View Full Version : Where do you find the time?

Ms Monny
02-04-2011, 10:42am
Hi all :)

I have been wondering this of late....

How do you find the time to get your 'fix' when it comes other responsibilies like family, work, etc? I have been meaning to get to a sunset/sunrise for so long but I am either too tired, need to cook, look after kids etc. I am actually thinking of going to the beach on Sunday for a sunset but knowing my luck it will be too cloudy and not pretty at all. :(

My lack of practice in landscapes is so evident in my photos but landscapes is something that a good 1/2 day or so is needed to set aside. I am either on my way to somewhere and I can't stop for too long or we have been out as a family and my hubby and kids just want to get home!!

I presume some of the lucky ones actually are Photographers in their line of work but I guess this too can be a hindrance due to photographing for others not yourself!

I am interested to know what you do...

Mary Anne
02-04-2011, 10:52am
Hi ... I am retired so can do what I want, when I want, health permitting of course.
In the years gone past with four children and a job no way could I find time for landscape photography..
That's why I stick to Macro and Insects even now as the jungle is down the bottom of the back steps and ramp :D

I @ M
02-04-2011, 10:55am
How do you find the time to get your 'fix' when it comes other responsibilies like family, work, etc?

In point form.

#1 Photography is the main responsibility, all others come second.
#2 Planning, know exactly where you want to go to photograph and when.
#3 Prepare adequate food to feed the family for one whole day at least a day or so in advance.
#4 Patience, a very necessary quality to implement the final preparation step towards your photographic outing.

OK, enough of the "P" words, this is the most important part.

#5 Duct tape!!!!! Use step #4 to get all the rest of the family together in front of the TV, swiftly wrap each person securely to a chair leaving the hands free to consume freshly prepared food ( step #3 ) and to operate the remote control.
#6 Journey forth to enjoy unhindered photography.
#7 Clean up mess at home later. :D

02-04-2011, 11:00am
yep... what Andrew said.. I have 6 noisy ones, and they come with me everytime I go.. usually because when I decide to go I'm going more than an hour from home, and I can't trust 6 kids at home alone rofl ;) I make a plan to go usually a couple of weeks in advance, then in the lead up make sure my bag is ready, batteries are charged, lenses are cleaned, memory cards are formatted and then the night before it's all left at the front door so I can grab it as I walk out the door the next morning. I also have lunches, snacks, and drinks ready the day before too, we always carry an esky in the car so all we do is get drinks or take heaps of water, and get some ice on the way. I hope that helps!

02-04-2011, 11:06am
Hi MM, I get the time cause I dont work anymore( Had a heart attack a few years back , That made me think there is more to life than working) Not much money anymore , Hence the 30D :D Hey, But moneys not everything in my books !! I enjoy every day ;) As far as Overcast days and landscapes , Some of the best shots are taken on Rainy days with grey cloud , Excellent light can be had , Like a big Softbox in the sky :) Get yourself some Neutral Density graduated Filters , A holder and an Adapter ring to suit your wide lens and go and practice , I'm not a full time Photographer so I can do what i like , The times I have been paid , Weddings , Parties etc, I find the PP afterwards very tedious , Most of the time I'm up early and back home from a Sunrise shoot , And there all just getting out of bed , So no disruption to the family at all , Anyway thats what and how I manage it , BTW I'll put this shot in to show you Overcast mornings are'nt all that bad sometimes - Cheers Bill

02-04-2011, 11:11am
Its a good topic. Love yummymommey's advice but don't understand how the kids leave you alone to take the shot and don't run away !!!
I have had to re-plan just to stay in the theme 48 hour challenge. It was ok when I was on holidays but now...My goal is to attempt to enter the challenge once a week. As for sunrises/sunsets well I had a plan to go every Wednesday, have breaky by the beach and go straight on to work but that hasn't happened yet. Daylight saving changes tonight so maybe I can put the plan into place soon as the weather settles down a bit. Hmmm, its a difficult one.

02-04-2011, 11:17am
Get yourself some Neutral Density graduated Filters , A holder and an Adapter ring to suit your wide lensCheers Bill

HI Bill, we posted about the same time. I like your comments, but being pretty new to photography, what would I do with a holder and adapter ring ? Are the ND graduated the square ones I've heard people refer to, so the holder is to hold them close to the camera? sorry bit vague when it comes to accessories outside a tripod

02-04-2011, 11:29am
HI Bill, we posted about the same time. I like your comments, but being pretty new to photography, what would I do with a holder and adapter ring ? Are the ND graduated the square ones I've heard people refer to, so the holder is to hold them close to the camera? sorry bit vague when it comes to accessories outside a tripod

Yes they are refered to as ND Grads,(For short) Some are square and some are Rectangle shaped , The Adapter ring is the bit that allowes you to attach the whole lot to your lens They come in standard sizes, 77mm,58mm etc , The Ring fits into the holder , Which as it implys holds the Grad filters which slide up and down in the holder so you can position them in the right place , Usually around the horizon , Hope that helps - Bill

Duane Pipe
02-04-2011, 11:39am
My self I am unemployed due to work injuries and arthritis really bad in my neck feet, hands, knees Bla Bla Yeah Yeah. My neck is the worst due to headaches and nerve pain My Doc wants me to go on disability support pension.:( Im only 44 so I do get down some times
Any who Im in the same boat as Bill no money, and live in a country town with I think not to many photo ops. Even our garden is void of bugs, Hence the Red back. So I have the time but cant really go anywhere, If I used my imagination surely I could think of somethink to photograph:D

Nice pick by the way William

02-04-2011, 12:18pm
The kids leave me alone because we take the football, or the cricket bat and ball, or they have their DS's most times... I only have two small kids, they're 15,13,8,7,4 and 3, so the big ones keep the little ones occupied.. I even set up my baby canon for them to take photos with when they get bored.. they get to take 20 shots each with the 1000D, and then pass it on to someone else. I figure if they're interested, I'm going to let them learn :th3:

02-04-2011, 3:33pm
I'll take issue with Andrew's point #5!!

Duct tape can be 'tampered with' ... best done correctly either with strong automotive grade zip ties, or better still, tungsten carbide handcuffs and chain shackles if 100% security is a concern! :p

Having recently changed jobs and now having to 'work for a living' ... as opposed to living for work(with the associated issues of financial crisis's) .. I can fully sympathise with this problem.
My only respite during the course of a regular two week period is that I only have to play MrMom ever other weekend, which leaves me every alternate other weekend free to ....... recover, recuperate, rest and indulge in some recreation, which basically means lay in bed for 48 hours for some much needed sleep!

FWIW, I used to be 'one of those lucky ones', but my (previous) employment had nothing to do with photography! I used to work as a courier, which would take me to many and various locations around the state at the end of which I woudl then indulge in this hobby :th3:
Great job, but it was also a great way to get into deep financial crisis :D

02-04-2011, 5:44pm
With my work now moving to WA from QLD, I am working 2 weeks on then 1 week off so about a 1/3 more than previously, then I'm spending 2 days of that week off flying between work and home. At present home is still outback QLD for now so not alot of opportunities during my 5 days off. Later this year I will be returning to my true home in Sydney, and that will leave me with more time and far more opportunities. Luckily, I'm allergic to kids so don't have to worry about minding any or dragging them along with me. On my days off I can do whatever wherever I choose but even then I have so many interests that photography is always competing with them and often loses.

02-04-2011, 7:13pm
I have all my kids on eBay to pay for new lenses. Two birds with one stone

02-04-2011, 8:36pm
No kids yet, obviously that will have an impact when it happens.
My wife likes to 'do' things - instead of watching TV after dinner, she wants to go for a walk. Weather permitting, we rarely spend a weekend day inside the house for long.
I'm a bit different; if I had no camera I'd prefer to either socialise or stay in, so we'd probably be less compatible if I wasn't into it - so in a way photography is something I manage to do with my wife. She's not remotely interested in the technical aspects of a photo, but she gets even more excited than me on the odd occasion that I actually get a good one (though impatient when I take too long).

I just hope nothing changes in the coming years :D

In short, try involving your family in your shoots, and I don't mean portraits. Dabble in street photography when you're forced to go shopping with them, and keep encouraging picnics, trips to the beach, weekend road trips if time/money permits etc. Then just bring your camera everywhere you go.

(Hopefully you're not lugging a D3 around.)