View Full Version : not sure where i go now

03-04-2011, 8:30pm
hi, well i have been to introduction area and been very welcomed.
this afternoon i got my new Canon S95, and been able to play with it for a little while tonight.
now i want to know how to best utilise this site so i learn the most i can here, and participate as much as possible.
i am sure someone will guide me to where is a good place to start

thanks a lot

03-04-2011, 9:11pm
hi there Janine...
What camera is the Canon S95? Is it a DSLR, P&S, film?
sorry... i don't follow much of Canon anymore but am interested to know what the S95 is!
You could probably start with the tutorials if you wanna learn more about photography...Or best yet... to read the manual of your camera so you learn how to best utilize it!
Welcome Janine...
And have fun!

03-04-2011, 9:11pm
Hi Janine, there is so much to this site so don't try to do it all at once, otherwise your head will spin. You can check out the New To Photography section in the library http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php where you can learn a lot about photography, you can also have a look through some of the other threads in this New To Photography forum as there are challenges that you can do to help learn more. And also pick some type of photography that you are interested in - landscapes/birds/portraits - and have a look at the photo's in that section and offer a bit of cc. Also go out and take some photo's and post them up for cc. As you get more familiar with the site, you can explore further and you will slowly learn which parts interest you and offer you the most. This is the way I started, so I hope it helps. Enjoy :)

03-04-2011, 9:11pm
Hi Janine,
I haven't been around here for long but there are a number of directions I have traveled that have been really useful. The Library is chock full of tutorials. And getting your shots out there for others to critique is a great way to learn too.

la lumiere
03-04-2011, 9:23pm
I have found the New to Photography Book and Learning Plan a great way to start.(Found in the Library or there is a link in the New to Photography Forum at the top of the page)

The Learning plan is in small chunks so that your head doesn't spin too much as you take in all the new info. It's set out like lessons with one main focus to work on.

There are also some New to Photography challenges which is where you can put the lessons into practice and make your own observations about results. Then others will add comments to help you.


Ms Monny
03-04-2011, 9:27pm
Welcome Janine

When I started in Jan I jumped right in and checked out other peoples photos and read the critiques. I know that there are certain areas you can't see until you have been a member for a while (or written a number of posts), so start chatting about the photos you are viewing, check out the library and read, read, read all about photography and your camera. After a while you will become very familiar with the forum and you will even submit a photo into a competition! Yep, you will. It will be nerve-wrecking at first, but after the first one you will realise it wasn't that hard to do at all. Actually, it is all fun!! :D

When posting a photo, definately read up on the do's and don'ts of uploading to this site. Many people use different photo sites like Flickr, Photobucket etc. If you have any questions, do not hesitate in answering as we were all new to the site at one stage and there are soooo many helpful people on here! :)


04-04-2011, 5:23am
Best way to learn how it all works, is to explore. Click things, see where they take you etc. Just spend a few hours having a look around. The Library is a good place to start, the sections there can be very helpful in not only photography related things, but also learning how to do things on the site.

05-04-2011, 12:35pm
hi, thanks for all the help. i will certainly go to the tutorial section.
unfortunately the manual does not come as a hard copy with the camera, i have downloaded it, but at this stage i would have appreciated having it on hand as i go experimenting outside. any suggestions as to a good book you would recommend, that i use as a basic guide beside me.
thanks again, i am thinking initially it is good to concentrate on ISO, SHUTTER SPEED and F-Stop - would this be a fair place to concentrate.
it is such a cute little camera i want to get the best out of it, and develop photography skills. you have all been very helpful, i feel i am in the right place.

05-04-2011, 12:46pm
Yes, concentrate of ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture. Learn one at a time.

05-04-2011, 12:47pm
thanks Rick, any suggestions for a book?

05-04-2011, 12:58pm
Use the NTP Library here on AP, it is all in there, broken down into chunks related to each individual camera feature, how it works, what it does etc. Then have a look at the challenges in the NTP forum, they are there to get you using each feature by itself, to understand what that particular feature does. Do a print of any particular pages and take them with you. Note that you cannot reproduce any of the NTP for anything other than personal use, as I hold copyright over it!

05-04-2011, 1:09pm
thanks again,
it is only for my own use...i am hardly at a stage of trying to help anyone else:D
i will head on over to the library....think i will be spending some time there:th3:

05-04-2011, 2:21pm
Hi Janine, A very warm welcome to you. I see you have received some very helpful replies. It is a big learning curve. I know how daunting it is at first we all had to start somewhere. I got my first dslr in September a Canon 500D. Every time I picked it up I had to think what f stop what iso. I often asked on here for help with settings in certain condition ed night city lights. I am slowly learning the ropes and beginning to enjoy my camera. Everyone is more than helpful. Enjoy and post some pics and you are sure to get some helpful advice.:th3:

05-04-2011, 6:17pm
this might be a silly question, but when i take a photo is it a good idea to have a notebook and record the iso etc

05-04-2011, 6:25pm
NO, cause that information is included in the digital photo file. It is called EXIF data and can be read by fairly much all editing software. What editing software do you use?

05-04-2011, 6:43pm
i have photo shop elements 7, gimp, and irfanview

05-04-2011, 7:04pm
all of them can display your EXIF data. In Elements : Go to File>File Info>Camera Data.

05-04-2011, 7:23pm
thanks for that

do you recommend i stay with Elements ?

05-04-2011, 7:35pm
Elements is good, it has lots of tutorials available. Try looking on youtube and searching for photoshop elements tutorials. I would suggest, if fund allow, upgrading to the latest version of elements.

Ausphotography site advertiser City Software (http://www.clixGalore.com/PSale.aspx?BID=108256&AfID=181059&AdID=11464 &LP=www.citysoftware.com.au), sells it at $199.00

05-04-2011, 8:05pm
thanks Rick.
i will look at upgrading, a little down the track. but good to know it is worth it.
appreciate your help