View Full Version : Choosing a free/ low cost web Builder- need advice/ recommendations

02-03-2011, 1:56pm
Hi Guys

I have just reached the stage where I would like to setup a website and wanted to get an idea of what builder you all use (if you created your own). I want something that doesn’t lag terribly, and is relatively user friendly. I did a google search of the top 10 free web-builders and the most common returns seemed to be wix, weebly and bluevoda plus a few others that I didn’t look into. What have you all had success using?

Thanks in advance


02-03-2011, 3:23pm
I have used lots of freebie websites and 2 paid ones. The first paid one was a shocker, worse than any ofthe freebies. The problem with some free websotes is that they will operate just fine for a little while then just go offline. Others will change the conditions etc.

Easy cheap (for australia) to buy your url http://australianwebsites.com/

To choose a web host http://www.freehostsfinder.com has reviews and latest uptime listed

I have recently purchased a very inexpensive site at webhostingworld.net and so far so good.

To build my site I use dreamweaver and in the past I have used frontpage but there are heaps of template sites and some of the hosts have web building software. If you are looking for flash albums etc there are template sites and they are pretty easy if you watch their video help. www.wix.com might be a good place to start with free photography / art specific sites and you won't need your own url.
Good luck!

05-03-2011, 9:31am
Hey Imogen I use Microsoft Frontpage 2003 still which is pretty good and I've managed to get by with it for years now but it does give me the @#$@s at times so I've been looking for a new one too.

06-03-2011, 8:41am
I have periodically played with jAlbum (http://jalbum.net/) It is written in Java and runs under most operating systems.

11-04-2014, 3:13pm
Frontpage adds so much weird and unecessary code its unbelievable. Doesn;t mean it won't work 0- it's just..... odd.

For the VERY LITTLE webpage work I have done I have used Dreamweaver. Takes a while to get your head around but is better than FP I think.

Horses for courses.

Not sure about the free ones.

The MOST IMPORTANT thing to do regarding websites (whetehr using expensive or free software) is to sit down with pen and paper and work out how you are going to set it up. What layout do you want on your pages. Where do you want your menu? All those sorts of things THEN you can set up templates and so on.

Much easier than trying to 'do it on the fly'. Trust me.

Oh and get someone with average or lower computer experience to test the site for you before making it go live. That way you'll find if its user friendly and if there are broken links and so on. And once live ensure you fix any reported broken links and errors ASAP.

Oh I just realised how OLD this thread is. Still my post may be of use to somebody.