View Full Version : Retirement from AP

01-04-2011, 6:06am
I was going to wait until 10000 posts but based on my current workload in both my professional, family, and photographic career I can no longer afford to participate in AP.

I would like to thank Rick and Kym for putting up with me over the last three years as well as thank every member that has ever helped me or commented on my photos. I've enjoyed my time and learnt a lot. Thanks

I also thank you for you emotional support and donations to heart kids.

I feel that I need a clean break so this will be my last post.

Thanks and keep posting.

01-04-2011, 6:13am
You picked a good day (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_Fools%27_Day) to do it, with the weekend coming to relax

01-04-2011, 6:33am

01-04-2011, 6:36am
Pinch and a punch for the first day of the month!!

01-04-2011, 6:41am
Well I'm glade to see Him go. I think He was just a " Fool " . Bye Bye .

01-04-2011, 6:43am
Well I'm glade to see Him go. I think He was just a " Fool " . Bye Bye .

Ohhh Snap! oooohhhhhh ... no you Didn't!!!! (with a accent:)

01-04-2011, 6:57am
Cheers Darren, the pleasure has been all yours, I am sure.

All the best

01-04-2011, 7:29am
Haha going off you post count Darren, you couldn't live 1 hour without AP ;)

01-04-2011, 8:08am
on any other day this would not be beleived, won't be today either

01-04-2011, 8:21am
You people are all so cynical. I'm so happy Darren, it's great that your business is doing so well, and that you will no longer need to relieve your ennui on AP. Good news all round.

01-04-2011, 8:26am
Per Darren's request his account is now closed

Bear Dale
01-04-2011, 8:31am
NIkon, Pentax and Olympus have just been entirely bought out by Canon :)

01-04-2011, 8:33am
Per Darren's request his account is now closed

You could ban him just to make sure.

01-04-2011, 8:36am
You could ban him just to make sure.

Account closed is basically that, just a different title. Members who's accounts are closed, cannot post to the site.

01-04-2011, 9:21am
Who is kiwi/darren?

01-04-2011, 10:21am
Who is kiwi/darren?

Who is Darren/Kiwi ? :confused013

01-04-2011, 10:37am
Has anyone ever seen this "Darren" person and this " Kiwi " person in the same room at the same time ? Does either one really exist ? After a minutes thought, I have come to the following conclusion. Kiwi/Darren or Darren/Kiwi is due to go HOME. His time here on Earth is coming to a close and His MotherShip will soon be coming to pick him up. All His intergallactic experiments are completed ( remember all the polls ? Hmmm ), and He will be returning to His real home Far Far away. Thats not to say that they wont leave another clone here to take His place. Truth is stranger than Fiction my Friends. Or, Some of us are just plane silly. :D

01-04-2011, 11:34am
I was going to wait until 10000 posts but based on my current workload in both my professional, family, and photographic career I can no longer afford to participate in AP.

I would like to thank Rick and Kym for putting up with me over the last three years as well as thank every member that has ever helped me or commented on my photos. I've enjoyed my time and learnt a lot. Thanks

I also thank you for you emotional support and donations to heart kids.

I feel that I need a clean break so this will be my last post.

Thanks and keep posting.

Is this an April Fools joke??

01-04-2011, 11:38am
Last Activity:Today 9:34am


01-04-2011, 11:39am
Is this an April Fools joke??

We thought so at first, but I've communicated with Darren and he will take a break for a while.
I know we all feel for Dominic, Darren and his family and wish them well.

His account is not closed (that was an April 1st joke).

01-04-2011, 1:45pm
Way to many april fools thread lately...

01-04-2011, 3:16pm
Good riddance to him... his polls were a useless waste of my time anyway. I never read any of them.

01-04-2011, 3:52pm
Way to many april fools thread lately...

Good riddance to him... his polls were a useless waste of my time anyway. I never read any of them.

This is NOT an April 1st thread. Darren is taking a break.

01-04-2011, 4:28pm
:( Take a break Mate and come back in Vengence (Darren) Best wishes to you and your family , I'll even leave you on my Friends list :th3: All the best Bill :)

01-04-2011, 5:03pm
his postings will be missed :)

01-04-2011, 5:08pm
This is NOT an April 1st thread. Darren is taking a break.

My post was not a joke either :th3:

Duane Pipe
01-04-2011, 5:31pm
Well I am glad I did not reply when I first read the first few posts.
Thank you for your CC Darren. :th3:
Take care and my best wishes are with you, Dominic and your family, enjoy the time that you have. Regards Dave.:)

01-04-2011, 5:46pm
Hard to actually believe. This place won’t be the same.
Mongo is placing a add for a “likeable, straightforward, knowledgeable, Nikon obsessive s**t stirrer “ to keep his seat warm until he hopefully returns.

01-04-2011, 6:04pm
Enjoy your break Darren, spend some quality time with your beautiful boys, and come back soon! :th3:

01-04-2011, 6:29pm
Sorry to hear this news Darren but you've gotta do what you've gotta do. I'll miss your posts and just quietly, between you and me, I miss your polls !
Here hoping things take a turn for the better with Dom, you and your family will remain in my thoughts, I hope to see you posting on AP some time in the future. Take care and best wishes

01-04-2011, 6:49pm
Hang on , is this legit or what!? Hmmm

Good riddance to him... his polls were a useless waste of my time anyway. I never read any of them.

l dont believe it ... hang on .. We Now have to have a Poll about the poll and whether its a joke or not and if his returning!?
How do you start a POLL again? :) haha

01-04-2011, 6:51pm
Ask Darren, He knows how to start a Poll :(

01-04-2011, 7:00pm
Darren .... DARREN ... Where far out thou Darren!? :confused013

01-04-2011, 7:19pm
Ah sh!t really? Damn I thought this was an April Fools Joke. You will be missed here mate, hopefully you will be back in the near future, all the best :th3:

old dog
01-04-2011, 7:32pm
all the best Darren......and hope all goes well with The little guy. I`ll miss your polls..:D. they were a lot of laughs..:lol:. Easy for me to say.....but, don`t let all the horrible things in life get to you....not saying they do from how you speak and react in this forum...it`s just that I know one day all this crap that we have to put up with...will stop...:th3:. Cheers polling booth man.

01-04-2011, 8:13pm
Sorry to see you go and thanks for your critiquing I have learnt from your honesty.
Dom will be in my thoughts.

la lumiere
01-04-2011, 8:40pm
Kiwi -All the best.
You certainly gave me something to smile about on bad days.
I appreciate your help, humour and CC.
I hope you return in good time.

01-04-2011, 9:35pm
Kiwi you Seriously gone!?!?! All the best mate and look forward to a return very soon. :)

02-04-2011, 8:09am
Kiwi, can not add to what has been said,so good luck, and come back when you are ready, your honest critiquing and polls will be missed. my thoughts to you and familly.:beer_mug::food04::) ian(aka pappa smurf:costumed70:)

02-04-2011, 8:34am
Looks like he still jumps on the forum:

Last Activity
Yesterday 8:41pm

02-04-2011, 9:17am
Well, I was convinced this was a joke. Good luck Darren and all the best

02-04-2011, 1:23pm
Well, I was convinced this was a joke. Good luck Darren and all the best

Me too although I understand that there are more important things in life than forums and even photography. Best wishes to you and your family Darren and we will 'see' you when you return.

Lesley Bray
02-04-2011, 3:10pm
Best wishes to you and your family Darren

02-04-2011, 3:31pm
Sorry to see you go Darren, but understandable. Thanks again for the sports workshop and the photoshop tutorial you organised.
Hope that things work out and we can see you back again soon.
Best of luck.

04-04-2011, 9:28am
You have given so much to so many, it is only right that the forum takes 2nd place to family. Your family and Dominic especially will be in our thoughts.

04-04-2011, 9:34am
Hope things turn out well. Best wishes.

04-04-2011, 9:46am
eh? oh well considering all then its understandable.

MTFBWY buddy...

no kiwi polls for a bit hey?

04-04-2011, 1:16pm
Wow, I kind of thought it will be a joke...shame Kiwi...I hope you will spend that time well and it will be very productive!