View Full Version : Pano probs

14-03-2011, 9:43pm
Im trying to stitch a six shot pano from Hopkins fall in full fliight earlier in the year, The first three shots are all shot at the same ISO but the second 3 are higher. Does anybody have any advice for fixing the second half before I stitch both halves together?

Cheers Dan

15-03-2011, 5:28am
What software do you have at your disposal?

15-03-2011, 7:29am
What do you need to fix? Is it just exposure or noise?

15-03-2011, 11:13am
Rick I am using Photoshop CS4 to do my PP and stitching(Stiil a noob) and James its exposure that is the problem.
Here is one I tried last night, the left half is where im having trouble,


Cheers Dan

15-03-2011, 1:16pm
Hey, Dan.
I had a look at the image in Adobe CS2. At the exposure levels posted here it is just noticeable, but then I thought you hadn't finished adjusting levels, so I did some "finalising" tonal changes then went to work on the more noticeable discrepancies in exposure. The two areas I worked on were the clouds and the foamy water just left of centre. Here are the steps, and the result is below. Hope it helps, but it demonstrates the need for constant exposure across the whole scene. Am.
Steps in Adobe CS2-
Shad/Highs: 50, 25; 50, 50 only
Burn tool: Brush 65, Highs 20%, 1 pass over brightest clouds; Midtones 10%, 2 passed over same area.
Dodge tool: Brush 65, Highs 10%, couple of passes over the duller foamy water; Desaturate tool, 10% a few passes over same.

(Gee, I hope it looks the same after I post it.)

15-03-2011, 7:52pm
Thanks Ameerat
Looks much better Ill give it a try later.
I just noticed that in my post I said it was the left side I was having trouble with, Its actually more the right side(One to many Coopers last night me thinks). All I had done levels wise was bump up the gamma slightly on the left to bring it in line with the right side, this however has resulted in the trees and grass in the last right hand third being over saturated when compared with the the other two thirds.

Cheers Dan