View Full Version : Double Exposure with 550D

20-01-2011, 10:35am
Does anyone know if the 550D supports taking double exposures?

Art Vandelay
20-01-2011, 1:02pm
What are you after ?

Double exposures as in same image on different file types, ie RAW and jpeg, then yes.

or bracketing which I think is 3 images on the 550D (it may be 5 as an option ?) then yes also. (Bracketing with 3 images, is one exposed correctly, one under exposed & one overexposed).

20-01-2011, 1:06pm
I was reading this article and was interested in trying.


I believe in this case, exposing the sensor twice for the same image.

Art Vandelay
20-01-2011, 1:12pm
arrh. I see.

Don't know of a way to do it 'in camera', with digital. I think it would be impossible to 'reopen' an existing image like film. The same result would be the 2 exposures seperate in camera then layered/merged/glued together in photoshop, and no, I don't know how, but lots do it. :D

20-01-2011, 1:13pm
It's easier to do this sort of thing in Photoshop or elements.
Just take the 2 shots and merge them.
This way, you can control the exposure of each photo seperately before merging them together to give you the best result.

I don't have a 550, but a 60D, and haven't found anything in the instructions for doing double exposures, but I could be wrong.

20-01-2011, 1:15pm
Thanks guys. I've read the manual over and over and googled online but found nothing. I guess the only way to do it is with some post processing.

Thanks again guys!

Pat Redmond
20-01-2011, 3:15pm
50D doesn't do it either... Not sure if the 'better' cameras do?

20-01-2011, 4:22pm
50D doesn't do it either... Not sure if the 'better' cameras do?

D7000 does, it can do more than 2 but not sure of the limit.