View Full Version : Question from a newbie

30-01-2011, 10:36am
Hi all,

I am new to this forum and new but addicted to photography.
I have a Canon EOS 1000D, with the standard EFS 18-55mm and an EF-S55-250mm (I dont even know if I have the names right).
Anyway..... I am interested in macros. I have mucked around with one in the store.... and havent stopped thinking about it since.
Does anyone have any advice on this?? I am mainly interested in portraits and close ups???
Should I stop dreaming???

30-01-2011, 1:10pm
Macro and Portrait work are two different fields. The Canon 100 mm Marco lens is a fantastic lens by the reports the MACRO forum guys mention. The portraite field opens up a whole new world of choices.

Try this link, http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Reviews/ If you find a lens you like research it on, www.dpreview.com aswell. Aslo a good Canon tool is www.worldofeos.com.au, log your self in being a Canon user, loads of usefull stuff on there.
At Digital-Picture, Under the heading EF-S, these are the Canon lenses designed to work on APC-S sensors, Zoom speaks for itself and the other, Canon Lens Review, covers the prime series, which will have the 65mm - 100 mm L and non L and the 180mm MARCO lenses.

The 50mm 1.8 (nifty fifty) Around $140.00 in oz is a good starting place. To shoot marco, you really need a dedicated macro lens 1:1. It is an art form and the lenses can be quite expensive in either the portrait or macro world, maybe look at some one like "allann" or "DAdeGroot" (Both canon users) images in those areas and see what a dedicated lens can do, then maybe decide what to send your hard earned on.

But a good middle of the road for both would be the Canon 100mm Non L Macro lens, it's on the above link under the Canon Lens section.

Have fun.

30-01-2011, 2:24pm
Thanks so much for that Roosta,

I have just spent the last 2 hours reading all of this information... Wow!!!
I have had my camera for 2 years now and am only now really getting into it. trying to move beyond just the happy snaps. I really do tend to go more with portraits so that should be my focus. At this stage my indoor shots are what I need to work on.

So much to learn, so little time..... surely the banks should just hand over money to those who so desperately want to spend it ;-)

30-01-2011, 2:31pm
No worries, look forward to seeing some shots soon, That nifty fifty, for the price it's a great starting lens.

Mark L
30-01-2011, 8:48pm
So much to learn, so little time..... surely the banks should just hand over money to those who so desperately want to spend it ;-)
Julie :lol:

Especially if they need to spend it on photographic equipment.:) Sorry I can't help you with you lens but I liked your quote so much.

31-01-2011, 1:04pm
Are your lenses the IS versions? If so, they are optically pretty good, and the 18-55 will focus very close for some decent closeups.

I also endorse the 50mm f1.8 for portraits; it can be got for $100 new, so it's hard to say no!

01-02-2011, 5:47pm
Thanks Arg
They are IS versions. I think I need to go shopping and have a look at the 50mm. $100 sounds better than the $600 for the macro they sohowed me.
Looks like I get to play again.
Cheers Julei

01-02-2011, 6:00pm
hay Julie, just a link to Quality Camera Sales site, AP Sponsor, Listing some lenses and prices.


Give you an idea of pricing.

Have fun.

02-02-2011, 12:56pm
ill vouch for the 50 1.8 II as well

great cheap lens that you can get for up to $100 on *removed. Members with under 30 days membership and 50 posts cannot reference commercial site, please read the site rules : admin *

06-02-2011, 1:48pm
Thanks Arg
They are IS versions. I think I need to go shopping and have a look at the 50mm. $100 sounds better than the $600 for the macro they sohowed me.
Looks like I get to play again.
Cheers Julei

Hi Mate,

Did you get 50mm F1.8 in the end ?

Just wonderning bez I am thinking about getting it aswell

Can't decide between Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM and Canon EF 50mm f/1.8

11-02-2011, 6:51pm
I like the 60mm macro. It is relatively cheap, and one lens I have never read a negative comment about (after too many hours on forums :eek: ). It worked well for me, it is built really solid, IMO same build as some L primes, much better than the 35L is built that is for sure. The optics are very impressive too, the focus is fast and silent. Very sharp lens also. I used the 50mm 1.8 for some macro also using extension tubes. Its good for a budget, but a 50mm 1.8 is about $120 and a set of extension tubes that has contacts is about $150 (the kenko ones). Not sure how much the 50 macro sell in the shot but used, you can get for ~400-450 i think.

here is a few macro / closeup ish pictures with the 50

I will see if i can find some with the 60mm macro

11-02-2011, 7:05pm
some with 60mm macro






tubes added to macro gets good magnification



good luck with your lens choice

13-02-2011, 8:49pm
hi julie
i have just purchased this same camera kit so very interested in all this chat. Such a range in price, really wortth shopping around!! just learning, and playing, and reading and playing some more at this stage!!

20-02-2011, 2:39pm
I really wish when you went into a camera store, that you could actually talk to some one and play without the hard sell. I want to get whats best for me but end up leaving with nothing because they want to sell you what they want to sell you. Time to change camera stores :-)

20-02-2011, 6:48pm
There should be a good amount of QUALITY stores in VIC that would/shouldn't give you the hard sell speal. Have you had a look at any lenses yet? if so what? Maybe you could pop a ? in the F Stop Forum for AP Regs recommendations on a Shop In VIC.. Worth a try, heaps of AP Regs in Vic.

Good luck.

P.S Dont be rushed into buying what they feel works, If you narrow down a lens, maybe hire on for a weekend, set up your tripod and snap away, make sure it's what you want, feels right in your hands and on your camera.

21-02-2011, 11:21am
Another vote here for the Canon EF-S 60mm macro.
Amazingly sharp and easy to use, not only for macro, but also for product shots and still life.
Haven't tried it for portraits, but I would imagine it would work really well.

Here's a shot of an ugly spider I took withit last night, in darkness, using the built-in flash on my Canon 60D, handheld, using auto focus.



21-02-2011, 12:05pm
Hi Julie. I have a 50mm 1.8. They are a great little cheap, light, sharp lens. Get one at some stage. I also have a Tamron AF90 2.8 macro. A great macro lens for its price ( I paid $300 brand new online ) and it will double up as a very useful portrait lens in the right range. Dont be affraid to look at prices online and then ask your store to match them. In most cases they will. I just purchased a new tele lens ( retails for over 1100 ) for 810, matching an online store price. Ask other Vic' members here on AP where they get their best deals. Best of luck. Keep us informed.