View Full Version : film scanning issue

21-02-2011, 10:28am
Hi guys

I was scanning some ilford HP5 negs (v700) when one of the squares refused to give me the correct colour, ie, it kept the brown tint in had in the preview. When I tried to correct it using colour balance in PS, it was left with a funny green tint.

I then tried scanning the neg with a normal flatbed, then inverting it and playing around with the brightness/contrast. That created a decent scan.

I've posted the photo on flickr and the original v700 scan (post PS) is in the comments.


Any ideas?

Kevin M
21-02-2011, 6:47pm
this is not a criticism of the image itself ....but rather an observation only in relation to the scanner that has been used here,
I can can pick up the "minor flaws" here to do with the scanners as the image looks a little "soft" ...Its difficult to make a call on how to fix this shot, without seeing a copy of the original printed image - to compare against...apart from a bits of dust//specs in the shot which can be easily cleaned up - overall the image looks quite reasonable to me.
NB: in case there is more than 1 shot the image I looked at was an architectural shot.....

22-02-2011, 9:42pm
that happened i think a bit to me, i think it happened on the bits on the end of negative where it did not lay flat.

With the negative, have you tried just converting it to straight black and white in PS?

22-02-2011, 9:55pm
this is not a criticism of the image itself ....but rather an observation only in relation to the scanner that has been used here,
I can can pick up the "minor flaws" here to do with the scanners as the image looks a little "soft" ...Its difficult to make a call on how to fix this shot, without seeing a copy of the original printed image - to compare against...apart from a bits of dust//specs in the shot which can be easily cleaned up - overall the image looks quite reasonable to me.
NB: in case there is more than 1 shot the image I looked at was an architectural shot.....

I was referring more to the second photo which is in the comments. I'll post it here for convenience. For some reason the scan of a b&w film gave a green tint.

22-02-2011, 9:56pm
that happened i think a bit to me, i think it happened on the bits on the end of negative where it did not lay flat.

With the negative, have you tried just converting it to straight black and white in PS?

this roll of film came back especially curvy for some reason. I'll try converting it to B&W in PS to try, but I shouldn't have to given it's a B&W film to start with.

22-02-2011, 10:03pm
The first image is after I tried to correct the colour using PS and was left with a green tint

The second image is after I tried converting to B&W. a lot of detail is lost.

Maybe there's no answer and I just have to accept this as another one of those quirky things about film.

25-02-2011, 4:59pm
Are you using Epsom scan? There should be a drop down box where you can input what type of film it is. Positive/negative and I think black and white

Kevin M
25-02-2011, 9:51pm
thanks now I see the point, I would suggest the best way to fix these issues is a little adjustments in Photoshop or similiar program....
could I have a go at some adjustments?

06-03-2011, 10:54pm
Are you using Epsom scan? There should be a drop down box where you can input what type of film it is. Positive/negative and I think black and white

Haven't been on for a while, so just saw your replies.

Of Course!! that makes sense and I did leave it on Color Negs because that's what I mostly scan. I have to try it soon. Thank you! I can't believe it's such a simple reason.

06-03-2011, 10:55pm
thanks now I see the point, I would suggest the best way to fix these issues is a little adjustments in Photoshop or similiar program....
could I have a go at some adjustments?

Thanks. Mitgonk above just suggested something really obvious that I'm going to try out. If I still have problems after that I might take you up on that offer. Cheers!

11-03-2011, 10:01am
not a problem!

let us know how you go!