View Full Version : usb dial up modems ?

22-01-2011, 8:35am
Hi guys and Gals,
I just purchased 1 HP laptop for the girl friend of course only to find that it is set up for wireless access only no modem in built. My Question is I know I can buy a usb dial up modem but are they all the same. How much work and tech knowlage is needed to set them up. I have trouble checking the mail box outside. I dont have one of those card thingy's on the side of the laptop so usb is my only hope. Am I in for a world of hurt. Any help greatly appreicated.

22-01-2011, 8:40am
I assume you mean a wireless dongle. They use the mobile phone network and the setup is included with the device when you buy it. Setup generally takes a very short time. Some things to consider:

* Which phone companies have good service in your area? No use buying a DODO one, if service in your area is crap.
* Why not get a wireless router for home and just use the built in wifi (or are you taking this laptop away from home a lot). A wireless router will be dearer initially, but you dont have the costs of recharging like you do with a wireless dongle.

They work OK, connection speeds have improved, but they are expensive per MB/GB compared to landline based internet.

22-01-2011, 9:11am
Hi Rictas
But I high lighted the dail up part on my post :) . You would not believe the looks we get when you tell people in the computer stores that we are still on dialup:( We are still in the dark ages here , still on dial up and have no real need for broadband. Dont use the computer for much more than emails and annoying good folks like yourself. We have a dial up isp and dont want to waste more money buying wireless dongles that you have to replace after a set amount of time. All we wish to do is pull out the phone from the wall and plug in the usb dial up modem connect to our laptop and call our existing isp. We dont want wireless dobries and router thingamegiggs although everything seems to be pushing us that way.

22-01-2011, 9:35am
I just did a quick Google search and, to my surprise, what you want is available from Dick Smith D-Link DU-562M USB modem (http://search.dicksmith.com.au/electronics/Usb%20Dial%20Up%20Modem)

22-01-2011, 9:54am
Hi Ray,
I have found a few places that sell them but the sales staff ( usually a 13 yr old boy) never seems to quite fill me confidance in his knowlage of the use of the object. They just cant seem to get around the fact that you are still on dialup. I am hopeing that some one has used one of these before and can just give me a fact or two.
Many thanks
Peter Smith
2011 Pong Champion

22-01-2011, 10:25am

I have seen that demonstrated in Museums; usually in the Bronze Age exhibit. :D

22-01-2011, 11:02am
Wow, the prices for dial-up modems have gone up the last few years!

3G or DSL might be a better option for you if they're available in Beenleigh - most telcos have a pre-paid option or plans starting from $10 per month. The difference in cost over a year would be minimal, and you'd be much more satisfied.

22-01-2011, 11:09am
Try ebay, someone is bound to be trying to sell an old 56K dial-up modem somewhere.

22-01-2011, 11:10am
Scotty72 Now you listen hear young man
My 13 yr old car still works (heaters buggered)
My 29 year old tv still works (some knobs have fallen off)
My microwave has dials on it still works (only on the flat out setting)
My radio cassette / recorder still works (my boney m is a bit stretched though)
My vcr still works (just nothing decent on tv to tape)
My mobile phone just goes ring ring (no complaints here)
My #* yr old girlfriend still sort of works (who hacked into my commador 64 and put this here)
My KT 26 ers still have some grip ( nikes with wrinkles)
I don't believe you should throw stuff out just because it's old, because the new thing you buy won't last as long as the half broken thing anyway
Cheeky Whipper snapper;)

22-01-2011, 12:46pm
Scotty72 Now you listen hear young man
My 13 yr old car still works (heaters buggered)
My 29 year old tv still works (some knobs have fallen off)
My microwave has dials on it still works (only on the flat out setting)
My radio cassette / recorder still works (my boney m is a bit stretched though)
My vcr still works (just nothing decent on tv to tape)
My mobile phone just goes ring ring (no complaints here)
My #* yr old girlfriend still sort of works (who hacked into my Commodore 64 and put this here)
My KT 26 ers still have some grip ( nikes with wrinkles)
I don't believe you should throw stuff out just because it's old, because the new thing you buy won't last as long as the half broken thing anyway
Cheeky Whipper snapper;)

Last November, my father passed away: during the clean out of his and (previously departed) mum's stuff, I stumbled across my old Commodore 64 (bought for me so I could do my HS work - that's what I told them) that I had seen him using as late as 2009. I thought, this will either be worth: a) $1,000,000 or; b) $0.

The problem was solved when we went to test it: he had packed it away for a reason - it had finally packed it in.

Similarly, out in the back room, we found the old microwave we had bought when i was just a wee lad (prob late '70s early '80s). It has one of those clockwork dial / timers - you pressed the knob and turned to spin the minutes, you pressed harder to spin the seconds. It still worked so, my cousin took it.

He also took the old washing machine. The type with the big dial you pressed in, turned to SUPER WASH then pulled back out. You could also press a button to select HOT / COLD , a second button for HIGH or LOW water level and yet another button for SPIN / DRIP DRY. It had buttons, how hi-tech was that? But, the truly amazing thing about this machine was the little lever that told it the lid was closed. Many hours were passed by me sitting astride the machine with my finger holding this lever down watching the clothes spin 'round and round. Who needed an Xbox?

I'm pretty sure that dates back to the early 80s too. :)


22-01-2011, 1:18pm
Scotty72 Now you listen hear young man
My 13 yr old car still works (heaters buggered)

My 18 year old son doesn't. I wish he would.