View Full Version : Capture One

09-03-2011, 4:10pm
I attended a product presentation recently that was done by a large international 'lighting' company.
It was very interesting and appeared to be excellent gear, although somewhat pricey.

During the demonstrations the results of each shot were sent directly to a laptop and processed before being shown on a large projector type screen.
The software they used was apparently called 'Capture One', has anyone used this software and If you have what does it do that the others dont?

09-03-2011, 4:24pm
Member yadillah, personal friend has used this pro level software for raw processing though I believe he's relying on Lightroom 3 now, you could ask him via the forum

09-03-2011, 4:29pm
This is called "tethered shooting" and besides Capture One a number of other software packages also do this including Adobe Lightroom, Nikon Capture NX, Apple Aperture (I think) and so on. There are some feature capability differences between different packages (besides all the other things each software package does) - e.g. some have basic camera controls (remote shutter release - i.e. trigger the shutter from the computer) and others more controls (e.g. changing aperture and shutter speed fromt he computer).

Note all of these packages (including Capture One) do a lot more than tethered shooting - most are full raw post processing packages with full digital darkroom capabilities.

I've used Tethered Shooting from Lightroom about half a dozen times and it works very well - it's basically a standard USB cable (mini USB at the camera end) to connect camera to computer - note however that most packages only support certain camera manufacturers and models. e.g. Capture One is high end and supports mostly medium format cameras - although it does also support many Nikon and Canon DSLR's.

09-03-2011, 4:47pm
I basically understand the use of a computer to assist be it by USB, cable or wireless.
What I would be more interested in is the actual software itself i.e.Capture One.
Whilst I am told its one that Pro's use for RAW files I would like a PP comparison if possible.
Cheers ;)