View Full Version : noise reduction

01-04-2011, 6:44pm
Hi folks - been a while since i had the time to participate in online discussions, but I'm having an issue and thought that the good folk here might be the best source of knowledge to ask about it.

I seem to be experiencing some noise in my landscape shots, even when shot at ISO 400 and quite quick (for landscape) shutter speeds.

I shoot with a Canon 7D, and am wondering 2 questions:

1 - is it possible to damage your sensor so that noise increases, and if so can it be fixed?

2 - what is the best noise reduction software that isn't too expensive?

Look forward to your thoughts!!


01-04-2011, 7:21pm
Hello glen can you post an example? Is the noise in the dark areas? Are you shooting in RAW?
I can not help you with the software as I only use lightroom sorry:th3:

02-04-2011, 11:16am
It's mostly in the darker (mid grey to 80% grey) areas - I'll try to add an example, but I'm not entirely sure how so bear with me if it doesn't work.
hmmm... doesn't seem to want to upload.

Yes, I always shoot in raw, and do some noise reduction in lightroom, but I find that I can't get my images clean enough without starting to lose some detail...

Maybe I'm just being too fussy?

02-04-2011, 12:36pm
when you say you can't upload, what was the error message? The site software tells you why it didnt work. Have a read of this section of the Library on HOW TO: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:How_Do_I

Once we can see a photo we are more likely able to assist accurately, rather than guessing

03-04-2011, 7:52pm
If the problem is mostly in the dark area's - suggests to me possible under exposure. Try adjusting exposure compensation.

For noise control (and most other things), I use Lightroom 3. The noise control in version 3 is very very good.