View Full Version : D7000 & ASigma 70-200 OS

08-02-2011, 11:20am
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone owns the D7000 & 70-200mm OS or has tested them to see if they are compatable with each other. My main concern is with the AF and OS System (Optical Stabilization).

Thanks Tim :D

08-02-2011, 11:42am
There is zero reason the would not work together. Sigma make their lenses completely compatible with the camera brand. the AF and OS will work just fine

08-02-2011, 1:07pm
yup, what rick said. no reason at all...

08-02-2011, 2:03pm
No worries guys, thanks again ;)

08-02-2011, 2:21pm
Something was mentioned about AF issues in video and liveview.

your mileage may vary
seems to be intermittent and not totally widespread
so take it with a grain of salt

best to try before you buy

08-02-2011, 2:24pm
When first released, the 70-200 OS lens was close to US$2k or so, and from memory, not all that far off the price of the Nikon 70-200VR(I) at approx US $2k (not VRII).

A few days back, Sigma announced that there was a massive(as in US$500) price drop on that lens due to market forces. and now I see that lens is retailing on the grey dealers lists at less than AU$1.3k!!

I think at that kind of price, this lens will deserve a closer look, if price per line per millimeter is a major factor.
So far, I think there is no doubt that the Nikon variants are sharper but with that price drop, the Sigma looks like better value for money now.

09-02-2011, 9:40am
yes i think i will have to definitly try it on my camera before purchasing.

i have just looked and can pick up a good 2nd hand 70-200mm Nikkor for not much more so might head down that road and save myself the hassle of it maybe working 100%

09-02-2011, 9:26pm
You are best off to go with the Nikon version.. that's a given!
But there has to be some point where allowances have to be made for the difference in price between the two lenses.

The Sigma will work 100% perfectly on any Nikon, there's no issue there. What may be doubtful is how well the lens performs. The lens is sharp, I just had a re look at the SLRGear review of the lens, and it can produce some great results, but it seems to fall down a little at the 200mm end with a wide open aperture setting. The sharp zone in those circumstances looks to be very small compared to the competition(according to their review). At f/4 it looks as good as any other lens in the class.(note DPR's review also confirms this performance)

This is not to say you won't get nice sharp images from the lens tho. It's just something to be aware of.

11-02-2011, 4:26pm
some shops will let you try. I'm going to get one, given the 50-150 will be the same size.

porsche 911
26-05-2011, 5:00pm
Hi guys i have this combo turning up tomorrow has anyone used this lens with the d7000 I'd love to here your comments

I @ M
26-05-2011, 5:13pm
Hi guys i have this combo turning up tomorrow has anyone used this lens with the d7000 I'd love to here your comments

I don't recall seeing any AP members that have the OS version of that Siggy but going by the lens reviews I don't think you will have any regrets as it seems to be better than the earlier versions and they weren't too shabby.
The D7000 has already proven itself and the addition of decent glass only makes it better.

26-05-2011, 6:08pm
Hi guys i have this combo turning up tomorrow has anyone used this lens with the d7000 I'd love to here your comments

please post some images when your ready..im interested to see the results of your new lens/camera combo

porsche 911
27-05-2011, 8:51pm
Everything has arrived in one piece, Can't wait till tomorrow, as a fluke i have been asked to be the driver of a drop off boat for an international offshore paddling race. Apparently i drive ahead of their boat as there racing drop some fresh rowers, some how they swap places with guys in the boat which i then pick up. In between the drop of i cruise along beside them hopefully I'll get some action shots of all this. It starts around 7 in the morning i was going to set the camera on sports mode or "s" any suggestions.

porsche 911
28-05-2011, 9:32pm
Mucking around at home with the new gear hope these links work


29-05-2011, 9:38am
hi porsche 911

your images look a tad OOF to me...maybe camera shake..maybe the Jpeg compression and the hosting site....I tried to download the flower shot..it only came in at 14 KB !!...not too sure whats going on there mate...but somethings amiss ...please try again with a larger file size

porsche 911
29-05-2011, 5:11pm
Hi Tommo not quite sure how to, the files are so large the website won't allow them, i resized them in the software that came with the camera right down to the lowest compression and it was still to high, then after a search of this site i opened up a photo bucket account and it worked but clearly reduced them to far. Any hints for a newby without Photoshop. I'll try again with picture viewer.

I @ M
29-05-2011, 5:19pm
Any hints for a newby without Photoshop.

Download BD SIzer from http://www.idimager.com/downloads/freeware and simply load your original file into the program.

Set the maximum length on the longest edge to 1024 px ( 800 px works well for vertical images ) and then set the maximum file size to 250 kb and hey presto the image should meet all requirements for posting here whether it is attached or linked from another site.
Have a play around with it and see hat settings in the way of sharpening etc suit your shots but remember to leave the "include exif data" box checked as that helps others when they are critiquing your image.

29-05-2011, 5:56pm
Also, watch your exposure.

ISO @ 2000, and shutter speed on 1/1600s. unnecessary waste of 'resources'.

Look into the menu and find Auto ISO and turn it off for now. It's definitely a handy feature to have at your disposal, but if you want to present the resultant images at their best, you need to give them every possible chance of holding up to the scrutineers! :p

As for ViewNX(first of all, update it to v2.1.2 from HERE (http://nikonasia-en.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/6983/session/L2F2LzEvdGltZS8xMzA2NjU4ODgwL3NpZC9EWTJoOTl2aw%3D%3D)) and set the conversion routine to 900pixels on the longest edge and the quality setting at 3/4 or 75%. In general this should suffice for upload to AP, although I don't have D7000 files to work with, so I can't confirm this. My 25-30Meg NEFs seem to convert down to 200Kb jpgs with those settings. Not 100% accurate, and occasionally I get file sizes over 350Kbs, so I get other software onto the task.
When it doesn't work for me, I then turn to FSViewer as an alternative. Basically same deal as BDSizer except it has a very slight advantage in editing an image too.

porsche 911
29-05-2011, 6:27pm
Thanks for the advise I'll give both ideas a go

porsche 911
29-05-2011, 7:35pm
Arthur king Did this work as you would expect

16-06-2011, 1:53pm
great shots^^

just got the lens and works great with the D7000. I will post some pics up soon :th3:

porsche 911
25-06-2011, 9:43am
Hi greenpea looking forward to your first shots, looks like we have the same gear so it will be interesting to see what can be achieved.

27-06-2011, 8:22pm
ok so here are a few sample of the lens for everyone






porsche 911
27-06-2011, 8:38pm
Love the first one If you crop out the Hq on the bottom right of the pic you'll get a better image imho. some times less is more :) great work.

27-06-2011, 10:16pm
looks good..nice work with the panning

28-06-2011, 4:36am
ok so here are a few sample of the lens for everyone


Nice clear images. So this is using a sigma 70-200/2.8 right? I'm looking at buying the same lens although I have the D700 :)

28-06-2011, 8:27am
thanks for the positive feedback guys :)

yes lens used is the Sigma APO 70-200mm F2.8 EX DG OS HSM

i think the exif is hidden through flickr so here they are all with the D7000 (cant edit the orig post)

1. 200mm 1/60th f/6.3 iso100
2. 70mm 1/320th f/2.8 iso800
3. 140mm 1/80th f/11 iso400
4. 200mm 1/60th f/2.8 iso3200