View Full Version : Courses

13-03-2011, 12:35pm
Sorry, its a little off direct topic, but Im certain that someone on here can give me a bit of direction.

I want to look at getting some sort of formal qualification for web design etc... who, what and where is the best place to start looking.

Obviously its something that I would have to complete online due to my location etc....

13-03-2011, 4:43pm
Can't really help, but if it's a formal qualification then you'll need to find out from the various teaching institutions which ones do correspondence courses in recognised studies. No use just getting some general course that doesn't end up with a recognised qualification. I'd start by identifying what qualification you aim to achieve, and then Google that along with terms such as "correspondence courses". Probably approaching the organisations that run recognised courses and seeing if they have any leads would be your first step.