View Full Version : The new wedding guest

18-03-2011, 2:15pm
Take a look at this post: http://tiffinbox.org/the-new-wedding-guest/

It talks about guests with cameras at a wedding.

The article is so true and I see it all the time at weddings. Guess there is nothing you can do about it :(

Actually I got a very good example I can share. The client walking down the isle with the guests all seated on the sides and ready to shoot some streamers. I had my wide lens on so I could capture both the clients and the guests with the streamers flying at them. As the client got to the start of the red carpet a guest decided to take his dslr out and stand right in the way. So now I got 10-15 images of him in it while everyone else is seated!!! Lucky i could crop, but now for the shot I loved I cant include the guests in it as its ruined!!
I was pretty angry that whole night :(

old dog
18-03-2011, 3:14pm
A very interesting read. Read all of it and have seen exactly what the problems are. I took quite a few shots of a mates daughter`s wedding, last year and most of mine were much better than the pro. Big deal. But the people who do poke out the aisle with the cams are an annoyance. I reckon asking people, on the invite, to desist taking pics during the entrance and ceremony is a great idea...and one I will suggest to the couple of a future wedding I have been asked to do. Family thing, a couple of years off so maybe by then I can take better shots....like a pro :D

JM Tran
18-03-2011, 3:28pm
shite article honestly, I shoot full time and the article didnt really factor into the long hours of editing, and meetings, and some other stuff - just came out of a 6 hour meeting before for upcoming shoots for magazine. Whole day work already and I didnt even touch a camera or a mouse.

19-03-2011, 1:30pm
No no the reason i posted this was showing the new wedding guests with their cameras and coming in the way or not being interested in the wedding at all. That's the main reason I posted this.

16-05-2011, 9:03am
So was at a wedding the other day and when the bride walked in I noticed atleast 30 people with digi cams shooting away!! Instead of capurting smiles I saw peoples blank faces with a digi cam in front of them!!!

Such a shame :(

16-05-2011, 9:13am
I agree it is annoying, but, not sure what you can do about it. Everyone with a camera phone wants their own picture of everything as if they cant recall the event using someone elses images.

16-05-2011, 10:01am
It's not dissimilar to going to a music concert these days and people sitting/standing there recording it on crappy phone or compact cameras instead of enjoying the show they've $100 +/- for and distracting everyone else with the 'glow'.

16-05-2011, 10:07am
We film a lot of weddings and you'd be surprised how many togs, pro or otherwise believe a flash is 100% necessary to use all of the time inside. No lets use available light and capture the ambiance. Since the advent of HD digital video every flash puts a nice horizontal bar across our film which can't be edited out. I personally abhor indoor ceremony flash as it distracts from the ceremony, its generally unnecessary and ruins HD film.
Can you shoot ceremonies without flash, yes because we do it all the time if we're shooting stills.
I could rant about guests and their actions but sadly its something we have to work around. Maybe we should have a thread whats the worst thing happened whilst shooting for a client- probably been done many times before but its always good to get these things off your chest :)