View Full Version : Flood pictures in the Daily Telegraph

28-12-2010, 10:02am

Went to Ehugowra to cover the floods in Eugowra for the Daily Telegraph yesterday - Took a heap and got one in todays paper - because the used it as a montage i didn't get creidit but i will get paid.

The Orange photo is also mine taken boxing day



Scroll to bottom of link or Page 7 of todays paper...

28-12-2010, 10:04am
onya Jeff, paid is good:th3:

28-12-2010, 12:06pm
Way to go! Too bad you didn't get credit, but money is good!

Now if it'll just stop raining.... I feel for the flood victims all over.

28-12-2010, 12:23pm
Horizon alert, or did they do that ?

28-12-2010, 1:18pm
paid is defiantly good but are the roads gonna be open by Wednesday? :confused013

28-12-2010, 2:21pm
Hey Darren - I was holding the umbrella in one hand - camera in the other and it was bucketing down -was standing in 6 inches of water - i sent a heap low res and they used the Orange one anyway - the eugowra one is crooped....

Roads in Eugowra are open now (mum and dad went home this morning)

Its a catch 22 - buy in a flood area ??? and evey now and then you cop it - doesn't mke it any easier though...

28-12-2010, 5:16pm
I get that, most of my shots ooc are crooked

Lance B
28-12-2010, 5:22pm
Great to get paid! :) Not so good to not get the recognition. :(

Well done anyway!

28-12-2010, 7:36pm
Good stuff!

28-12-2010, 8:40pm
Its funny Darren - i sent through a heap on spec low res and they printed one - maybe low re isn't so low res after all for newspapers - granted the photo was small...

28-12-2010, 8:53pm
I'm just surprised neither you nor the photo editor straightened it. I saw a sports pic in the courier mail the other day that was even worse. Doesn't gel with me really.

29-12-2010, 8:02am
Generally newspapers don't require high res images. regards

29-12-2010, 9:28am
I'm just surprised neither you nor the photo editor straightened it. I saw a sports pic in the courier mail the other day that was even worse. Doesn't gel with me really.

I guess it is just another aspect of the decline of editorial standards.:(


29-12-2010, 2:35pm
I guess it is just another aspect of the decline of editorial standards.:(


Very true. Also probably worth noting that these days, not only are these people visually less aware, but they also have less time or motivation to get it right.

29-12-2010, 2:51pm
Very true. Also probably worth noting that these days, not only are these people visually less aware, but they also have less time or motivation to get it right.

more so the camera phone has won out... people are used to fuzzy oof shots due to them being taken by amazing phones that do almost every thing but make phone calls...

but because we carry them about EVERYWHERE, they tend to get shots as they "were there"


29-12-2010, 3:05pm
Yip, look at fairfax, used to have 40 ft photographers, down to about 12 now

User supplied content is soooooo cheap, and really, no one cares

29-12-2010, 4:31pm
You've got to remember that newspapers are after stories, not photographs. If a photograph tells a story it's a double whammy. :)
After all, have you ever seen a photogpaph in a newspaper without a story? Not likely.

30-12-2010, 2:08pm
Agree and agree - i submitted about 12 shots one day which they then used - was more worried about whether i was going to have water in the house - than straight horizons. If they said yes to a shot i would have straightened it. Didn't think they would/ could print a 72DPI image in the paper OK. so you learn something everyday..

16-02-2011, 2:25pm
nice work Jeffe