3 - Canon AE1+Program

Pretty much a Canon Fanboy for quite a while! :)

07-04-2011, 12:05am
First digital was I think a Fuji A210 3.2 megepixel. Cost over $400 at the time and had a "massive" 8meg card with it

First SLR was a 400D with the twin lens kit

07-04-2011, 12:06am
You could try a used 1000D they are going for a pretty low price, and are a fairly capable little camera to learn on, this was my first DSLR, coupled with a few nice lenses it does a very nice job.

My first digital camera was a olympus c740, not a bad compact camera. 3.2 MP was pretty crazy back then for a compact.
I went from that single compact to this: http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg60/natural_defence_plant/IMG_5470z22.jpg in about 2 years :eek: and changed a few things since that pic was taken :p
Its easy to getting caught up in the gear, I have an old film slr that I like to use occationally, a refereshing change from digital technology :)

07-04-2011, 8:56am
My First was an Olympus Camedia C-3040zoom 3.3 mp, purchased 13/6/ 2001.
I still have it, still works. Was a great camera only problem is that it uses "Smart Media Cards " can't get them any more. On the side of the box it has the price sticker, Camera House Parramatta........ $1999.00 I got a discount of $100 of that price. I am at present allowing my 5 year old grand daughter to use it. Saw one on ebay in the US for $34.00 it didn't get a bid, but then my one has got it's original box.

Such is life.............


07-04-2011, 9:06am
first digital camera- Sony DSC-T1!

07-04-2011, 10:02am
The first one I used was a Kodak, can't recall the model No. Purchased by the company where I worked & used for photographing items which were then added to the sales catalogues.
Internal memory, no LCD screen, 12 shots & went through AA's like there was no tomorrow. This was about 14 years ago.
The first dig cam I bought for myself around 1998 was a Kodak, internal memory, LCD & viewfinder, better battery life & about 24 shots, this cost just on $800 & died about a year later. Tossed up between this & a Mavicam at the time.

07-04-2011, 10:28am
My first digital camera was the Sony Cybershot DSC-V1. Was expensive at the time too, back in 2003. Then got the Canon G7, and after that the 40D I have now.

Before I bought the Sony I had an Olympus film camera.

07-04-2011, 8:32pm
Canon Powershot A70

super duper
08-04-2011, 8:37am
Dad bought me a fuji Digital Camera in 2002 when I got married. I have no idea on the details of it. In 2006 we got another fuji....it was horrible. It never quite focused properly, all the new born shots of my son are slightly out of focus :( So we bought a Canon Powershot (hybrid type), and used fully automatic 100% of the time. It wasn't until the end of last year I finally got an SLR, welcome the Nikon D3000. A great starter camera...........and then I got a D300s too........

08-04-2011, 8:59am
My first digital camera (besides a 384k pixel webcam!) was an HP C20....1 Megapixel, used AA batteries although it fared a bit better on them than the one JohnRA mentions......unless you used the batteries to download the images to your PC, stored images on a CF card (I think). Can't remember when I bought it but must have been 1999 or 2000. I know I sold it in about 2004 for $50!...didn't need it as I had a Canon MVX150i DV camera (bought September 2003 to go on my first trip to England) that also took still images (about 1 MP). I still have that DV camera, still works but the fold out LCD screen is a bit flaky and sometimes 'looses' the green or red. Still use it occasionally when I am feeling nostalgic and I am still not convinced that my newer (2009) Canon FS21 DV camera that stores movies on SD card has better(or equal) video quality than the MVX150i which uses DV tapes.

08-04-2011, 2:34pm
ixus 40

08-04-2011, 4:24pm
My first Digital camera was a Canon Powershot S45 and I still have it today. I used it today and it still works ok.

11-04-2011, 9:30am
When my dad used to have a photo shop when I was very little, I have briefly played with the 1st generation digital cameras from Kodak. Oh and I sort of tried some Casio products.... but back then I never interest in photography, so I didn't ask Dad to give me one of those.

I think my 1st digital camera really is a Ericsson P800 smart phone, but they say if it has a ring tone, it's not a camera :p

And the 1st digital camera I have sort of possession is really belonged to my missus. Its a Pentax Optio 4mp thingy. But again I never played with it and the only time I have used it for more than 5 mins is the moment my missus gave birth to our Aaron.

2.5 years down the line, the Canon 500D is REALLY MY FIRST digital camera.

12-04-2011, 4:29pm
My first digital camera was a Pentax Optio 330 GS which had a neat fold out LCD on the back that you could turn around when making self-portraits and watch the self-timer count down in large numbers.

AF was terrible as was exposure accuracy, but it sold me on the world of digital and I never went back to film.

After the Pentax came a Sony DSC-V3 advanced compact which did everying I ever used my old Nikon F and FM cameras for. It also did it well. I had a "shoot out" with a friend at the Sydney International Motor Show. He had a Canon 300D and guess what produced the better pics? :th3:

The Sony DSC-V3 had a fair whack of image noise and was next to unusable at ISO800 but it was par for the course for compact cameras in its day.

Then a Fujifilm Z100 as a small pocket camera which was a neat little camera I could take anywhere.

Next a Nikon S710 which was reasonable but packed too many mp into it so image quality was no better than my old Sony DSC-V3 which I retained.

Being somewhat unsatisfied with the S710, I went to an Olympus E-P1 which gave me a big leap in quality and good performance to boot.

Last came my Nikon D90 which got me playing with the bigger boys.

12-04-2011, 5:54pm
First film was a Canon 1000n.
First digital was a Canon EOS 350D.

12-04-2011, 6:27pm
My first digital camera. Hmm. it was a gift when I attended a promotation seminar and that camera worth perhaps less than $30.

Captured frame
12-04-2011, 8:56pm
A Kodak not sure what model but 1mp,then a Fuji S5000 - still have it not a bad little camera - spurred me on to get a Canon 350D.

17-04-2011, 7:35pm
My first DSLR was the 300D to go with my film EOS 620/630

10-06-2011, 11:32am
My first digital camera is a Canon Powershot A430, 4mp. which I still have and use, it takes great photos. Then there was a Canon 400D, and now a 5DMk.1 and I've just got a Canon S95, to replace the A430 as my pocket camera. First film camera was a Zeiss Ikonette (circa 1930) which belonged to my father, it took 127 film and was as sharp as a tack, then to Canon and eventually a couple of AE1 Program cameras - and I still use the lenses on the 5D.

10-06-2011, 1:37pm
My first film camera was a Kodak Brownie.

My first digital camera was a Dick Smith Electronics one and I *think* it was only 3.2megapixels.

I now have a 16.1 P&S Sony that I only got a couple of days ago and am yet to have a play.

Waiting for July to come so I can buy a DSLR...

10-06-2011, 8:19pm
Sony DCSP something or other. It's in a storage box at work. We use it there. Cost me a grand then two weeks later they released the new model at $500.00. I did good. The optics in the new ones were crap.

Mark L
11-06-2011, 8:00pm
I'm sitting at home feeling sorry for myself :o
Every time I save up for my 60D something happens and I have to use that money for other things,

The first DSLR I'll buy will be a 60D. Your quote is my experience. Nearly there, though, and part of the thrill is looking forward to posting photos on AP.

11-06-2011, 8:12pm
Mine was a Kodak DC4800 3.2 Mp.

I paid about 1,200,000 Korean won for it in October 2000 (Which was about US$1000 / AU$1,800 - at that time the Aust was around 55cents)

The first photos it took were of my new born daughter then, the DMZ between North/South Korea.

11-06-2011, 8:21pm
My first DSLR was a Nikon D80, bought after 37 years of photography.

My first SLR was a Pentax SFX, bought after 19 years of taking photographs, most of those with a Kodak Instamatic. I thoroughly enjoyed every one of them, and can remember cycling 5 miles to the local town to pick up the (invariably crappy) prints. Full of excitement.

I used to look at the Olympus OM 10 (if I remember rightly) in shop windows and be overcome with yearning... then I went and took more photos with the Instamatic.

Take lots of photos with your P100. It's quite capable enough to produce good ones, and the experience will only help you when you do get that 60D.

And have fun with it!

Jorge Arguello
16-08-2011, 11:20am
My very first digital camera is Fuji FinePix S5600 with 10x zoom, 5Mp (or 10Mp RAW).
I still use it getting a lot of fun and joy with it.
3 People has asked me to sell it to them but I decided to keep it. So this year I bought some filters: CPL, UV and ND 4, 8. And a 2Gb memory.

16-08-2011, 12:06pm
Olympus C3040-Z, still use it.

Best regards

Jorge Arguello
16-08-2011, 2:02pm
My very first digital camera is Fuji FinePix S5600 with 10x zoom, 5Mp (or 10Mp RAW).
I still use it getting a lot of fun and joy with it.
3 People has asked me to sell it to them but I decided to keep it. So this year I bought some filters: CPL, UV and ND 4, 8. And a 2Gb memory.

p.s. I got my first digital camera on June 2007, after 6 years of wanting it. Mean while I used film camera.
I had the same experience on wanting a DSLR long long time ago, I think that you should not feel sad on not getting a more expensive camera. You will get it when the time is the right one.
And because you asked to see photos with my first digital camera, take a look a the link on my signature where I share some of my favorites snaps. (https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=5b28fd7d9c28ca47#sc=photos)

So keep taking photos with your current gear, enjoy doing it, and soon you will have the camera of your dreams.

05-09-2011, 1:08am
My very first digital camera was a Kodak DX3900. Since then I've owned a Canon A550, Fuji finepix s5800 and Now I own a Nikon D60 with an 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G ED and a 24-70mm f/2.8G ED.

07-09-2011, 2:26pm
Cool idea for a thread, the OP's first post was a sad opening tho :(

My first digi P&S was a canon powershot tho I can't remember the model now (a450 maybe?) and first film camera (that I had anything developed from) was probably one of those disposables you pickup from woolies for $10.

My first SLR was a Nikon F60, followed by an F100
My first DLSR was an Olympus E410, followed soon after by a Nikon D40x.

Big Pix
07-09-2011, 5:02pm
........Nikon 4500...... I still have same

07-09-2011, 8:16pm
Fuji finepix MX-700 (http://www.dpreview.com/products/fujifilm/compacts/fuji_mx700). 1998, 1.3megapixels :)

Still have some pics from it. Next was a 4 Mp Canon G2 (http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/canong2/), which was a fantastic piece of kit in 2001.

First DSLR was a Canon 20D in late 2004

08-09-2011, 12:57pm
first slr: nikon f50 http://imaging.nikon.com/lineup/filmcamera/slr/f50_f50d/
first digital: minolta dimage 7: http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/minoltadimage7/