View Full Version : Sport Shooting Tutorial Sunday March 27

30-01-2011, 9:27am
Just wondering if there would be interest in a sport shooting tutorial/meetup conducted by myself

It would be senior football/soccer match in Arana Hills area one Saturday or Sunday next month

I'll show you how to shoot like me and if you want you can all have a go with my d3 and 400 too

Will teach basics like

Positioning to the sun
Camera settings
Shooting peak action

Stuff like that

No cost at all

Just list your name here and we will see if there is enough interest

30-01-2011, 9:37am
I'll put my name down as a tentative yes at this stage.. I'll give anything a go :) :th3:

Art Vandelay
30-01-2011, 10:08am
Great offer Kiwi, too far away for me to take advantage of though. I'll stay tuned for the travelling roadshow version. :D

30-01-2011, 11:41am
Thank you.
That's a great offer and too good an opportunity to miss, although at this stage my longest lens is a 300mm I would still be up for it.
Put me down please.

30-01-2011, 4:29pm
Hi Kiwi,
I only have the 70-200L + 1.4TC at the moment, so a bit short for soccer, but still would be interested to pick up some tips in general for shooting my sons baseball games etc.


30-01-2011, 6:36pm
Yes definitely interested, pending work etc. Probably prefer a Sunday at this stage; as someone else mentioned, my longest lens is 70-200mm, but happy to give it a go.

Thank you so much for at least offering this Kiwi :th3:

30-01-2011, 8:30pm
70-200 is perfectly fine

30-01-2011, 10:09pm
Great offer Kiwi, too far away for me to take advantage of though. I'll stay tuned for the travelling roadshow version. :D

Add me to the Roadshow list.

30-01-2011, 10:15pm
Actually any lens is fine, if you shoot Nikon you can use my 400 or 70-200, d300s or d3

It doesn't matter what lens you use

31-01-2011, 4:54pm
Hi Kiwi,
Thanks for the offer. I'd like to register interest, just depending on the day. (and I shoot Nikon so the offer is especially appealing) :D

31-01-2011, 6:08pm

Great offer to learn from a seasoned sports pro like yourself.

31-01-2011, 6:13pm
Registering as a tentative yes.

Would be great to get some knowledged from a seasoned pro.

Thanks for providing the opportunity.

31-01-2011, 6:16pm
Hmm, not sure about the seasoned pro bit

31-01-2011, 6:33pm
Seasoned nonetheless ;)

31-01-2011, 6:53pm
Registering interest

thanks for the opportunity Kiwi :)

31-01-2011, 7:05pm
Great idea Kiwi. As long as it's not the same day as the 4wd trip, I'll come along to help from a Canon perspective. I'll bring the 600 ;). Only if you'd like some help off course.

31-01-2011, 7:15pm
That would be great Allan

slo 057
31-01-2011, 7:19pm
ill be in on this too, as mentioned long as its not on the 4x4 day out.

31-01-2011, 7:45pm
*puts hand up cheekily for the use of Allans 600 :p*

31-01-2011, 9:39pm
Definitely interested in this too, will they need a bigger venue? Thanks for the very kind offer Darren. :th3:

01-02-2011, 8:48am
I would love to try this one if I'm not working Darren :)

01-02-2011, 9:12am
OK - planned date is

Saturday 26th February at 2:45pm for a 3:15pm kickoff (there are two consecutive senior mens matches)

Where: James Drysdale Reserve. Cnr Jinker Track and Bunya Road, Arana Hills:



The club always has a canteen operational and tuckshop and bar and its adjacent to Bunya Sports Club for after-match festivities if that's what you are into

I'll draft up a sports cheat sheet prior and run through this before the first game.

01-02-2011, 9:17am
I'm sorry I won't be attending then as that is the date of the 4wd day. Let me know if you plan another.

01-02-2011, 9:23am
Bugger, how many others are stuck between two meets ?

I can look at March dates in that case - would have be be 21st March starting at 1:45pm

01-02-2011, 1:09pm
would have be be 21st March starting at 1:45pm

Monday ?

01-02-2011, 1:24pm
sorry, typo

27th March.

01-02-2011, 5:36pm
Hi Kiwi,
Thanks for the offer Kiwi, but that weekend, Deb and I are having a weekend away doing the Hunter valley wineries. Hopefully you can manage another day in the future.
Good luck with the day. :)

01-02-2011, 6:28pm
Would it be too much of a burden on you Kiwi to have two meets (1. Sat 26 Feb 2. Sun 27 March) to accommodate all the double bookings????

01-02-2011, 6:31pm
Let me know please what dates, or both, suit you all

01-02-2011, 7:35pm
Hi Darren, 27 March for me.

01-02-2011, 7:38pm
I have not confirmed the 4WD drive, but will probably do so, so the 26th is out for me too.

01-02-2011, 7:40pm
Ok, lets just go for the later date at the moment guys.

01-02-2011, 8:36pm
Sunday would be better for me because I am working on Saturday morning :)

01-02-2011, 8:43pm
Hi Darren,

I have committed to the 4WD day as well, so March would suit me beter



02-02-2011, 4:19pm
I choose the 27th March...I'm also going on the 4wd meet on the 26th Feb

03-02-2011, 12:07pm
Thank you very much Kiwi.

I will come on 27th March.

03-02-2011, 12:32pm
Hi Darren,
27th March looks good for me.


03-02-2011, 9:31pm
Excellent Smithers,
Sunday 27th march for me as well. First dibs on using the Canon

06-02-2011, 6:04pm
Count me in for this. Looking very forward to this one. Thanks heaps Kiwi!

Plus it'll get me away from shooting insects for a day.

Adrian Fischer
07-02-2011, 4:24pm
Im in for either. Thanks for the offer.

07-02-2011, 5:58pm
Lock in 27th march sport shooters

07-02-2011, 6:02pm
Is there a limit on how many go?
I'd like to have a go at this if there is room for little ol me!
Time and place?

07-02-2011, 6:17pm
Should be ok for me as well coz it's on a Sunday :th3:

Also wondering about whether there's a limit on places...? Probably looking at more 'togs than players atm :o :lol:

07-02-2011, 6:18pm
I'm sure my club would love to sell you all drinks and hamburgers

I think we can handle a few

07-02-2011, 6:23pm
+1 Confirming Sunday

08-02-2011, 5:01pm
Hi, I would like to come as well. However, don't hesitate to let me know if you have reached your limits on group numbers. Thanks for the offer.

08-02-2011, 5:57pm
More the merrier at this stage, I'll do a roll call nearer to the date

08-02-2011, 9:51pm
I too would like to come along. 27 March OK for me, and maybe drag the other half along.
Never been to any of the meets yet so I am looking forward to it.


08-02-2011, 10:36pm
Also interested and the date is fine with me.

08-02-2011, 10:39pm
Just wondering if there would be interest in a sport shooting tutorial/meetup conducted by myself

It would be senior football/soccer match in Arana Hills area one Saturday or Sunday next month

I'll show you how to shoot like me and if you want you can all have a go with my d3 and 400 too

Will teach basics like

Positioning to the sun
Camera settings
Shooting peak action

Stuff like that

No cost at all

Just list your name here and we will see if there is enough interest

Jack nam it Darren! l would love to attend .. but your on the other side of the country! darn it!
Very nice of you to take others out and show them the ropes in Sports Photography. When are you coming to Melbourne to show us the ropes as well :) lol

09-02-2011, 5:51am
Well, round up some fellow vics and do some fundraising :-)

Adrian Fischer
15-02-2011, 1:33pm
Im a definite. Ill have my 70-200 but can I bring my bigma to try it at sports?

15-02-2011, 1:45pm
If it`s later in the year after August ,otherwise a bit far

15-02-2011, 3:40pm
sounds great. wish i was traveling....

15-02-2011, 4:34pm
sounds great Kiwi just got the Sigma 150-500 so im itching to use it i go away to work tomorrow for 2 weeks then back again for 1 week so i will have to wait untill then.:)

15-02-2011, 6:25pm
+1 confirming

do you need any help with setting up Kiwi ??

16-02-2011, 6:38am
No, shouldn't be any setup, but I'll put together a plan at some stage with some notes to share etc

16-02-2011, 3:40pm
I'm really looking forward to this one Darren :)

16-02-2011, 7:25pm
Im a definite. Ill have my 70-200 but can I bring my bigma to try it at sports?

Of course you should

16-02-2011, 7:25pm
I'm really looking forward to this one Darren :)

Ought to be fun

19-02-2011, 9:38am
Hey Kiwi, also out for the 26th - as I arranged it better show up :lol: ... but if you still go ahead with March I would be a definate, sport is something I really want to get a better understanding of so this would be awesome :)

19-02-2011, 11:07am
It is now just 27 March

01-03-2011, 8:21am
Where: James Drysdale Reserve. Cnr Jinker Track and Bunya Road, Arana Hills:

is it still at this same park Darren. Are we meeting around 1pm?

01-03-2011, 7:06pm
If I haven't already said so, please count me in. I might even rent a longer lens for the occasion.

01-03-2011, 8:32pm
The first game starts at 1:45pm, next game at 4.

So, suggest you get there by 1:30 and I'll do a quick chat, but what it's really about is seeing how you approach it on the sidelines

02-03-2011, 3:48pm

03-03-2011, 12:26pm
Count me in at this stage....looking forward to the oppurtunity

03-03-2011, 3:37pm
Ok I am allowed to go too :) I am in :D

03-03-2011, 6:05pm
Cool, more the merrier

03-03-2011, 10:20pm
Hi Kiwi. I'm new here, well I've been a member for a few months but have been busy with other things. Anyway, I'd like to come along to this workshop if that's ok?

04-03-2011, 11:35am
Yip, no worries, everyone has to promise to buy chips, burger and drink too attend :-)

04-03-2011, 1:19pm
Kiwi, if you take lots of shots at 8 or 9 fps how many would you do in an afternoon. My card will hold say 500 raw images, at 8fps that only 62 individual scenes or series or whatever. Then if I shoot raw plus jpeg thats even fewer. What do you suggest as card capacity for an afternoon of sport shooting?

04-03-2011, 1:42pm
Well, I dont shoot raw, and to be honest not too many sport shooters do. So, I shoot about 500 shots in a soccer game on average, this is about 4gb max. I use a few 8gb cards so I usually have plenty of room spare.

04-03-2011, 2:57pm
1 more in, just so long as I don't have to drown my car to get there.:D

04-03-2011, 3:10pm
Yip, no worries, everyone has to promise to buy chips, burger and drink too attend :-)

Yep! I'm definately in ... and ok if I really have to I'll buy burger and chips ;) {yummmm} and knowing me probably a couple of cold drinks :lol:

04-03-2011, 8:00pm
1 more in, just so long as I don't have to drown my car to get there.:D

lol Bill - didn't your car enjoy last weekend ??

05-03-2011, 8:05am
lol Bill - didn't your car enjoy last weekend ??

Just kidding. Loved it.:lol2:

05-03-2011, 12:52pm
everyone has to promise to buy chips, burger and drink too attend :-)

not the sorta thing I would normally eat for lunch, but if you insist :lol:

18-03-2011, 10:54am
Kiwi, is it worth while to update the date and time on the 1st post? (Just a suggestion), it just that I found myself multiple times come into this thread to check the date and time and got lost a little :p

18-03-2011, 2:16pm
Bummer, just realised that this means I am going to miss watching the australian formula 1

18-03-2011, 3:13pm
Its only motor racing, not a real sport :)

18-03-2011, 5:31pm
Bummer, just realised that this means I am going to miss watching the australian formula 1

Record it :D

18-03-2011, 7:37pm
Its only motor racing, not a real sport :)
Thanks, I am so relieved to know that.

19-03-2011, 7:36am
Yes, as it's only a week out, can we confirm time and place; and do we meet in the car park or club house, etc? Thanks heaps. Sue

20-03-2011, 10:26am

11.45am Women#Div 1: Pine Hills v Taringa Rovers
1.45pm## Reserves: Pine Hills v Olympic FC
4.00pm## Premier League: Pine Hills v Olympic FC

I'll be there for all of these

But, meet at 1:30 at my car just past the clubhouse, it's a red golf gti

Grounds are at cnr jinker track and bunya rd, arana hills

20-03-2011, 10:36am

11.45am Women#Div 1: Pine Hills v Taringa Rovers
1.45pm## Reserves: Pine Hills v Olympic FC
4.00pm## Premier League: Pine Hills v Olympic FC

I'll be there for all of these

But, meet at 1:30 at my car just past the clubhouse, it's a red golf gti

Grounds are at cnr jinker track and bunya rd, arana hills
Is the weather going to be better than todays.

21-03-2011, 7:29am
Hi kiwi, count me in barring some catastrophe with the family. Would love to have a go at some sports stuff!

22-03-2011, 11:04am
Looking forward to this Daz

22-03-2011, 11:23am
Yeah, ought to be fun.

Can we have a roll-call by using the "thanks" button to this post for those that are coming along so I can get an idea of numbers ?

22-03-2011, 1:29pm
It may be useful to read this before coming along. Im making progress (still not well proofed, Im just writing at this stage), I havent got to motorsport or panning yet either


23-03-2011, 1:32pm
It may be useful to read this before coming along. Im making progress (still not well proofed, Im just writing at this stage), I havent got to motorsport or panning yet either


Good article. Very helpful. Thanks.

23-03-2011, 2:02pm
Its only motor racing, not a real sport :)

hmmm I live with a house full of petrol heads who also race their bikes, dare me to read this comment out loud :lol::lol2::lol: the good thing if its Australian GP they won't even notice that I'm not here :rolleyes:

23-03-2011, 2:35pm
yeah, well, it was just a bit of a joke, I do like motorsport too.:)

23-03-2011, 3:45pm
I'd like to come join in to learn some skills from you. I only have a kit 55-250 lens (but one day I'll be able to afford some good lenses) But gaining the skills of what you're willing to teach will at least allow me to gain better photos for now.

23-03-2011, 3:50pm
Cool, you can shoot sport with a 55-250, no problem, did it myself at first

23-03-2011, 4:15pm
Hey Kiwi, just put my name down as well, thanks for the opportunity .

23-03-2011, 4:33pm

Just in case I forget to mention it, some etiquette please:

a) we are guests of the Pine Hills Football Club, please respect that. Its not mandatory but the Club helps support itself via things like spectators buying stuff from the canteen etc. I'm not charging for attending so please do the right thing :)
b) there will be junior (u/16) games on at the same time, please dont photograph those, we are there to take pics of seniors only (please dont debate this point re "your rights")
c) we will not be going inside the fence surrounding the ground as (i) you arent allowed to and (ii) we dont need to as its close enough to the playing surface
d) remember there's a serious competition game going on, we will need to be mindful not to cause a noise or sight distraction to the players or the officials or other spectators. If a club official asks us to stop for any reason (they know what's happening or ought to), we will.
e) no taking photos of me to post on AP ;)
f) if you borrow my gear and break it, you'll pay. I dont want to scare you off having a go, but my insurance is that Im only covered if Im using it.
g) no-one is to offer to sell or give photos to any players or spectators please (you'd be effecting my business if you dont mind)

Allan will be helping out with specific Canon things, and I know most Nikon things.

Most importantly its meant to be fun

23-03-2011, 6:02pm
All fair and reasonable points Kiwi

23-03-2011, 6:05pm
To add to Kiwi's post on etiquette, if someone does not adhere to the etiquette, they will find their AP account removed.

Enjoy the day, learn lots, but do it with consideration for others.

23-03-2011, 8:36pm
To add to Kiwi's post on etiquette, if someone does not adhere to the etiquette, they will find their AP account removed.

Enjoy the day, learn lots, but do it with consideration for others.
Rick, does that include point e)

23-03-2011, 9:37pm

Just in case I forget to mention it, some etiquette please:

a) we are guests of the Pine Hills Football Club, please respect that. Its not mandatory but the Club helps support itself via things like spectators buying stuff from the canteen etc. I'm not charging for attending so please do the right thing :)
b) there will be junior (u/16) games on at the same time, please dont photograph those, we are there to take pics of seniors only (please dont debate this point re "your rights")
c) we will not be going inside the fence surrounding the ground as (i) you arent allowed to and (ii) we dont need to as its close enough to the playing surface
d) remember there's a serious competition game going on, we will need to be mindful not to cause a noise or sight distraction to the players or the officials or other spectators. If a club official asks us to stop for any reason (they know what's happening or ought to), we will.
e) no taking photos of me to post on AP ;)
f) if you borrow my gear and break it, you'll pay. I dont want to scare you off having a go, but my insurance is that Im only covered if Im using it.
g) no-one is to offer to sell or give photos to any players or spectators please (you'd be effecting my business if you dont mind)

Allan will be helping out with specific Canon things, and I know most Nikon things.

Most importantly its meant to be fun

More than reasonable :th3: ... looking forward to it :D

23-03-2011, 11:00pm
I won't be able to make this one Darren, Rian has a game on at 12 on Sunday :( Thanks for organising it though!

23-03-2011, 11:02pm
I won't be able to make this one Darren, Rian has a game on at 12 on Sunday :( Thanks for organising it though!

Don't forget last game starts at 4, so i will be there till 6

24-03-2011, 7:26am
Ok, I'll keep that in mind.. Thanks Darren :th3:

24-03-2011, 9:13am
HI Kiwi

I would like to attend to this shoot as well, haven't done sport photography before, please put my name down.

Also just a note for everyone I drive a Red GTI as well, so if I dont look like a pro sport photographer I probably not.


24-03-2011, 9:23am
Point e)... Darn Daz. You know I love taking pics of you ;) Can I keep them for my own colection...Hahahaha!!!
You have done a great job in setting this up and I'm sure we'll all be on our best behavior. I promise I will ;)
See you Sunday.
I can just see all of us all in a row on the side line with camera pointing to the players. I hope the players know what's going on hahaha!

24-03-2011, 9:37am
No, lol, the players dont know, but Im sure they will enjoy the big match feel as long as we dont get in the way.

Things to do BEFORE you arrive re camera setup (if you dont know why or how just ask now or wait until Sunday). I do this, or most of this prior to each match.

Put your ISO on 400
Put your WB on "Cloudy"
Choose AF-C or AI-Servo
Choose to shoot JPEG
Format your memory card
If using Nikon choose dynamic focus - 9 or 21 point is fine
If using Canon choose single point centre focus
If using another brand choose closest match, just choose the mode that allows you to control focus point and not the camera deciding for you the closet point or auto-choose mode
If you have a monopod bring it - tripods are prohibited

24-03-2011, 10:12am
Sounds like it's going to be a great turnout. Sorry that I cant make it, ( work ). Have fun everyone and make sure someone gets a shot of all the Teles lined up.

24-03-2011, 10:16am
Yip, i'll get someone to take a group shot with all the heavy iron laid out in front like a magical apron :)

24-03-2011, 10:28am
I will ask why with the canon to choose single point centre focus in ai-servo? I would have thought that say with the 7D I would have chosen single point expanded, and then used the joystick to move to whichever point I needed to get the composition sort of right . http://www.usa.canon.com/uploadedimages/FCK/Image/2010/QuickGuides/CDLC_EOS7D_AF_QuickGuide.pdf
Are we going to use M or Av?

24-03-2011, 10:33am
yeah, re the Canon settings, Allan will help but Ive seen lots of threads suggesting single centre point is best re AF tracking - but it's good to try a few settings and read up on your particular camera

I suspect we will shoot mainly in av, but we can also talk about the benefits of using manual and if the light is consistent no reason not to shoot manual

24-03-2011, 11:26am

Just in case I forget to mention it, some etiquette please:

a) we are guests of the Pine Hills Football Club, please respect that. Its not mandatory but the Club helps support itself via things like spectators buying stuff from the canteen etc. I'm not charging for attending so please do the right thing :)
b) there will be junior (u/16) games on at the same time, please dont photograph those, we are there to take pics of seniors only (please dont debate this point re "your rights")
c) we will not be going inside the fence surrounding the ground as (i) you arent allowed to and (ii) we dont need to as its close enough to the playing surface
d) remember there's a serious competition game going on, we will need to be mindful not to cause a noise or sight distraction to the players or the officials or other spectators. If a club official asks us to stop for any reason (they know what's happening or ought to), we will.
e) no taking photos of me to post on AP ;)
f) if you borrow my gear and break it, you'll pay. I dont want to scare you off having a go, but my insurance is that Im only covered if Im using it.
g) no-one is to offer to sell or give photos to any players or spectators please (you'd be effecting my business if you dont mind)

Allan will be helping out with specific Canon things, and I know most Nikon things.

Most importantly its meant to be fun

Thank you for the etiquette, it helps to keep the day a enjoyable and rewarding day :)

24-03-2011, 11:56am
Should WB be on "Cloudy" even if there's no cloud? May I ask why?

24-03-2011, 12:13pm
sure, my experience is that (especially a Nikon) using neutral picture control (slighly undersaturated) and cloudy renders nice warm skin tones without being over the top. Lots of green grass and often bright uniforms often tricks WB and usually by default makes things a little cold or blue.

Heres an example, straight ooc, cloudy wb, cloudy day

using "standard" picture control re saturation

http://www.peakactionimages.com/gallery/main.php/d/200388-1/JAN_7110.jpg or

now useing neutral


Heres an example, cloudy wb, sunny day


So, slightly warm, but still quite neutral tones I think without being over saturated

24-03-2011, 12:27pm
Should WB be on "Cloudy" even if there's no cloud? May I ask why?

Ironically weather forecast is cloudy/rain... :(

24-03-2011, 12:44pm
forecast is a few showers yeah. Cloudy is great.....a couple of light showers ought not to be an issue either.......If it looks too bad I will post a cancellation notice here at 11am on Sunday.

26-03-2011, 4:23pm
Darren, I'm pulling out - wife has committed me to picking up bro-in-law and his daughter from Coolangatta airport at that time :(

Shame I was REALLY looking forward to this!

26-03-2011, 8:15pm
by the way the clubhoue is the demountable down on the fields. Bunya Sports Club is at the same place if you want dinner/beer afterwards too, its not too bad

26-03-2011, 9:42pm
good luck everyone, this looks like a great day, look forward to the images.
Onya Darren for arranging it.
I'd appreciate it if you all gave Dom a hug from me and the wife, and Darren and Mrs Kiwi as well.
Have a great day with the Master. :th3::th3:

26-03-2011, 9:44pm
No hugging kiwi (jas excepted)


26-03-2011, 9:46pm
No hugging kiwi (jas excepted)


understand big guy;) its the thought that counts:D

26-03-2011, 11:36pm
Aww David (dbax) you should be coming....I'll give you a huuuuug! ;)
Will have to catch up with you one day.

27-03-2011, 7:35am
Hi Kiwi,
Is it too late to put my name down? The stuff I had planned for today has fallen through so it would be a great opportunity to learn some new techniques.


27-03-2011, 7:42am
not a problem. come along greg, more the merrier

27-03-2011, 9:13am
Late notice; should hopefully be there - depends on weather (which is looking good atm) and if I can get through current work in time :th3:

Adrian Fischer
27-03-2011, 5:25pm
Thanks for setting this up Darren. It was a pleasure to meet you at last (and the others). It was an excellent event and well attended. You are to be commended for putting so much effort into it. The printed document you handed out is a very useful tool. I look forward to seeing everyone's attempts from the day. Again, thanks very much.

27-03-2011, 6:26pm
Thanks Darren - great to meet you & your boys, I really appreciate what you did for us all today
Had a great time - still to look at my pics



27-03-2011, 7:06pm
Darren thanks very much for this afternoon. It was a very enjoyable and informative time. Will look at my shots tomorrow, but just want to say thanks again for setting this up and sharing your knowledge :th3::D:th3::D

27-03-2011, 7:23pm
I need to say thanks too, even though he was a little grouchy when I ask if he was swapping his Nikon gear with now ;)

I suppose I should say goodbye now too since I broke the rules... :)

27-03-2011, 7:25pm
Thanks Darren! Great afternoon. Enjoyable and educational.

27-03-2011, 7:39pm
The sport shooters



27-03-2011, 7:47pm
Few things to cover from me:

1. As said by others already, was a great afternoon - fun and informative; fantastic to meet like-minded people and put faces to (forum) names.

2. Huge props to Darren for organising this - despite the relatively low-key and relaxed format, it was clear that he had a structure in his mind of how the day would run and had pretty much every contingency was planned for in the initial briefing (e.g. what to shoot, where to shoot, lighting/wind conditions, camera settings, basic monopod technique to name but a few);

He was even kind enough to print out small (colour!) copies of his (in-progress) sports photography book - I've just spent the last 30 minutes reading this and it has provided an extra few tips which I hadn't known about before (which I'll get to later);

3. Special thanks to everyone who offered me tips and advice throughout the day - I learnt quite a bit today, from a number of people ranging from lenses, to camera operation, to PS tips - all very helpful :th3:

4. Thanks also to Darren and Allann for letting us use the 400mm and 600mm lenses respectively - I think I speak for all us when I say that we all now have a greater appreciation for the particular skills of the sports photographer :eek: :th3:

5. Some things I learnt today:

- How to use exposure compensation; big kudos to Darren & Allann for taking the time to explain this - never really put the time/effort into learning about it, but they were both kind enough to explain to me how it works and when to use it; will definitely be using it particularly when shooting indoors (gymnasiums etc) :th3:

- (From the booklet); setting WB using live view - didn't know about that - awesome tip thanks :th3:

- Anytime Darren says there's a RC car race on at the top of a REALLY steep hill, and that you should walk up said hill to take some photos.........he's lying.

Good day all round; I'll likely post shots tomorrow - thanks again all :th3:

27-03-2011, 7:47pm
Geez. I'm sure that's pulled the biggest meetup yet in QLD.
I want to thank you again for such a fun day. I enjoyed myself so much. It was exciting shooting different things. Sports was one thing you don't go near unless you have someone you want to shoot. The oppertunity was great and thank you once again.
Good to meet new faces and catch up with the others.
Yes dbax kiwi gave me a hug (x2) and a kiss. ;) :lol:
The photo is great kiwi. I bet the kid that took it got a shock when it fired off half a dozen rounds. I better download mine and have a look now.

27-03-2011, 8:10pm
I have lost a 77 Nikon lenscap, if you borrowed my d300/70-200 can you check your pockets ?

27-03-2011, 8:17pm
Was a great Day, thanks Darren. Everyone was so nice, and I know that I learned lots. Will up load a photo tomorrow

27-03-2011, 8:20pm
Thanks for a great day.
I arrived home exhausted thanks. I have a much greater appreciation and admiration for your work now that I have tried it.

27-03-2011, 8:40pm
Sounds like a successful exercise with many happy campers, well done Darren

27-03-2011, 8:58pm
I have lost a 77 Nikon lenscap, if you borrowed my d300/70-200 can you check your pockets ?

Jacs - could you maybe check your gear, I don't remember having to take the lens cap off to shoot .....

27-03-2011, 9:02pm
I had such a fun time guys, youre all welcome to pop down to the club anytime to shoot with me.

I hope everyone a) had a good time and b) picked up a few tips. c) got some good shots, and d) enjoyed having a go with some big iron.

Rick, the only one that broke etiqeutte (so far) is Allan for posting pics of me, he needs to go.

27-03-2011, 9:39pm
Ditto what everyone else has said - Can't thank you enough Darren for setting up such a superb opportunity! I learnt a heap - particularly on the camera settings side and the notes have been very useful. A very well organised and enjoyable afternoon!

27-03-2011, 10:59pm
Thanks Darren. It was a lovely day. I learnt a lot. I found sport shooting is much harder than I've expected, becaues it moved so fast. Good fun :)

27-03-2011, 11:06pm
Thanks Darren, I had a ball :) Thanks for organising and some information and tips. I didn't get the whole lot of your tips because I am a little late and probably just miss the beginning section, but it's great to able to get very close to the action :)

27-03-2011, 11:39pm
thanks for a great afternoon both fun and educational!
Now only 990 Jpegs to go through.....


28-03-2011, 7:23am
Thanks for the great day Kiwi. I learnt a lot and now have a greater lust for that 400mm lens. (Deb will be happy about that...)
I'm still working through the pics, but I think I managed a couple of good ones. I now have a much greater appreciation for the skill, effort and time to get a get sports photo.
Again, thanks for a great day and the chance to try the 400mm


28-03-2011, 10:12am
It looks like it was a fun and informative day for all. Congratulations to Darren for organising this for all who could attend, and for Allan's help on the day. We would have loved to have been there.

Wayne and I spent a couple of hours going through Darren's sports tutorial over the weekend and putting it into practice, and came away with a more detailed understanding on some of our camera settings, and I finally got to get some action shots of my dogs playing ball :th3: , and yeah, capturing a Jack Russell and a Border Collie in full gallop is not easy. :D

Thanks for tutoring us all through this site Darren.


28-03-2011, 3:10pm
That was a great afternoon and I just wanted to thank Darren for his time and for letting us use his gear, it is not everyday you get the opportunity to have access to such great gear and excellent advice. Great job on the booklet as well, very informative and very well written, clean, clear and to the point.

I learnt that sport photography is not as easy as it looks, wow, I think one of the key points for me was not to follow the action but to anticipate where the action is going to be, especially with the big 400mm lens, you really need to be there waiting for it to happen. Thanks again Darren and it was great meeting some of the AP members as well :)

28-03-2011, 3:25pm
Great day enjoyed it and learn a lot. Thanks to Darren and other people who shared there knowledge.
Now just have to figure out if there is a issue with my 70-200mm by looking at these photos :rolleyes:

28-03-2011, 4:04pm
Ok all, here's tthe million dollar question

If I'd have charged you $100, would you still have come ?

28-03-2011, 4:56pm
I have lost a 77 Nikon lenscap, if you borrowed my d300/70-200 can you check your pockets ?

:o:eek::Doh::eek::o:Doh: apologies x 100, read this and just checked my jeans pocket I'm the guilty party. Please pm me your address and I will get it straight back to you SORRY!

28-03-2011, 5:11pm
Ok all, here's tthe million dollar question

If I'd have charged you $100, would you still have come ?

Kiwi, for $100, Yes I would still come along, but I would expect there to be < 5 people so there could be more one-on-one coaching if you know what I mean? I really think it is a great idea and you certainly have the experience and the skills to teach. Thanks again for Sunday, it was great, I hope this helps :)

28-03-2011, 5:22pm
:o:eek::Doh::eek::o:Doh: apologies x 100, read this and just checked my jeans pocket I'm the guilty party. Please pm me your address and I will get it straight back to you SORRY!

I'm glad you have it :-) no dramas

28-03-2011, 5:23pm
Kiwi, for $100, Yes I would still come along, but I would expect there to be < 5 people so there could be more one-on-one coaching if you know what I mean? I really think it is a great idea and you certainly have the experience and the skills to teach. Thanks again for Sunday, it was great, I hope this helps :)

I think that would be the plan. It would be nice to get 20 @ $100 but I couldn't see that working well either

28-03-2011, 6:22pm
Great work Darren in organising the day - much appreciated and enjoyable.

Thanks also must go to Alan for allowing me to use his 600 F4L --- (fantastic CANON lens) and his general tog tips.

Darren, I might take you up on that offer to come back and shoot with you along the side lines.

.....only disappointment was the home side couldnt hit the back of the net.

28-03-2011, 6:38pm
8 nil was a pretty good result, for the visitors.

28-03-2011, 6:43pm
......hmmm a long season ahead

28-03-2011, 7:36pm
1. Agree with Sam's comment re the $100 (providing I had it to spare) definately worth it Darren.

2. And I too might take you up on the offer to come back to shoot on the sidelines

28-03-2011, 10:22pm
I think $100 for 2-3 hours teaching a specialised topic to a small group is a fair rate, and yeah I would probably have done it.

29-03-2011, 8:36am
I will definitely come back to learn more even if I have to pay for it :D

29-03-2011, 9:18am
1. Agree with Sam's comment re the $100 (providing I had it to spare) definately worth it Darren.

2. And I too might take you up on the offer to come back to shoot on the sidelines

+1 to both really - I'll try and sum up my thoughts below, but reserve the right to clarify :)

Even being a somewhat experienced (loose phrasing here) sports photographer, I learnt a significant amount on the day; so I know that if I had zero knowledge about the field, I would have learnt a hell of a lot.

I guess it comes down to your target market - beginner, intermediate, or advanced?? I would argue that the course on the weekend was aimed at an intermediate market, or at least an 'experienced beginner' market, based on the fact that you needed to have an understanding of basic camera operation, how ISO affected shutter speed, etc...As stated also, class size would need to be reduced from ~20-25 down to no more than 10-12 (for me); note though that the length of 1-on-1 time would be influenced also by the length of the game/s; I would have also liked to gone through some panning work, but I don't think that footy/soccer is really conducive to that...Perhaps another consideration is changing the sport/activity being shot (e.g. rugby, tennis) - I only suggest this to provide variety....maybe even motor racing *hangs bait*

There are also other things to factor in such as being able to use the big iron w/o having to fork out the cash to hire it; for me personally, it was an invaluable experience to use it WITH the safety of experienced togs around - you don't/can't get that w/o paying (usually) large dosh; Another thing is the booklet - very nice idea and despite it not being geared specifically towards the weekend course, it was a nice addition and very handy review of the day.

In sum, despite being a poor uni student, I would have been happy to attend for $100 (for 3 hours); decide on the target market and go from there; as long as you bring the same level of professionalism and courtesy you displayed on the weekend, I think you'll be fine :th3: :)

Edit: Post a bit longer than anticipated :S Will throw up some more when it comes to mind - hope it helps

29-03-2011, 9:52am
That does help thanks.

Im not sure whether to do this on an ongoing basis or not, but I enjoy teaching and helping others get better at sport photography, so, maybe. Im not sure I have the energy to set it up is all. :rolleyes:

30-03-2011, 12:08pm
Just giving my belated thanks for a great day on Sunday. Thanks Darren for your expert advice.... some of it has kinda sunk in but just need to get out more to put it into practice.:D

30-03-2011, 12:12pm
No problem, and yes, practice is everything.

13-04-2011, 4:31pm
Please refer to the email I received below, if you are in a position to provide him with photos, please do so.

Hi Darren,
Sorry to bother you........I was wondering if you can help me?
I was at the Pine Hills FC Ground watching both the Pine Hills FC vs Olympic FC 1st & Reserve Teams play.....I noticed quite a number of photographer's around the ground taking action shots of both games.
I was wondering weather or not any of the pictures taken on the day were for resale....the reason being is that my son and nephew played for the Olympic FC reserve side##( Goalkeeper and Right Back ).
Both boys spend quite a number of years at Pine Hills FC ( U6-U13) before they moved on a number of the players that#they played against were former Team Mates....so I thought for the fond memory side of things it would be nice to have a couple of snap shots.
I would even look at purchasing other pictures of the Senior side as well.
If you can let me know if that possible that would be great.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
John Yannakopoulos
"In Your Time at Your Location"
OHS Training & Consultancy Services
PO Box 105
Chermside South
Qld 4032
Mobile: 0417669048
Phone: 07 34203484
Fax: 07 32529655
E-mail: ohstraining1@bigpond.com

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14-04-2011, 7:49am
But who is his son + nephew?

I mean, we got a tons of photos here... but we can't help unless we know what they looks like :D