View Full Version : The 2011 Ausphotography Camera Brand Poll

01-04-2011, 1:46pm
Each year we have had a camera brand poll. Please vote for your primary camera brand.

01-04-2011, 4:17pm
:clogo: is No.1 ;):D:rolleyes::th3:

01-04-2011, 6:06pm
Canon here as well :th3:

01-04-2011, 7:07pm
Yep, Canon since I first started drooling over an A1 nearly 30 years ago.

01-04-2011, 8:47pm
I switched back. Was with Fujifilm for a few years but back to the N camp

01-04-2011, 9:04pm
It would have been interesting to see a split between crop and FF.

01-04-2011, 11:54pm
Canon since I got my first SLR back in '82 or '83 - ye olde AE1+Program, then a 50D which morphed into a 5DII - throw in an IXUS30 along the way as well! Any thoughts of crossing over to the Dark Side? Never!!

02-04-2011, 7:12am
I have progressed through P&S (Sony Mavica back in the 1990s) to Canon crop, then Canon Full frame and now the Blad and PhaseOne back is my primary camera. That said the little lUmix FZ35 gets a pretty fair workout too. But I do consider the Blad my primary camera.

02-04-2011, 10:48am
It would have been interesting to see a split between crop and FF.

Second this. Would be an interesting comparison.

Apart from that Canon all the way :D

02-04-2011, 7:45pm
Nikon for me...:th3:

02-04-2011, 8:44pm
Canon here

04-04-2011, 12:09pm
i picked the best brand... ;)

04-04-2011, 12:17pm
Canon. The choice of champions. XD

04-04-2011, 12:29pm
Sony, mainly because I don't like handling a brick when I shoot and I like to be different :D

Bear Dale
05-04-2011, 11:04am
Canon user here.

05-04-2011, 11:10am
am wondering why there are more canon users than others? is it because canon users get more value from their camera?:rolleyes:

05-04-2011, 11:22am
am wondering why there are more canon users than others? is it because canon users get more value from their camera?:rolleyes:

I can't speak for everyone, but in my case, yes, I thought Canon was (and continues to be) better value. They have led the way in shooting HD video with DSLRs, and as a film-maker AND photographer it was like buying a stills camera and getting an HD video one for free. Same goes for every lens. XD Unfortunately, Nikon are lagging in every respect with DSLR video.

In terms of absolute image quality, ergonomics, and auto-focus, however, Nikon has a lot going for it. If I wasn't a videographer, I might have been tempted by Nikon. :)

05-04-2011, 11:56am
Nikon, Canon.....whatever, who cares as long as you enjoy it...........

05-04-2011, 11:58am
Canon all the way for me :D

05-04-2011, 1:03pm
am wondering why there are more canon users than others? is it because canon users get more value from their camera?:rolleyes:

Sheep? Seriously, most of it is about marketing. Canon are a big company and advertise a lot, they make photocopiers, printers and more. It is a brand name people know. They (along with Nikon) have the longest history of many of the camera makers. Nikon is a bit more specific (ever seen a Nikon photocopier).

05-04-2011, 3:11pm
When I was getting ready to buy my first DSLR I think I must have agonised for nearly six months between Canon and Nikon models with the choice finally narrowed to either a Nikon D90 or the Canon 50D. After doing research and reading reviews that all said that both cameras were equally good (each had strong points and weak points but nothing to really put one ahead of the other) I thought my head was going to explode as I see-sawed between deciding on one or the other.

The one thing it came down to was the old "go in to a camera shop and see how they feel" - so I did, and walked out with the Canon. It was as simple as that in the end. :rolleyes: I can't say it was because Canon had a better reputation, as I'd had lousy experiences with not one but two Canon printers and that had tarnished their image for me. Fortunately, I've not had any cause to regret my decision. :)

06-04-2011, 10:59am
Nikon, Nikkormat FT in 1968 and nikon D80 40 years laier 65,000 clicks time for a grease up and oil change! :)

08-04-2011, 8:13pm
Sony, mainly because I don't like handling a brick when I shoot and I like to be different :D

7D with grip + flash + full compiment of batteries + 28-135mm f4 old skool Minolta AF lens ain't exactly light.
Guess that makes it Sony / Minolta / Konica-minolta for me

08-04-2011, 8:34pm
I looked at lenses then played with the bodies. Canon felt the best and most natural for me.

20-04-2011, 9:13am
Oh hey Rick, would it be possible to compare this year's camera brand poll with previous years? It'd be really interesting to analyse the trends over time... :)

21-04-2011, 3:39pm
Pentax here!

I was talking to a little girl at work the other day who wants to do photography at uni.......she doesn't have a camera yet ( can you really build a portfolio with your phone?? ) and when I said what sort would you like 'Canon" was the reply........."why Canon?" I said.........." .....cause my cousin said they are the best "......
I gotta admit I encouraged her to go to a camera shop and handle them all.....the right one will say BUY ME BUY ME!

05-05-2011, 2:04pm

05-05-2011, 5:16pm
My first serious camera was a Nikon. I expect the last serious camera I use most of the time will be a Nikon too.

05-05-2011, 5:29pm
ive had canon {Film}, Minolta { Film}, pentax {digital} and now nikon...I do like the Nikon gear...very well designed system for Photographers...the D300s has the best AF Ive ever used ...Nikon is pricey , and I see that as is its only downfall

09-05-2011, 6:26pm
hard one to pick for me, I use Nikon and Canon for commercial work, it's what my clients expect. But I use Leica, Pentax, Ebony, and Sinar cameras for family events and personal portfolio development. But if I had to pick a camera system that has given me the most enjoyment of the the years it would have to be my Pentax cameras, they make lenses that can't be found in any other lens mount - Leica has had it's ups-and-downs with the M8,M8.2 and M9. Their lens line up is dictated by the frame-lines in their standard rangefinders, but when it comes to Lens speed and quality leica can't really be beaten. Though you can still find some pretty interesting lenses for Leica M and threadmount leica cameras floating around. Though finding accessory viewfinders and lens hoods for the more esoteric lenses can be a major headache, and leave a dent in your bank balance.

09-05-2011, 9:01pm
am wondering why there are more canon users than others? is it because canon users get more value from their camera?:rolleyes:

I had a free choice last year, a fresh start. I researched lenses first, found the lenses that suited my needs best, and that locked in my brand. Canon. :p

13-05-2011, 4:53pm
I use both the major brand Dslr's - but much prefer Nikon's af and noise (even the properties of the noise that they produce) and i love their CLS (creative lighting system) which canon has yet to fully catch up to. canon has a larger f/4 range, is generally a bit cheaper and has a massive lineup of beginner bodies. the system that i really really want to buy into one day is the phase one medium format 60+ or new 80 digital backs...:love0:

15-05-2011, 1:31pm
My first camera was a Nikon FE which served me well for many years, so when I recently got back into photography I went with Nikon again.

26-05-2011, 1:15pm
I'm still on my first (and hopefully only?) DSLR, which is a Canon, after I was using my Canon Powershot for a long time. So I've only really experienced Canon and I'd never have a reason to go with anyone different as I'm very happy with them. :)

06-08-2011, 5:44pm
Been a Nikon man for near 40 years haven't seen the need to alter my allegiance.

07-08-2011, 7:30am
Sony here.
Interesting..on this side of the Ocean Nikon comes first, Canon second and Sony third..
Personally I care more about the quality of the pictures then camerabrands.
But i have to admit that i am a admirerer of the long lasting quality of the Minoltalenses, even compared to modern gear they still match up.

13-08-2011, 8:01pm
I like my Nikon

15-12-2011, 10:14pm
The one thing it came down to was the old "go in to a camera shop and see how they feel" - so I did, and walked out with the Canon. It was as simple as that in the end. :rolleyes:

I did the same, looked at two DSLR's in my price range (Canon 400D and whatever the Nikon equivalent was at the time) and asked plenty of friends etc and in the end it was going into a shop and seeing what felt best in my hand.

My Mum did the same this year when she bought her first Digital SLR and walked out with a Nikon.

I've been very happy with my Canon and now that I have some Canon gear and are used to the way they work I would go Canon again without hesitation.

21-12-2011, 5:21am

We will start a 2012 version about April.