View Full Version : Images from Vintage Kodak Six-20 A (3 medium images- 56k no)

25-01-2011, 11:03pm
I honestly don't remember what film I used... Ilford something. HP4 I think.
Anyway, I have finally managed to load some film into the old folder, get my 8 frames exposed and sent off for processing.
The roll came back today. I'm glad this was all just a test... aside from a few minor errors I think it went pretty well.

These are three of the images from the roll. I think now I'll actually clean the camera properly and work on my film re-spooling technique. I actually don't mind these at all, aside from the careless shooting (just me being hurried). And hey, it was a very cheap intro into medium format but with more control than a holga. And it looks way cooler too :)

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5217/5386845939_626cc818f7_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/darrenmarshall/5386845939/)
by darrenmarshall (http://www.flickr.com/people/darrenmarshall/), on Flickr
Camera shake! Actually I'm not 100% sure why this isn't sharper.

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5214/5386845691_183fcf536e_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/darrenmarshall/5386845691/)
by darrenmarshall (http://www.flickr.com/people/darrenmarshall/), on Flickr
This was accidentally exposed twice. The first one luckily was with the aperture set at f/32 (passed that, probably closer to f/48) with the shutter at 1/50. The image you see most of I think was at about f/11, if not wider.

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5217/5387448642_3a4203f5a7_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/darrenmarshall/5387448642/)
by darrenmarshall (http://www.flickr.com/people/darrenmarshall/), on Flickr
I had to correct some weird distortion on this one, hence the crop. A very easy job thanks to Lightroom. I wouldn't have bothered but I might actually keep this photo... I might keep them all come to think of it!

26-01-2011, 6:57am
It looks as if you have light leaks from the respooling. I know that it's difficult. Who did your processing? Make sure that your film receives the correct development.
Congraulations on your attempt.

26-01-2011, 7:40am
You have posted these in 'not for critique', so can't really say anything about them. Hope you had fun taking and processing them

26-01-2011, 1:35pm
Possibly yes, though I was very careful about making sure I kept tension on the film as I rolled from one spool to the other and to the final one. I went to Photoland on King St in the CBD however they send it off to get processed so I don't know who actually did the processing.

Hi Rick, not really after critique on these as they were more some testers than anything. Hoping some film buffs could give some ideas on a few things as well I guess like the apparent scratching. It certainly was fun taking them... coming from DSLRs where I have a built-in light meter it was kinda fun and challenging to figure out the exposures manually.