View Full Version : Help me choose my new camera package

26-12-2010, 8:01pm

My brother owns a Canon EOS 550D with the 18-55mm IS and 55-250mm IS lens and the 50mm f/1.8 lens. I am just about to purchase my own camera which will be either the 500D or 550D and need some advice on lens choices. Now I have mentioned what lenses my brother has so who ever wants to advise me what lenses I should purchase will realise what lenses I can currently borrow if I require. But I do have to purchase my own lenses as I can not borrow my brothers lenses on a permanent basis, but only when and if I should require.

As I can borrow the above lenses but would like to own my own 1 or 2 lenses, maybe 3 at the most what do the members of this forum recommend I purchase in the way of lenses? I do not have any particular direction on what I will be taking photos of so can't really offer more suggestions on what my requirements will be other than I will be taking photos for some websites I have made in the past, bringing the camera on a 5 week holiday to the US in around 12 months time plus photos of as many other things I find I want to take a photo of! I don't ever think I will take photos of nature, insects or birds etc.



26-12-2010, 9:14pm
For nature, insects, you will need a macro lens, for birds a decent zoom, the Canon 100-400 is a good place to start. If you want to take landscapes then you need a wide angle lens. But it all depends on budget and how serious you want to get.

Welcome to AP. enjoy the site

26-12-2010, 11:44pm
I suggest cheap like what your brother has is a good place to start until you have some direction. Pro glass is expensive, and you probably don't want to go buying something you may not use only to have to resell later on.
For pro glass ,the cost of entry is vicinity of $1000+++++ depending upon what exactly you buy, so 2-3 "L" lenses will dent most people's budget significantly.

27-12-2010, 10:40am
Hi Alicudi, Here is a good website - http://www.the-digital-picture.com/ - click on the link, then at the top click on reviews, It has all the information you'll need to get started, He's Pro Photographer and uses Canon gear. There is a area for bodies and an area for lenses, He also covers some third party lenses Sigma and Tamron. In Canon speak, you'll more than likely be buying Lenses designated as EF-S, these are designed to suit an APS-C size sensor (As the above Cameras use) 1.6 x crop factor. The EF lenses are designed to be used on 35MM film bodies or Full Frame DSLR, these are usally alot more expensive and have a (L) classification, (Build quality and standard , normally BIG $$$$ when comapired to EF-S lenses, but not always)

Being your brother has a very good focal spread, I would suggest a general walk about lens, with better F Stop (fast glass) I.E Sigma or Tamron say 17 or 18mm to either 50 or 70mm. These lens will serve you well and will be better suited to all light types, low light, If you go for a solid F2.8 17-50 or 70 Sigma - Tamron lens, you'll get it for around $450 - $700. Also worth reading is this - http://www.crkennedy.com.au/v1/index.cfm?pageID=465&h=price%20match& They will price match the O/S internet importers price with their re-sellers in OZ, See their website for a re-seller near you.

Happy shopping.

27-12-2010, 3:09pm
the canon 18-55 IS lens is quite good, also a single general purpose lens is the 18-200mm canon lens. Too expensive new, but decent price second hand on ebay.
My advice would be, buy second hand, becuase you tend to lose a fair bit of money if you buy new lenses and decide to upgrade or dont like the lens. If you do get a superzoom lens, use it for a while, and decide that you want more, you will know what sort of thing you are looking for eg. might want an ultra wide, macro lens, or a longer lens. or something with a wide aperture for shallow dof and low light. :th3:

31-12-2010, 7:50am
It is all a matter of price. Old saying of the Cree Indian tribe. "Camera come and camera go but good glass last longer than general Custer" If you can tell us what you can afford to pay we will be much more able to give you good advice.:)