View Full Version : Looking for photo locations at Lake Macquarie

26-03-2011, 6:41pm
My hubby and I have decide to spend a few days at Summerland Point, Lake Macquarie during the next NSW school holidays.
I intend to try and get up for a sunrise shoot at Catherine Hill Bay and possibly Caves Beach. I was wondering if anybody could suggest a good spot for a SUNSET shoot and any attractions that might be worth visiting during the day? I have been googling images on the internet and have found a number of possibilities for the sunset shoot such as Fishing Point, Spears Point, Nords Wharf, Croudace Bay Jetty and Murray's Beach Jetty - there seem to be alot of possibilities but can someone suggest where might the best place be? :umm:

26-03-2011, 10:19pm
Murrays beach is good also Pelican and Squids Ink. We'll have to organise a meet whilst you are up here.

27-03-2011, 5:59am
Dont spread it about Nellie but Sandy Beach at Summerland Point is good for sun sets and only a two minute walk for me :D

Catho is great and what Mat said

Send me a PM if you like.


27-03-2011, 7:41am
Thanks guys. Having a meet sounds like a great idea but I don't know what my hubby will think of it - I am sure he can amuse himself for a couple of hours. I'll PM you both closer to the date, which is April 12 - 14. :)

Alma with Evil
27-03-2011, 7:58am
I am sure you will have a great time and get some great shots.
Derek-C and I will be away from home that week so will not be able to meet up - maybe next time.
Taking my little evil camera to Queensland.


27-03-2011, 9:14am
hmmm weekdays will have to see if I'm working from home or in Sydney.

27-03-2011, 10:13am
It would be great to catch up with you, Narelle. I agree with most of what has been said but will categorise for your benefit:


Catherine Hill Bay - providing the tide is right - otherwise you may find it difficult to get near the base of the old wharf for some decent angles. Fantastic in the right conditions and the wharf may disappear soon so get in if you can.
Caves Beach - nice spot but not really all that photogenic at sunrise IMHO.
Reid's Mistake - also known as Swansea Heads. Good angles across Moon Island at the right time of year. Use the Photographer's Ephemeris to find the best time.
Summerland Point (Sandy Beach) - nice spot but some issues with boats and getting good angles. A pity Derek & Alma won't be there to guide you. Bernie (Big Pix) is also local to this area and may be willing to assist. May be more suited to sunset than sunrise but I'll let the locals confirm or deny that.
Soldier's Point (near Norah Head) - is a short drive from Summerland Point area and has some awesome compositions for sunrise. One of the Hunter AP crew's favourite locations and seldom disappoints.


Murray's Beach - a spectacular spot if you get the right cloud conditions. My first ever sunset shoot with the AP crew was here and it holds a soft spot in my memory.
Marks Point - great elevated position but limited room so better suited to a single 'tog than a group. Drive to the small park at the end of the main entry road.
Pelican - great quiet spot if you know where to get the good angles. It's a wide spread of the Lake Macquarie channel and there are some spots better than others. Local advice and knowledge will help here.
Squid's Ink - easiest access (straight off the highway at Belmont South) and very popular location.
Belmont Bay - another easy location but lots of distractions in the form of boats, etc.
Warner's Bay - right up the northern end near the jetty. Easy access and scope for various compositions but lots of people around at times.
Speer's Point - depending on the angle of the sunset this can be nice.
Fishing Point - faces east so not good for sunsets
Croudace Bay Jetty - never tried it myself but does have the right angles

I hope that helps, Narelle. If circumstances are right and you want company then give me a yell and I'll be happy to show you around; particularly Pelican which is my home suburb. :th3:

Big Pix
27-03-2011, 10:36am
Pelican...... about 20-25 minute drive north, left to lake.....

Sumerland Point.... end of Goverment Road on waters edge......

Soldiers Point.... first turn left at Round about to car park, botton left corner......
there are lots of images of this area in AP.......

Swansea Headland south side.....

Newcastle Baths
Mereweather Baths
and the list goes on......

front page here gives approx times for sunrise and sunset of various locations http://www.flickr.com/groups/sundancers/

27-03-2011, 10:06pm
Thanks Waz and Bernie - great information and examples that you guys have provided to me. I can see that I am going to have a few revisits to the area - luckily I get lots of holidays working at a school. Because of the limited time we have there these holidays I will look at a good map and do a bit of planning ahead of the trip. Just to give me some perspective on distance, how long a drive would it be from Summerland Point to say Spears Point?

27-03-2011, 10:17pm
Just to give me some perspective on distance, how long a drive would it be from Summerland Point to say Spears Point?
Summerland Point is about 15-20 mins south of Pelican and Speers Point is about 20 minutes north of Pelican (I work everything out from home base :D) That means the total trip should be about 40 minutes, traffic lights and bridges permitting (Swansea bridge does go up at the most inconvenient times - now there's another nice spot for a photograph or two). :p

28-03-2011, 6:15am

Sandy Beach is for sunset,not sunrise as Waz said.

Also when traveling Nth on the highway between Summerland Point and Swansea there is a speed camera so be careful :D

Swansea Bridge will open but only on the Hour if there are boats waiting to go in or out.


28-03-2011, 6:35pm
Thanks for the heads up on the speed camera Derek - It would be ok if I am driving but if hubby is behind the wheel he will speed just a bit.....maybe I won't tell him about it and he might eventually get the message. :efelant:

11-04-2011, 12:53pm
I will be doing a sunrise shoot of Catherine Hill Bay on Wednesday, 13th April if anybody wants to join me. I plan to get there at 5am if I can get out of bed.

11-04-2011, 6:10pm
Count me in Narelle, hope it is a better sunrise than the one last Saturday.

11-04-2011, 6:58pm
Great Mat - I'll PM you with my mobile no. I believe there is a car park from looking at google maps - would this be the best place to mee?

11-04-2011, 8:51pm
no probs Narelle, I've PMed you with a link. I hope there is more colour in the clouds this time.