View Full Version : Help...Camera Control Pro

Adrian Fischer
10-03-2011, 11:05pm
HI All, I have just upgraded to win 7 64 bit an reinstalled CCP2 and worked out to set it up to work in compatability mode so now the camera is detected by the program (PC) but when I take a shot it starts to download then freezes up and the pc shows me a pop up that there is a problem (well derrr!).
So thats my problem how do I get past it. Google hasnt been my friend on this just yet but Im still looking. Not that its essential for it , but I have a baby shoot on Saturday and thats how I normally work. Any ideas.



Adrian Fischer
11-03-2011, 11:40am
update. I was using v2.2 which didnt work. I downloaded trial versiion of 2.8 and it works fine but why have they taken the viewer out of the application and made it so you have to use viewnx2? Seems like a step backwards to me.