View Full Version : Sigma reverse zoom?

03-02-2011, 11:21am
Hi all - just a quick question.

I'm currently looking to get a 24-70 and 70-200 2.8. Thinking about different options, it seems that Sigma zoom rings are in the reverse direction from Canon.

Just wondering
1) Is this correct? One site indicated that >2008 sigma lenses were the same as Canon? Is it manual focus as well as zoom?
2) If so, does this bother you in use? I have read a few posts of people 'missing shots' because they are going from canon to sigma zooms e.g. shooting a wedding with 2 bodies, 1 canon 1 sigma.


JM Tran
03-02-2011, 11:34am
1) thats correct, can put off amateurs when they first use it after coming from other lenses

2) you get used to it, seriously. Missing the shot just comes down to inexperience with it.

03-02-2011, 11:38am
Thanks JM.

Do you know if the post-2008 lenses are still opposite direction? Or are all sigmas the same?

04-02-2011, 9:10am
I have the Sigma 150-500, and various canon lens's, and have never missed a shot after changing form one lens to the other.... would it really be noticeable, as you rotate back and forward to get optimun focus anyway, and looking through eyepiece, I am sure you would adjust accordingly to what you wanted in frame, no matter which way required rotation was.