View Full Version : Nikon speedlight advice, please?

05-01-2011, 10:24pm
I am looking to buy my first speedlight. I have a d90 and have been looking at the different speedlights and am not sure which would be the best one for me.
I want it to use for close up and macro photography as I am becoming extremely interested in this area. (but am a real beginner). I have no interest in portraits .
I read the sticky on macro and it said to buy a general speedlight first so I found the 400,600 and the new 700. (I don't want the 900 as it is too expensive and too big for me).
Can anyone give me some advice as to the best one to suit me?
Thanks very much:)

05-01-2011, 10:25pm
just for macro ?

05-01-2011, 10:34pm
For everyday (or night) use, the SB 600 is probably the best for you. It has infrared focussing included (unlike the sb400) is light and has pretty good settings.
I use it on my D80, but have bought a SB900 ($489 with free postage from Digital Rev) for my D300s
I like to have both of them so that it depends on what lens is on either camera.
At the moment, Dital Rev's ebay store has the sb600 for $277.
I've bought a few items from them and they are honest, free postage, and sometimes faster delivery than some companies in Australia.

05-01-2011, 10:34pm
That would be the main thing I would be using it for..I am not really into portraits ..my family run a mile when I have my camera and I really suck at them:) I have just got a macro lens and am really interested in this area ,and, from what I have read, flash is necessary to get better shots. I think that's right?

05-01-2011, 10:40pm
P.S. For Macro, sometimes I use the sb200 with the camera's flash set to commander.

05-01-2011, 10:46pm
There's a 200 as well??

05-01-2011, 10:51pm
Yes, I bought a single one. They are usually bought with the ring flash.
They don't have a hot shoe, so they can only be used as a wireless flash

05-01-2011, 11:26pm
I would say that for ease of use, and ultimate speed of setup, go for the SB700.

One of the handiest aspects of Nikon's speedlight system is the ability to control them wirelessly.
That is the D90 controls the SB600/700/800/900(as well as the R1 macro sytstem's SB-R200's) without the need for wires.

Where the SB800 and 600, is the fumble in the dark prehistoric menu system in changing from wireless to onboard(on board the camera when needed to be).
Both the SB900 and the SB700 have much simpler wireless connectivity with simple button presses as opposed to delving deep in to menu and submenu to activate and deactivate the feature.
(well.. it annoys the hell 'outta me anyway)

SB900 is too big as already said.. so the SB700 would seem to be the natural choice then.
SB600 and SB800 are still both very capable tho(just more awkward to use)

05-01-2011, 11:47pm
Macro? R1 C1 is your friend.

If you don't want the SB-900, and if used doesn't bother you, a mint SB-800 can be had for less than US$300 and if it has to be new, then the SB-700 is probably best for an all round unit.

06-01-2011, 6:03am
Where the SB800 and 600, is the fumble in the dark prehistoric menu system in changing from wireless to onboard(on board the camera when needed to be).

Agreed. I find the controls on the SB600 a bit of a nightmare.

The SB400 is much better. It doesn't have any.

06-01-2011, 6:51am
If it's just for macro I'd actually be tempted to get a knockoff ring flash from eBay

I @ M
06-01-2011, 7:14am
Macro? R1 C1 is your friend.

For macro, Waynes suggestion is on the mark --- but --- leave the c1 off the model designation and save dollars. The inbuilt flash on your D90 will act as a commander for the Nikon 4804 R1 Wireless Close-Up Speedlight System. (http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/410484-USA/Nikon_4804_4804_R1_Wireless_Close_Up.html)

06-01-2011, 7:27am
Andrew, you are so much less lazy than me, I just never bother to post links :o

06-01-2011, 11:29am
I am looking at a SB700 for my D90, i have not purchased anything as yet but have dabbled with the settings on the D90 to go to commander mode, how ever when i go into menu/custom settings/E2/ i get "this option is not available with current settings"

I am wondering if this is due to not having the flash unit yet? Any suggestions on what settings would need to be changed???

Also any fors or against for the SB700? Will be for general flash photography and also interested in remote flash.

Thank you again for any advice. You advice has been very helpful in the past.

06-01-2011, 11:59am
I am looking at a SB700 for my D90, i have not purchased anything as yet but have dabbled with the settings on the D90 to go to commander mode, how ever when i go into menu/custom settings/E2/ i get "this option is not available with current settings"

I am wondering if this is due to not having the flash unit yet? Any suggestions on what settings would need to be changed???.....

There's already another thread currently being answered too with respect to a good flash for your D90.

I think the SB700 will be the best option for the long term tho(just my opinion, not based on any experience of the SB700, just the user interface of it).

as for the e2 setting. This shouldn't have anything to do with the fact that you have no slave flashes connected/or connectable yet, but more about some other camera setting you have in the camera.
You should still be able to delve into the menu and make settings adjustments, but I don't know what settings you currently have your camera set too.. maybe it's set to one of the scene modes or something and e2 can't be altered because of that??
Try setting the camera to manual mode to start with and see if that helps.

(note I may merge this thread with the other thread of flash for D90, of the sake of simplicity)

06-01-2011, 12:48pm
Thanks for you reply,
yes when i go to any of the manual modes (M/A/S/P) i am able to access the commander settings. I am not able to whislt in any auto modes at all.

and from all i read i am leaning toward the SB700

06-01-2011, 1:43pm
AH! I thought so!

I have never played with the the auto modes on my old D70s(D300 doesn't have them), and having only recently tried to see what they do(on a D7000) I have to say I'm very unimpressed.
You can't make any changes at all when in auto scene modes, and while that's not as silly or backward as it may first sound(I mean you are using auto mode and you'd expect it to be highly automated), but I was at least expecting some form of user configurability somewhere. BUT nope! It;s all fully auto and the user is not allowed any say so!

That now makes sense. Use Aperture Priority, if you want too, also set AutoISO to on, and up to ISO1600 will still be clean.
Andrew recently alerted me to the fact that centre weighted works really well(with lots of visible proof, that I now have a basic understanding of), but that will depend heavily on what you want to achieve.. I like the full matrix metering ability of the Nikon flash system.. especially with wireless flashes connected and then placed strategically.
I said aperture priority was a good way to do this, but if you want a specific purpose.. say a high shutter speed and deep DOF(a macro shot in windy conditions), then you may be better off in Manual mode with pre set shutter and aperture and let AutoISO and the flash power take care of the exposure.

Andrew(I@M) also pointed to a wireless macro flash system and highlighted that the extra money required for the SU-800 controller unit is not necessary, and in 99.9% of situations he's right. But if you want fast paced continuous shooting the onboard flash unit(on your camera) is not able to cycle fast enough to shoot say 3fps if that was also a requirement.(I sometimes use that method to nail a surefire sharp image(or say a fast moving subject).
The SU800 or any other commander capable flash is able to maintain a higher (that 1fps) frame rate if that's required.
That's really the only advantage I can see in having a dedicated commander(flash or unit).

Commander capable flashes are the SB700, SB800, SB900 and of course the non flash SU800 commander module, that I know of.


06-01-2011, 2:30pm
This is an area in which I know very little so I investigated a bit more and this is what I came up with..please correct me if I am wrong!!
Regarding the speedlights, the 700 seems to be the best in that it is (supposedly) easier to use, is lighter than the 600 and there isn't an enormous difference in price. Besides, I would rather pay more and get something I can use with out driving myself nuts:)
I then had a look at Andrews"s link (thankyou) because I didn't know what that was..it also looked good and had very good reviews. Am I right in assuming that you don't need a separate speedlight to make it work..that the pop up flash will trigger it?
The only downside (I think) is that it takes 6 seconds to recover with full batteries...so for any fast moving subjects, I couldn't shoot like a maniac?
Have I got this right?

06-01-2011, 2:46pm
I believe the D90 will command the R1 macro setup. Check the camera menu under flash/bracketing and see if you can set the mode for the inbuilt flash to "Commander".

The fact the R1 will take 6 secs to cycle may prevent some shots, but in all, the SB-700 won't be that much quicker if you start blasting away 1 shot after shot with little to no time in between. Speedlights are not capable of repeated bursts for long and certainly not at anything but close to minimum power.

The SB-900 offers the best recycle times from the Nikon range when used with the right batteries. You may be able to use an SD8/9/? for the SB-700 which is an external battery pack to aid life and recycle time, but it costs perhaps $200 and then you may as well get the SB-900 instead.

06-01-2011, 3:04pm
An SB600/700/800 on a bracket with a sync cord (don't rely on IR) will suffice. I can shoot at 4 fps with the SB800 at macro distances so recycle times are not an issue. Even an SB400 would be ok as a dedicated macro flash.


06-01-2011, 3:07pm
want to save money? you dont even need to buy a nikon flash... I use a sigma one for my macro shots (browse macro forum for my work) and it works fine for me. 1/2 the price of the nikon equivalent too. there are other brands out there that will work too... just some food for thought.

06-01-2011, 8:16pm
Thanks for all the info,guys..sometimes I wish there weren't quite so many alternatives:) I will continue to investigate using the info you have given me..at least I have a starting point!!

05-02-2011, 5:14pm
I have a SB600 with one of the knock off ring flash attachments (about $35) and am very happy with them. Other than the ring flash attachment being a little insecure on the head of the 600 - but none of my velcro/hang on flash attachments are great. Disadvantage of chinese cheapie accessories I guess. :(

07-02-2011, 10:17am
Thanks for the info..Leigh suggested the 400 as a dedicated flash for macro so I did some more research and found a lot of people were using this with success..any thoughts?

07-02-2011, 10:26am
sb400 is a neat little unit and quite useful. get a short off camera cord and it would be quite capable for macro.

i bought one for my dad and his photos improved dramatically.

07-02-2011, 10:45am
sb-r200 is pretty cheap and is designed with macro in mind... might have to get a couple next purchase

07-02-2011, 10:26pm
Choices, choices..I guess I want to keep it simple as this is my first foray into flash..will keep looking..thanks for the help:)

12-02-2011, 4:19pm
Its all about choices these days - its easier to buy a house:D

I use an SB-800 and a couple of SB-600s and in all honesty 'whilst they arent studio lights' I am happy with the results.
The 800 came out in 2004/5 if Irecall correctly and (thats when I bought my D70 which still works well) the manual was not user frendly so that made using the unit difficult.
The 600's are used in 'remote' mode as they cant do "master' like the 800 but I also sometimes use all three as 'remotes' and triggered from the camera.
My D90 & D300S work really well with Nikons CLS and I just set them as 'Command" and use the popup to trigger the slaves.
There are other times when I use the 800 camera mounted in command mode and trigger the 600's, bouncing the light etc.
The SB-900 was apparently prone to over heating and the SB-700 designed to overcome that problem .. I havent used either unit so cant say they are better or worse than what I use.
As has been said there are other brands that work with the Nikon and yes the SB-400 although its head doesnt swivel left or right just up and down.

Like it's been said "lots of choices" .... :rolleyes:

12-02-2011, 9:05pm
I think buying a house is easier:D...thanks for the info..have to see what the finances can do;)

25-02-2011, 9:27pm
Just to give you an idea of size;

L to R - SB900,800 and 600...approximately 200mm down to 160mm.
The 900 is massive compared to the others, but does so much more than the little 600 - cant find much difference in function with the 800 (yet).


25-02-2011, 9:39pm
Gee the 900 is huge! Thanks for that:)

26-02-2011, 7:52pm
Even though your D90 like all cameras these days gets replaced by a 'newer better' model every five minutes, dont be tempted to upgrade just yet.
What you have is a very capable unit that didnt cost you a fortune; practice using the manual modes (M.A.S.P) leaving the Auto ones for the times when nothing seems to want to go right.
As for flash, an SB 600 would be my suggestion as a starter because you can use it off camera as a remote slave triggered by the camera. Then as you feel the need you can add an SB 900 or SB 700 later (even consider a 2nd hand SB 800) all can be used as 'Master" which with a couple of slaves would be a highly portable lighting system.
Cheers ...;)

03-04-2011, 8:33am
i have a flash similer to the SB-600 and i am still learning how to use it has anyone got any technique tips they can share on how to use it or learn which way to aim the light etc. would love some help as i am just learning how to use it.:)

05-04-2011, 9:34pm
Check out the Strobist ;)


21-04-2011, 11:59pm
Are any of the newer speedlights compatible in TTL with older bodies like the F100?

11-05-2011, 9:25am
Hey people,
I am new ausphotography and I am also looking for a flash unit for my D90. I find all your contribution very informative!
I am thinking whether I should get a brand new SB600 or SB700, or a second hand unit...
Mostly taking portrait, macro and indoor shootings.


18-05-2011, 2:53pm
sb700......I have the sb600 and sb900 and the user interface is way better on the sb900 (which I understand is similar to the sb700)
thermal cutout can also be a problem with the sb900 depending on how it is used/abused!:(

23-05-2011, 10:41pm

my F100 has TTL with option of BL for SB600 and SB800, but not SB700 and SB900, which come up with A mode on the flash

but it saved by SB600 from being upgraded to a second SB700, even though the SB700 is way better!

28-05-2011, 3:53pm
I'm definitely hanging onto that SB600 then, maybe even a second one if I can after I pick up a 700 for CLS fun with my D3100.