View Full Version : 1000D upgrade to 7D - can 1000D cope with new great glass?

18-02-2011, 8:18pm
Hi Everyone, I started out a couple of years ago with a 1000D twin lens kit. Along the way I've bought a 10-22, a 50 , small and large speedlites and transmitter. Today I jumped in and splurged on a 7D and a 70-200 f/2.8 L IS II :lol: and by the end of the year I'm hoping to buy a EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS. My question is, now that I've graduated up from my low-level twin lenses to more expensive, better performing models, can my 1000D still serve as my backup body, or is it just too basic? Thanks, Amanda

18-02-2011, 8:28pm
Modern bodies can 'cope' with good/great glass. The lenses are much more important than the sensor (in general).

Reasons for a sensor (body upgrade) *may* include:

Better ISO performance
Better DR
Better frame rate (for sports and wildlife etc)
More dials/controls so you don't have to goto the menu so much
Weather sealing
More MP (but this is not that important)
Movies (but not needed for most)
Your a gear junkie (like me) ;)

18-02-2011, 8:35pm
Thanks so much Kym...which lens do you think would be best left on the 1000D ?? I'm not a huge portrait photographer...more landscape and action. :) Amanda

Art Vandelay
18-02-2011, 8:50pm
Defintely run the new lenses on the old 1000D. In fact you'll find it interesting to use them as you'll have a direct comparison with your new lenses against older pics with your kits lenses, without the new body coming into the equation.

Besides, that, It would be quirky to whip out your 1000D with the new 70-200 mkII on it amongst a bunch of gear junkies. lol, such a great contrast of a $100 camera with a $3000 lens.

18-02-2011, 8:53pm
Yeah they will work, but in reality, once you use your 7D you won't want to pick up your 1000D again anytime soon!

18-02-2011, 8:54pm
Laughing very out loud !! I don't think I'd ever have the front to pull that off - but how funny would it be?!?!?

18-02-2011, 8:56pm
Hi ATP - I use the 70-200mm 2.8 L on my 1000D ... waiting on the 7D upgrade too but had to put it of a while longer due to other commitments :( I still manage good racing & equestrian sports shots. As Kym said, generally speaking the glass is more important than the body. It's still worth keeping as a backup... you never never know ;)

18-02-2011, 8:56pm
Yes that's what I thought Etherial - just my backup in case the 7D finally getsso frustrated with me it stops working! But wasn't sure if it was even good enough to keep to use with the much better lenses....

18-02-2011, 8:58pm
Thanks FallingHorse...I hadn't seen anybody talking about 1000D is any posts...thought it must have been too amateur...in fact was a little embarrassed to do this post...so thank you!!

18-02-2011, 9:08pm
Yes that's what I thought Etherial - just my backup in case the 7D finally getsso frustrated with me it stops working! But wasn't sure if it was even good enough to keep to use with the much better lenses....

Yeah I would keep it, it isn't worth much to sell in all honesty. When I upgrade to the 7D I wish I had kept my 450D as a backup. I did get a good price for it though. But then I ended up buying the 50D as a second body, and guess what, it only gets 5% the use of the 7!

18-02-2011, 9:20pm
Thanks Etherial...I only ordered my 7D and 70-200 today ... so still don't have them in my hands yet ...am very excited !!

18-02-2011, 10:14pm
i sold mine a while ago, but bought another one just to take to japan becuase of its small size. I sold it after the trip.
I prfered this over a smaller P&S becuase you get more control. I think it would serve as a nice backup, or second body just to keep a telephoto lens or wide angle lens on.
here are some pictures i took in japan with 1000D. http://s245.photobucket.com/albums/gg60/natural_defence_plant/Japan/?start=all

19-02-2011, 10:53am
Thanks FallingHorse...I hadn't seen anybody talking about 1000D is any posts...thought it must have been too amateur...in fact was a little embarrassed to do this post...so thank you!!

What's the problem with having an 'Entry Level' camera ?
I see and take some very nice photos with an "Entry Level' camera and do not see the 1000D as a 'TOO AMATEUR' camera to talk about or use.
I think the 1000D is a nice camera to learn with and it is capable of taking some very nice photos if used properly and I still take mine with me almost every day and it is better with nicer glass.

19-02-2011, 11:09am
oops, double post

19-02-2011, 11:55am
Your old camera won't take any worse photos, if you know what you are doing with the 1000D, then it will be you that will create the excellent photos, from both camera when you need to use one or the other. It's like saying that the 5DM2 will produce better photos than the 7D just because it's a higher range camera. Point is that either camera could take excellent photos, but it's up to the user to fully know their camera's inside out to get the best end results.

19-02-2011, 12:04pm
The image quality from the 1000D in good light will be almost indistinguishable from the 7D, despite the 1000D's lower megapixel count. When I bought my 5DII I did some comparison shots between it and the 50D and 20D I had previously owned using the same scene and lens. The differences were not that great, a small increase in resolution from the 5DII but not as pronounced as some would like to think.

19-02-2011, 12:08pm
What's the problem with having an 'Entry Level' camera ?
I see and take some very nice photos with an "Entry Level' camera and do not see the 1000D as a 'TOO AMATEUR' camera to talk about or use.
I think the 1000D is a nice camera to learn with and it is capable of taking some very nice photos if used properly and I still take mine with me almost every day and it is better with nicer glass.

Absoluely nothing wrong with an entry level camera. I shot our month long Cup carnival last year with one and never had anyone come up and say "Sorry, you camera is too amateur - you'll have to leave" In fact, I never missed a race finish and only shot 2 or 3 shots at each finish, so rather than machine gun it I have had to learn to trust my timing. But there are instance where I think I would be better of with the upgrade and ocassions where I feel that I have outgrown the 1000D - but I will probably always have a soft spot for it seeing that it's the camera that has allowed me to learn (along with sound advice from fellow AP members)

19-02-2011, 11:00pm
I''ve tried all of my good lenses on my 400D and really can't pick much difference compared the the 7D in actual image quality. The only real difference is the 7D is miles ahead in balance and feel

24-02-2011, 5:23pm
Thanks so much everyone for your feedback...I'm really looking forward to advanced features on my upcoming 7D...but now realise that my 1000D is a great camera to hang on to as my second body! Yes - IT'S ALL ABOUT THE GLASS !! :th3: Cheers x

26-02-2011, 5:14pm
Hi there,

I am sure you will be very happy with your new lens and camera. If you'd like to see what a 7d and 70-200 mkII can do then your welcome to check out this link to my flickr page. http://www.flickr.com/photos/steve-intheframe/

Regards, Steve

02-03-2011, 4:27pm
I have used my 50mm1.2 on a 400d body, and thought that i was experiencing some of the focus issues i had read that the 50mm had, but when i put it on the 5d it was a totally different story; it worked beautifully. basically my problem was that it wouldn't be as sharp as i would have like or i would think i 'had' a certain shot only to discover the focus was way out.

the comment regarding never wanting to use your old body is true though. you wont go back.:D

27-03-2011, 1:35pm
You can also keep your 1000D as a 2nd body so you can switch lenses fast for different focal lengths!

27-03-2011, 5:26pm
Besides, that, It would be quirky to whip out your 1000D with the new 70-200 mkII on it amongst a bunch of gear junkies. lol, such a great contrast of a $100 camera with a $3000 lens.

I did the precise same thing among a few at a local tourist spot. I pulled out my old EOS 5 film camera from back in the day which had my old 28-135mm lens on it and heard a few condescending giggles after they eyeballed my gear compared with their own (as i had a bit of stuff with me including mydigital magamonster 1D in my backpack that they werent aware of because it is a lowerpro backpack and alot fits in snugly and i had the film camera on a hip bag). Next thing i did was take off the 28-135mm and pulled out my 70-200mm L series lens off my 5D MKII camera, threw the extender on her and put it on the EOS 5 and then heard a couple of surprised sounding comments hehehe. I then proceeded to put the film camera away and pulled out my 1D which had the 24-105mm L series lens on it at which i heard not a thing hehehe I t was quite amusing watching them pull their feet out of their mouth :P

27-03-2011, 8:58pm
I did the precise same thing among a few at a local tourist spot. I pulled out my old EOS 5 film camera from back in the day which had my old 28-135mm lens on it and heard a few condescending giggles after they eyeballed my gear compared with their own (as i had a bit of stuff with me including mydigital magamonster 1D in my backpack that they werent aware of because it is a lowerpro backpack and alot fits in snugly and i had the film camera on a hip bag). Next thing i did was take off the 28-135mm and pulled out my 70-200mm L series lens off my 5D MKII camera, threw the extender on her and put it on the EOS 5 and then heard a couple of surprised sounding comments hehehe. I then proceeded to put the film camera away and pulled out my 1D which had the 24-105mm L series lens on it at which i heard not a thing hehehe I t was quite amusing watching them pull their feet out of their mouth :P

A friend was asked, "What crappy old camera is that?" by someone carrying something along the lines of a 500D. Clearly feeling superior with his dSLR. My friend was carrying a M9. Rofl. Oh the ignorance.

27-03-2011, 10:12pm
.... It's like saying that the 5DM2 will produce better photos than the 7D just because it's a higher range camera. ....

Higher range sensor, lower range everything else. ;)