View Full Version : New logo

08-02-2011, 9:45am

i just had a new business photography logo.

Can i get feedback on the logo? ie, on my website etc. Many Thanks..
I feel that this logo suits wedding etc more.



08-02-2011, 11:31am
Sorry Scott, but I didn't get very far past the pink floral background...it overpowers your images, and the image quality wasn't displaying very well on my monitor either. So I didn't take much notice of the logo. :o

08-02-2011, 11:47am
I like the new logo, it is quite stylish. But the pink really doesn't do a thing for me either. However, you need to be asking clients, not us. Remember we will look at your site with the eyes of photographers, not clients, and clients are who you need to impress.

Adrian Fischer
08-02-2011, 11:50am
Im afraid I agree with Lani, that background doesnt do you any favours. The logo itself is ok. Looks like it has a halo around on the splash page though. Also the full screen image on the landing page? Is that your best shot? Again I dont think its doing you any favours. Harsh I know but if I was looking for a photographer for my wedding you would lose me at that point. I dont think its flattering of the couple, in particular her. Of course this is just my opinion.

08-02-2011, 12:25pm
Ditto on the comments about the pink background plus your logo looks quite pixelated on that page. When viewing images in the site itself, the logo has a white halo around it when seen against a dark background.

I don't mean to be harsh but I have to say I don't really like the logo. It looks as though it was created in Word, rather than properly designed. Sorry if that's not the case, but it doesn't have a 'quality' feel to it. Just my opinion, I'm not a designer or anything.

08-02-2011, 12:33pm
ditto the pink. but then i am not person getting married and that might be ok for your market... seeing as its the females that do most of this type of arranging :rolleyes:

08-02-2011, 12:47pm
I like the logo, and as a someone very new to photography thought the photos look fine - would be happy to considered you as a photographer if I was getting married again. I did find the pink a bit much also (sorry), I think even if you just toned it down and made it more pale - as it did distract from your photos.

08-02-2011, 1:13pm
Like the logo, very stylish.

Not sure about the first page of the site. Maybe it's just me, but if I navigate to a web site and it presents me with a 'click here to enter' link, I feel a little annoyed. "I came all this way and you're gonna make me open the door to get in?" :)

08-02-2011, 3:53pm
Thank you all (Lani, Rick, Adrian, Jules, David H, Balance and Davidanoar) for the constructive comments. i really appreciate it.
i will do something about the pink with logo. i will toned it down and made it more pale as Balance suggested.

I used Photoshop to design the logo.

i have reloaded the splash page logo


08-02-2011, 3:58pm
by the way,

this is the old logo...



08-02-2011, 5:24pm
Much prefer the new logo, agree with comments re the pink, also I would probably change the first image, but then I didn't get to see many of your images, I have wireless broadband that operates quite slowly so basically I hate websites that have music and flash as it makes it excrutiatingly slow to load. If you are in the city it probably isn't an issue but in the country there are still heaps of people who cannot access internet at a fast speed.

Your package pricing is confusion as it doesn't state if an album is included (I hope not at that price) or the price if it isn't, you have additional albums listed but not the first copy price. Many brides these days are opting for photobooks especially when hiring a less expensive photographer so that might be worth a thought.

08-02-2011, 5:45pm
My 2 cents worth.....I agree about the pink. A lot of your images have that vintage tone that clashes with the pink. The pink up the sides changes to black in some.....needs to be consistent. The logo I don't mind.........
I also hate flash and music and all that jazz.......I like things plain and simple but that is just a matter of taste and download speed.
Have a look at your grammar......in some paragraphs you are speaking in the first person and then you swap to the third.
Its all easy for me to say cause I got as far as you have with my own! ;)

08-02-2011, 7:14pm
The Logo looks alright, but I would redo it in a program like illustrator. You definetly can see pixelation and halos.
Photoshop is great and a whiz might be able to avoid lettering looking pixelated, but a graphic designer could redo that logo with illustrator in 5 minutes and have smooth edges. (thats what I did with mine, I was never happy with the results from text in photoshop)

08-02-2011, 7:18pm
Scott the photos in the engagement portfolio, you have to put the vertical images in the middle of the page! You have a really nice sunset shot sitting under the text on the left. It just doest look good.

08-02-2011, 8:38pm
Thanks johndom, i will redo it will illustrator.

Jan, thanks. I will add a html option in the splash page and reword the pages.

Sobriquet. Thanks. I will re sort the pricing to make it clearer.

many thanks people.


09-02-2011, 11:03am
Good morning all,

i have made changes about the pink background, can someone please kindly see if this new "pink" is still bothering? if so, i will just change it to a black background (in flash version).
i have added a html site to it as well.

Hope to make more changes tonight to improve viewing.


09-02-2011, 11:21am
while i know this is about the logo, i came across this:

Scott is a Professional Photographer who specialised in engagement, wedding, portrait and events based in South Australia. He travels to regional areas.specialised is past tense. does he no longer specialise in these?

09-02-2011, 12:19pm
also, look at the photos critically as they present



is one of your main splash page but the quality of the photo is abysmal - maybe the way it's beinf resized etc

09-02-2011, 12:24pm
Thanks Ving for the correction.
kiwi, thanks, i will check that out. i have not much control over the html pages as this is part of the package website design that i purchased. Nevertheless, i will sure look into it.


Dylan & Marianne
09-02-2011, 2:25pm
scott, I don't see any pink so I gather you've got rid of it?
as for the site, I'm not sure if the music adds much to it? also, I know nothing about legalities, licensing and copyright but if it's to be used on your website, don't you need to credit the artists or have some form of agreement with them to use it?
A couple of typos as well - when describing your packages you state " you will received" which I'm sure you mean in the present tense rather than past?

09-02-2011, 3:03pm
thanks dtoh, i have made changes to the pink. i will check on the music.
also, thanks for the tense correction.

I even had ""On the day" written as "One the day" earlier...

09-02-2011, 6:42pm
Looks like you've done a lot of fixeruppering before I saw it. I like the new logo, though I'm not sold on where "photography" is placed in it.

I definitely agree, you need to redo the logo in Illustrator, that way you can resize it to infinity and it will never pixelate. Won't bother commenting on other stuff since I've been beaten to it.

I do like the website too, it's interesting and fairly clear-cut and concise, though you might want to rethink your menu colours and fonts since you've changed the logo. You want it to all tie in together. It loads ok, though a bit slow on my machine.

09-02-2011, 11:05pm
I'm really not sure that the solid black & white logo goes with the soft pretty pink background, as well as the harsh black and red menu. It just doesn't seem to all flow together.
I also find some of your photos you've chosen to advertise yourself with a bit odd. There's one of a room where obviously a bride is preparing for her day, but it's a pretty wide shot and there just seems to be mess everywhere, a clothes horse with clothes hanging over it etc. It's not an appealing shot to advertise yourself with (one for the couple's album maybe, but I dont want to see someones dirty laundry when I'm looking for a wedding photographer).
Same with the pig on the spit. I saw that and went 'eww, dead pig!' Again, for the couple as one of their little detail shots, but not on a wedding photographers website IMHO. And dog paw prints on the cement? Again, not sure why it's on there. There's also a handful of out of focus or noisy images which I think could also go IMHO. (Sorry if I sound harsh, I'm just trying to be honest as it wasn't that long ago that I was searching for my own wedding photographer)

However the majority of images there are lovely. think there is potential for a really classy appealing website.
Sorry, I know all you asked about was your logo (much better than your old one BTW!) but yeah, I hope some feedback on your site will help, not that you have to listen to anything I say anyway, i'm just one opinion :)

10-02-2011, 9:00am
Thanks Erin, i will reconsider the colours of the menu but i have no control over the font type.

Hi Gypsy, I really appreciate your constructive comment and i love it. I think i might just replace the pink background with either black or my previous dark wooden background. regarding the comments on the photos, yes, i understand where you are coming from and i seriously will bear that in mind and make changes to the picture selection.


11-02-2011, 10:30am
Photographers are notorious for trying to do everything for themselves. I view the design of your corporate identity as imperative to the success of your business.

I think you would be very impressed with the results a professional designer could come up with.

My 2 cents ;)

22-02-2011, 10:15am
currently the HTML version isnt loading for me at all in Firefox

22-02-2011, 11:15am
Thanks Crafypics for the message,

i just disable the HTML version of my site due to some issue, i will make it online tomorrow.

btw, i like your pictures, i had a look at your site. :)


23-02-2011, 1:10am
I love the idea of the full page gallery. It really adds punch. Though some photos are alittle blurry or have a low quality grain look to it .... Since your selling yourself I'd use only the best of the best you have to put on show as your main gallery images. Quality over quantity i think.

Your logo.... does not do you or your profile any justice. Smooth it out make it "sexy".... also it might help to use a buffer/padding around your logo... move it away from the edge of the browser and the menu a bit ... just to space it out so people can remember the logo and recognise it without any interruptions to it.

It's like 12.45am and i might not make much sense :P So i have done a quick mock up.

This is 1 logo with 1 style on all 3 backgrounds. I use a gradient (2 shades of light grey) and a drop shadow to separate it from lighter coloured backgrounds. On darker backgrounds the drop shadow simply blends in.... Hope this helps a little bit
The yellow background render i have used spacing around your logo... the other 2 not so much, just to show the difference a little space can make.

23-02-2011, 8:55am
Thank you for the information. it is very helpful. I will make changes to your recommendation.

23-02-2011, 9:46am
Scott, you will know very shortly whether your design work has been successful. Bookings will roll in and you will have enough work to keep you busy for a long time. After all, that is your purpose of having a good website, to make sales.
To me, your website doesn't say a lot and if I were searching for a photographer I would probably pass it by (there's a lot of competition out there). I bet if you promoted your uniqueness in words as well as pictures you would corner a very specific market. :)
Before you concentrate on pictures and colours make absolutely certain that the text is really what you want to say and focusses a potential client directly on the product you want to sell them. Being clear and concise with advertising is an absolute necessity.

23-02-2011, 11:49am
Scott the logo is great, but IMO the rest of the site is a let-down. 3 clicks to get to your home page is 3 clicks too many. That photo would then turn most people off. Pages are very slow to load and pages within pages that you have to scroll through are another turn off. Pictures that aren't a pertaining to the text on text pages just take up space and are a distraction, also keep text to a minimum (simple, clear and concise) as people get tired of reading long drawn out speeches. Gimmicky navigation bits and pieces that pop in and out are another distraction. The KISS method works best and will keep people there longer than gimmicks IMO.

23-02-2011, 2:15pm
Thanks Redgum & Speedway, i will change the home page photo soon. :)