View Full Version : What do you photograph and why?

23-03-2011, 6:43pm
I shoot birds.

I photograph other subjects like bugs, my boy(Mr Dooba aka James my dog), the occasional sunrise, anything that catches my attention but my main focus in photography and life:o is bird photography. I have a great love for birds which started when I bought my 70-200/4 IS and noticed a bird in a palm tree in my front yard. I shot the bird posted the photo to get an ID and the rest is history. Now I spend the majority of my time photographing birds, editing the photos and looking at bird photos on a couple forums and researching new and likely spots to well...... ummmmm.... photograph birds. I've spent a fortune upgrading my kit to very bird specific gear and I'm considering a new lens but I won't go into that;)

Birds are amazing IMO. They are everywhere if you take the time to notice and they can FLY!!!! I love to watch them hop and flit about, hunt, interact with each other and interact with their environment. I find it very relaxing to be outside at peace with nature and capturing these beautiful feathered creatures and sharing the photos with others(even if they aren't the best).

Do you have a subject matter which is your main focus photographically and why do you choose to photograph it?

23-03-2011, 7:01pm
:) Dont have a real genre that I shoot , Basically I'll shoot anything , Still have'nt found my Forte, I dont post all my shots on this Web Site , But I have an interest in Landscapes/Seascapes, Photo journalism , Macro , Flowers , Abstract , weddings , Sport , Bugs and Architectural(Elements of Design) , B&W and Portraiture , Pretty well anything :)

old dog
23-03-2011, 7:33pm
my name is Graeme and I`m a photoholic....:D. I`ll have a go at anything as I`m really interested in being as good as I can be.

Mr Lensbaby
23-03-2011, 7:47pm
Near every thing apart from animals and weddings;)

23-03-2011, 8:15pm
Well, mainly sport, but also family, weddings, portraits, events

Hardly ever macro or landscapes or architecture but i like those genres

I'll give anything a go really

23-03-2011, 8:24pm
Mainly flowers and animals. That is because I cannot get humans to sit still and pose for me :D

I love to do portraits. It is a great failing of mine as even when I take images of plants and animals I mostly find myself in close looking at a head and shoulder look. I cannot take landscapes at all, I simply do not 'see' it, I want to focus on the lone tree and not the great valley behind it!!

I love birds also, they are so brilliant. Work keeps me from being able to hunt them (in a nice way) more often.

23-03-2011, 8:50pm
Well, mainly sport..........

Darren, Why do you shoot sport? Are you a lover of sports?

23-03-2011, 8:53pm
I cannot take landscapes at all, I simply do not 'see' it, I want to focus on the lone tree and not the great valley behind it!!

I love the way people see the world differently.

23-03-2011, 8:57pm
Darren, Why do you shoot sport? Are you a lover of sports?

Yes. And I reckon I'm good at it and find it very relaxing when I'm in "the zone" (yes that sounds very ####y) and as a dad if four boys I'm there watching them anyhow most Saturdays

I think it's very important that you have a passion about what you are photographing so much so that you'd still be there looking or involved even if you were not a photographer

23-03-2011, 9:06pm
I prefer landscapes. Why you ask? I'll try to answer that...at least for myself :)
1) The nature is so varied. It has literally everything. Why should I invent something then?
2) when I was a child I liked to draw. I was very good at copying, but not as good at making something from my mind. So Landscapes are perfect here - I must come and get what's already there and just copy it as I see. Convenient, isn't it?
3) It's a challenge! To wake up at 3am, to climb a mountain, to get wet from waves... I never had motivation to do all sorts of extreme sports or activities as it was senseless. Until I met my first camera :)
4) I love sunrises. They are soooooo powerful, then clean me up, they fill me with energy, they give me lots of emotions and impressions.
5) Landscapes are something "global" with big scale - they look great on my desktop or on the walls
6) I like structure in my life. That is why it is an unbeatable pleasure to find some structure in the outer world, to build a composition from what's already there
7) I like silence. I usually travel alone. It's time to be with myself.

well.. I understand that some of these points can be used with other genres, so still not sure why :)))

most of all landscapes I prefer seascapes. Why?
EASY. According to astrology I have lots of planets in Water Zodiac constellations, including Venus, which is related to Art :D

Big Pix
23-03-2011, 9:11pm
I like to shoot it all, because it's there........ all you have to do is look...... just have to remember to look behind as sometimes you can miss some great images :D:D:D

23-03-2011, 9:20pm
I like to photograph nearly anything :-

Birds - but until I get a bigger/longer lens I am limited to the Nikon 105mm. I find them quite a challenge as they don't sit still very long. BIF better still.
Cars - because my husband is a car nut and they have been part of my life for 40 yrs. So if I get bored while he's talking more (and more) cars, I can take off photographing. Hoping to get more creative though and not be shy.
Love old buildings and flowers (just need to get out more).
I find most people shy away from having their photos taken including family (I'm working on it) so portraits are near the bottom of the list. Now I'm hoping to do better than the happy snappy family photos.

23-03-2011, 9:31pm
I guess the main area i take pictures is macro insects / spiders. Why I do this is becuase i enjoy looking at the interactions in the insect world and all the amazing details of the insects which you cannot see without a macro lens.
I also enjoy shooting birds, and hopefully when there is some good weather go track down some kestrels.
basically, if there is a chance to capture a moment a get a nice picture, i'm in, regardless of the genre :)

23-03-2011, 9:52pm
. Why you ask? I'll try to answer that...at least for myself :)

Ultimately that's the only person you have to answer to:)

23-03-2011, 10:15pm
Love photographing kids, love doing portraits and candids alike. I like doing land/seascapes, but wish I lived on the west coast to get beautiful sunsets, not a morning person lol

I'll shoot anything really...I do love shooting water too.

23-03-2011, 10:19pm
i have only been taking photos since late last year but I have fallen in love with macro...anything up close and personal (to me) is fascinating. Flowers are my first choice mostly because of the infinite variety of colors, shapes, etc. The more I do, the more I want to learn:) I am doing the 52 challenge and all but one photo has been taken with my macro lens which is on my camera nearly all the time.
I like taking landscapes but am not very good at it and would like to get into birds but I don't have the gear for it yet.
I have no interest in portraits or people photography at all....I think that is the beauty of photography...there is something for everyone:)

23-03-2011, 10:22pm
I'm starting to lean more towards motorsports..... I find myself checking the local track website for events coming up.

But I also like the odd city/landscape shot.

23-03-2011, 11:51pm
Hmm, where do I fall. Probably into the category that will take a photo of anything, to capture a mood, a feeling, a vibe or whatever it might be (ranging from journalistic to abstract to natural). Sure it doesn't always work out but I find myself composing shots even when I don't have a camera with me.

That being said if I had to narrow it down i'd probably choose three categories.
1. Stormscapes/Storm Photography: Can involve everything from people and lives through to the majestic power of a dynamic natural landscape. I guess part of the attraction is that given the exact same ingredients on different days the atmosphere can do whatever the hell it likes....no two storms are identical. Which keeps me coming back to understand what I am seeing. I guess this also is attractive as its a passion, and a profession and exhibits the raw power of nature.

2. Natural Wilderness/Landscapes: I like to play around with odd ideas in this setting, get out and experience the silence and solitude of being amongst the wilderness and away from the more crowded places on our planet. The variety of different features in the natural world means that I don't think i'll ever stop hiking and looking, and like Coldblood Landscapes are just one of my favourite things.

3. Weddings. Hang on I hear you say, did you just say weddings? Yup. Above all photography of people I find this the most amazing and intriguing study of the human psyche and the complex interactions between human beings. You have the genuine emotions which flow on the day to see and put into pictures, but you also have that almost false reaction/emotion that comes with being around people you may not necessarily enjoy the company of. It means that its completely diverse to shoot, but at the same time very rewarding to shoot. Sure its a job for many, but I wonder how many really enjoy it?

24-03-2011, 1:21am
Sports for me, as I play a lot of sports myself originally I wanted to get some good shots of myself and my mates its now blossmed into a real love of photography. Although I still enjoy taking landscapes, having a photoshoot with the boys to get "that shot" is not only fun but really rewarding.

24-03-2011, 7:45am
I like Old Dogs discription. A " Photoholic " . I'll try almost anything too. Favourites would be, Birds, Macro, Sea/Landscapes. But try to keep an eye out for anything that looks like an opportunity.

Ms Monny
24-03-2011, 8:24am
I am only new to Photography after picking it back up from a long time away from the lens.

I absolutely love architecture, people (not formal but more the average Jo Blo on the street or in different countries), landscapes and cars. I enjoy bold colours and unusual perspectives/angles.

That being said, I personally haven't been out there alot to do these....I did go to Clipsal V8's on the weekend and it blew me away and I didn't want to stop photographing cars. We are in a car club, so I will have many opportunities to do this during the year.

I need to get into the city BY MYSELF (not with kids!) to walk around and get all those interesting buildings and people. Even to meet up with someone who likes to take photos would be good (safety in numbers).

I am always looking out for a photo opp even if I don't have my camera! I tend to travel the same roads back and forth (to work and to school), so sometimes I need to get out on the weekend and go a different route looking for interesting things.

24-03-2011, 9:10am
Not sure I've shot enough yet to really qualify, but I hope to focus on landscapes, nature and astro. I'm with ColdBlood for all the same reasons, especially the 'drawing as a child' thing; I was exactly the same. But more than that I've been in the wild since I was a kid, hiking, camping, climbing, kayaking, sailing etc. You see so many wonderful sights...mother nature provides astonishing scenes herself and I love to capture all the feelings from a seascape sunset to an early mist over a Scottish moor. Beautiful.

Plus, I'm dreadful at portraits! Can't do em; thy never come out well and again similar to ColdBlood, trying to create a picture (setting a pose for example) is so much harder than capturing what's there. Bring on nature and wildlife and the moon and stars, love it :-)

24-03-2011, 4:04pm
Do you have a subject matter which is your main focus photographically and why do you choose to photograph it?

At the moment I'm not shooting much of anything, but my photographic interests include seascapes, landscapes, cityscapes, portraits and still-life.

When shooting 'scapes, I'm fussy about light, opting for dawn and dusk (and surrounding times) or complete darkness.

I like the light, the effect of long exposures on clouds and water, and the sense of space and place.

Re portraits, people are interesting, and their eyes can tell a story or convey an emotion.

Like many I started by shooting anything and everything, but I eventually found what I liked, and also found what I didn't like. There are some subjects I won't shoot at all, as I have no interest in them, either as a person or as a photographer.

My view is that the most successful or pleasing images are those captured by a skilled photographer who has engagement with the subject.

24-03-2011, 6:25pm
I like action, and a i like to freeze it so I can appreciate that moment.
First showed interest in photography when i would start taking the camera off my dad because i thought he wasn't doing a good job, haha.
But some time later, developed my interest more when i wanted to photograph large swells hitting the coast.
When i see large surf, with people out there braving it, I am fascinated by it, and love to capture it to share with others.
Probably helps that I enjoy surfing myself.
And from there i think i developed my appreaciation for light, and all things beautiful. (sounds lame :p)
Still don't think there is a better view in the world than when you paddle up over the shoulder of a wave, watching a spitting barrel curling towards you with someone inside.

24-03-2011, 8:32pm
At first i thought i was going to shoot birds,then i found i really enjoy taking candid shots of people,
because no two pics will ever be the same,whereas in landscapes, its all been done before.

24-03-2011, 8:38pm
At first i thought i was going to shoot birds,then i found i really enjoy taking candid shots of people,
because no two pics will ever be the same,whereas in landscapes, its all been done before.

Still, no two images will be the same.

Photographically, there's very little that hasn't already been done before.

24-03-2011, 8:38pm
I like photographing almost anything - I am getting a lot of practice trying to get a good pic:) I am not so keen on portraiture/people shots except the grandbabies:) So in the last 3 weeks I have shot a Baby Shower, Hens Night, part of a Wedding & have a pregnancy shoot on Sunday - all love jobs.
By far my favourite is Macro I am realy interested in the fine details of flowers, bugs etc. Top of my wish list is a Macro lens.

24-03-2011, 11:00pm
After discovering the joys of a 50mm prime lens, I am re-addicted to shooting... anything. last weekend was a body building show and some post-production fun. This weekend there is an 18th birthday, a horse shoot and a nature group, with a dash of seaside and some product shot practice. I am having such a good time that I don't want to come down! I even take my baby to work and shoot every chance I get. Yep I've got it bad, but it feels soooo good!

Art Vandelay
25-03-2011, 12:41am
Interesting thread mrDooba

I deal with people all week, the last thing I want to do during the off time is deal with more people.....unless they're doing something fast or exciting. So glamour, portraits, wedding etc are last on the list. In fact I'd probably burst into tears and curl up in the fetal position if I woke up one day and realised I was a wedding photographer. lol.

My personal escape is to nick off in the 4wd or boat for a day,, or 2, or 3. Usually to a secluded fishing spot, either on my own or with a mate or 2. Which also suits the photography agenda as it leads to nature, wildlife, birds etc. I've only recently taken photography a bit more serious due to the prompting from a couple of mates. One does regular articles for one of the fishing mags, the other does a fair bit of random freelance stuff and stints as a presenter on Nat Geo TV. I'm glad they kept throwing me their gear saying, here have a go of this. It took a while, but it's got me sucked in now.

25-03-2011, 12:45am
I'm a newbie so I shoot anything..and everything..I find I go through phases though. For eg. when the ferris wheel came to Geelong, I was keen to get some shots..which turned into weeks of night photography. Then I visited a friend with a totally gorgeous 1 year old, so that turned into weeks of portraiture..some posed, some candid. While I was over there visiting I was playing outside with the little miss and she was in awe of a little family of bugs in her backyard...so the macro lens came out and I spent weeks in gardens. Have recently been doing a lot of weekend traveling to Bendigo .. I usually head home around the same time on a Sunday and for weeks I always seemed to be in the same area during sunset..vast open paddocks, deep magenta/purple sky, and it looked amazing every time..so that turned into weeks of trying my hand at landscape shooting. At the moment I'm in a portraiture phase...next week..WHO KNOWS! :D

25-03-2011, 1:45am
i like to try all types off photography
at the moment i am doing a lot of macro to try and improve my shots
and for the 52 week i am doing a lot of architecture shots
when the local car club meets start again i will be doing them on sundays
cheers macca

25-03-2011, 6:23pm
It would be amazing if everyone who actually replied saying that they actually took photos of this and that also posted these photos to AP..... You know who you are :-)

26-03-2011, 11:39pm
I shoot anything and everything..but i favour landscapes.

theres just something that makes me feel right at home with them, simple yet beautiful. Most weekends if im not out on a job im at the various beaches and mountains in my area taking a sunrise :)

27-03-2011, 3:22pm
I'm a pretty girl shooter. :)

Mark L
27-03-2011, 7:35pm
I'm a pretty girl shooter. :)

So does that mean you take photographs of pretty girls, or you're a pretty girl who takes photographs. :D

27-03-2011, 7:36pm
I shoot these because I can

28-03-2011, 7:22pm
Landscape photographer here! I've assisted with weddings and studio shoots and cannot cope the stress associated with it; however, this is not to say I don't want to learn as I find it challenging and a great skill to acquire.

Taking landscape shots is relaxing and almost an adventure in its own way - researching the location, scouting the location, taking your time to compose the shot then waiting endlessly for the right lighting - I certainly find it more calming than the frantic that is of weddings and fashion shoots!

For example, I waited about four hours to get this shot in Broken Hill:


28-03-2011, 9:11pm
I like to shoot nature stuff and landscapes. I like to get away from it all so it makes sence. Not into sports at all so it's unlikly that that is what i will shoot. I guess that people will shoot what they know and are comfortable with.

James Axford
28-03-2011, 9:56pm
My favorite is people, any kind of people.
every photo is different, a photo no one else has taken.
It's also easy to get meaning from a photo with a person in it.
I also like the interaction.

But I'll take most things like most people here, I just like to take photos.

29-03-2011, 10:16am
I guess, like most, I am an opportunist when it comes to photography. If the subject is appealing I try and capture the moment.

I love shooting people especially candid people/street images. I like to catch the person as natural as possible. I like the wide angle shots of landscapes and ocean that Australia has to offer - not always so easy to capture that golden hour though. More recently I have tried catching images of birds etc which presents a different challenge than the landscapes and give me an other focus between landscapes etc.:)

My greatest chanllenge is to shoot macro. I have tried many a time with my 100mm f/2.8 macro lens but the DOF etc has me beat for now. :(

No matter what I am photographing I just enjoy getting out there most of the time.;)

29-03-2011, 10:19am
Nice one Alan - love the light

29-03-2011, 11:11am
Like most people, situational depending on where I am - for example, in Shanghai I try to get shots of the culture and architecture. And I tend to take macro shots when I'm standing around waiting for my wife, which is often enough that I'm losing the battle within myself about spending money on a decent macro lens that I don't need tubes or whatever for. That (and looking at some of the examples on the forum) has developed into a fascination with macro photography.

I'm also learning, so I see a pic I really like on a site like this forum, and then I'll obsess about taking similar shots until I've achieved something worthwhile with it, and then I move on to the next flavour. I'm sure over time that will develop into likes of particular fields of photography.

I amused myself for 6 months (of mixing bands for work) by doing band photography at the same time, with a camera quite unsuited to low light (the G10). I'm now not mixing bands but that is an area I really want to revisit with the proper gear (another reason to invest in that f2.8/45mm panaleica macro lens, damnit).

I am jealous of street photographers. I feel so guilty about taking shots of people like that, and it is compounded in China where they're obviously so much poorer. I feel like they think I'm taking advantage of them. And yet, it is an essential way to capture the culture of a region - you just have to take close pics of people. I'm trying to make the 100-300mm lens work for that, it gives me distance from the subject (and the guilt) but the perspective is flat and other stuff keeps getting in the way, so it is a little disappointing. I read somewhere about one guy who uses a really wide lens, making it look like he is taking a pic of something next to the person(s) he is really shooting, combined with the fairly cool distortion you get from close shots with wide angles. Someday I will give that a shot, but the 7-14mm is a long way off yet, I suspect.

29-03-2011, 6:03pm
Bugs n birds. Although lately i have a thing for stationary cars too.... basically i shoot anything tho. :)

Mainly bugs n birds....

Sent from my TR718D

29-03-2011, 7:01pm
Like a lot of people I shoot a lot of things. I make money from people and landscape photography but enjoy wildlife and birding.

29-03-2011, 11:32pm
I like to shoot nudes, mainly non professional models as there's something I like 'bringing out' of people when trying to turn them into an art work.

I like details, particularly abstracted architecture (Im an architect by trade) and general abstraction imagery (also of nudes as landscapes)

Landscapes from time to time as it forces me to take in the place where I am more deeply.

ummm, looking at them all written down, theyre all kind of overlapping huh?

30-03-2011, 7:34pm
ummm, looking at them all written down, theyre all kind of overlapping huh?

Yes, well it would appear that you have a love for the naked body;)

02-04-2011, 12:04am
Mainly landscapes, with a preference for waterfalls/moving water - bit cliched but that's what I like. I also shoot downhill Mountain Biking where my son is a competitor - haven't had a chance to do the latter since getting my 5DII - looks like the boy has realised he needs a car to get around, not a bike.

13-05-2011, 7:23pm
While im just a beginner I love portraits and nice places with people as the subject. I've tried to do photography of places or things but it just doesnt make me feel as proud as when I get a great shot. Only issue is that im missing willing subjects (kids have no choice). I know some beautiful people but it feels creepy asking them.

13-05-2011, 9:47pm
I like to shoot motor x and aussie rules football (mainly my kids teams). I try every now and again to shoot landscapes but i just don't have the patience to do it. I have also done about 5 weddings for friends and struggle with the pp (I can't sit still for that long so my wife has to do most of it). I post up very occasionally (not enough i know Kiwi)

16-05-2011, 9:38am
I think we suffer from the same 'affliction' Chris, as I too am an avid bird photographer. I love nothing more than spending time amongst and photographing birds. Their personalities, brilliant colours and wonderful shapes make for such an interesting photographic subject.

Lance B
16-05-2011, 9:56am
I'll take photos of anything within reason, jack of all trades, master of none. :)

However, I do mainly concentrate on birds, animals in general, landscapes, family, pets and portraiture when given the chance.

18-05-2011, 10:10pm
Hi as most people have said I shoot just about anything that takes the eye, plus a lot of the grandkids. But mostly I seem to enjoy the challenge of capturing low flying fast aircraft at airshows, why? because it`s difficult also I use Pentax gear which most experts will tell you are fairly useless for this because of their "slow" autofocus and frame rate (experts annoy me).
Plenty of photos of the Catalina because I`m a HARS member and often crew the Cat when she goes to airshows.

19-05-2011, 5:47am
Insects insect insect, I live on 25 acres of bush land so I'm photographing every day to see what insects we have on our property especially as we use no poisons.
I also love top photograph Birds and trees and sunrises and sunsets BUT mainly Insects.

19-05-2011, 11:07am
Pretty much anything except people. :)

Haha. Not 100% true, but close. I like taking shots of my wife, but as she doesn't, it rarely happens, apart from holidays. But generally, I go out of my way to make sure any photo I take has no trace of a human in it. :)

I love landscape and seascape shots most, and have taken photos (albiet most are quite average) of most of the NSW coastline over the past few years. The funny this is, as I learn more about photography (with a hell of along way still to go) I figure I'll probably have to re-visit everywhere I've been, to get a good shot of it.

But yeah, I love scenery shots and photos of my pups first and foremost. Other than that, I like to capture ANY animal I ever see in the wild, assuming he/she will stick around for a photo. I like marco shots a lot, but don't take as many as I want to... not sure why - harder to see a great photo in them? I've recently taken a few shots at night too, which I've always been interested in but never really done much of. I'm not picky, though. Any scene that I think looks interesting, without people in it, I'll take a snap if I have my camera on me.

Love getting out for sunrise and sunset too, for my landscape / seascape shots. Sunrise not so much in winter, though. lol.

Oh, and I took some photos at my brother's wedding, and then another wedding on Castaway Island in Fiji, that my wife and I went to this year. Not overly happy with the photos at all and would not like to make a habit of it.

19-05-2011, 11:47am
Like some here I have yet to find my niche in photography! When you're my size niche's that fit are a distinct rarity! :D

I like landscape/seascape photography, especially sunrise/sunset when the opportunity presents. Macro and birds also interest me but I'm not really either equipped or experienced enough for either at the moment. I'd like to do more of both for sure.

My passion, though, is people and portraiture in all its forms. The little I've done has been very rewarding and I'd like to do much more but there are so many hurdles ... time, people with the inclination to pose, the "creepy asking" thing, the lack of any studio gear, etc. None of these are insurmountable obstructions of course, and I'll get there one day, but whenever it happens it won't be as soon as I'd have liked! :p

Interestingly enough I do NOT like shooting sports, or cars/planes/boats, or animals and pets (mine excepted of course), or buildings either for that matter. I'm really not sure why that is, and I certainly admire those who do shoot them and do it well! Who knows? :confused013

22-05-2011, 4:14pm
I just take photos, I dont have a genre I like, I thought it was Flowers but now I shoot anything. I want to hone my skills and be well rounded.

I would love to be like a Ken Duncan or Steve Parish and just take remarkable photos of our great country and make money doing it. However I can only dream at this stage

BTW great Thread

23-05-2011, 3:06pm
I am still searching for my niche and along the way I have discovered that I love to fill the frame ..

23-05-2011, 4:25pm
Landscapes and architecture are where I find my joy... however I think its mostly because I shy away from things that move.

My current challenge is water-blurring without over exposing.

23-05-2011, 6:21pm
I haven't been in this hobby for long enough to work out exactly what I like most (having not tried certain aspects), but at this point I would say that landscapes, wildlife and travel interest me the most.

The former two have gone hand-in-hand with the latter since I got my D90 and the bug, as I have mostly been to national parks in that time. The idea of capturing a land- (or sea-) scape good enough to hang on the wall is my first holy grail. Right now I've an obsession with panoramic landscapes, ever since I discovered how easy it is to stitch with modern PP software. Unfortunately I only have half a tripod atm, so my opportunities are limited. I'm also keen to try my hand at night/astro, once I get my legs!

Why? I'm not sure. Perhaps because that's what I've been practising the most up until now?!? I enjoy the outdoors, so capturing that scenery in a photo is interesting to me. It's a reminder of what's waiting out there!

But I haven't written off any other genre just yet... although I don't think I'll ever be an avid bird-watcher... sorry... :o

23-05-2011, 8:12pm
I've started a project recently after thinking about it for way too long. The goal is to shoot triptychs of properties before demolition, once cleared and then after they've been redeveloped. None of the images or triptychs are complete until developments has finished and all 3 images are shot, easier said than done and I haven't finished one yet. It's clearly not a 5 minute job. In fact it's extremely difficult to shoot them at all some times, with parked cars, traffic, signs, people, weather etc. Some of these will take years from go to whoa. But what the hell, it's good to have a hobby!



The web site is goneforeverproject.com (http://goneforeverproject.com/)


Flat Cat
23-05-2011, 8:40pm
I love shooting bands, live events and night shots of the city, light art and anything that is pretty or shiny at night. Shadows and plays of light fascinate me.
When doing band gigs I find that I love getting up on the stage and getting that interaction of the band members. trying to get something that most people can't or won't get. Dunno. It's just fun. I could see myself doing it alot. :music05:

I like to go camping, so I find I like shooting wildlife and outdoor elements.
I find just straight landscape a bit boring, so I am usually shooting that funny shaped leaf, the stack of rocks or the silhouette of the people on the beach.

24-05-2011, 7:55am
The goal is to shoot triptychs of properties before demolition, once cleared and then after they've been redeveloped.
Very interesting indeed! The passage of time has always fascinated me, and this is a great way to document it! :th3:

Since we've moved into our unit almost 10 years ago, we've seen all 3 of the adjoining properties behind us redeveloped. Sadly, they've all been Federation houses knocked down and replaced with tiny, ugly units. But that's Sydney for you.

Next time I'm out and about in the neighbourhood, I'll have to keep an eye out for a pending demolition!

24-05-2011, 11:39am
I will photograph anything that doesn't run away from me. Oh, I will photograph the things that run away from me too.

Seascapes, buildings, bridges, old stuff, new stuff, unusual stuff - and now I had added people. :D

cam bicknell
24-05-2011, 7:34pm
I started taking photos when backpacking to document my travels and still enjoy travel photography but have had less opportunity of late. Combining seeing new places with taking photos definitely makes me happy.
Have done a couple of shoots with friends who are very good at their chosen sport and had a blast doing it especially thinking of new shots/angles to try in the lead up and then working out how to do it and selecting locations.
I enjoy landscape photography.
I am not good at photographing strangers as I feel rude and intrusive and can't bring myself to ask if it's ok.
Abstracted macro done well amazes me at how the photographer sees it beforehand.
I never thought of myself as creative in any way before getting into photography so it's nice to find a new aspect to the same old me.
More than anything I take photos of my son now.


25-05-2011, 12:07pm
I am new to the DSLR game. But I enjoy shooting landscapes (including panos) and macro. I work in the Kimberley so I will soon be taking some pics of star trails...