View Full Version : Freelance Photography

25-12-2010, 12:27am
Ladies and Gents, need some quick advice.

Being Carnarvon has put me in a unique spot with the floods that we have recently had.

Initially I took a few photos and sent them to a Newspaper see if they wanted to use them, they have and from what I can tell have made it through most states Newspapers except Adelaide and NT.

I have since been contacted by Channel7 Channel9, ABC, not to mention a 4wd Magazine publisher.

Even though it was initially discussed that the News paper would pay me I declined payment as I thought it a bit wrong making money from others misery.

Well this afternoon I was again contacted and offered "a couple of hundred bucks" to go and take some more photos of the carnage.

Now being so close to Xmas and having a few little dramas ourselves (i.e. missing a ceiling from all the rain that we had), I have taken them up on their offer.

What is a fair price... I know they said a couple of hundred but that could mean anything up to about 300.... Im not a greedy person.

Im not a professional freelancer, dont pretend to be, Im just in the right place at the right time, hence why I have declined interviews from tv stations etc.

Ive probably taken close to 200 photos over the last week and a few hours worth of work, the newspaper has most of them, one has been published in the newspaper, the rest flick through on their website and in my own personal gallery :)

It would be nice to be paid for it as I just had my thongs sucked off my feet wading through mud (yes they were special thongs, hehe), but at the same time a good friends house/ plantation was destroyed by the floods and I would like to give a gift voucher to them to buy some christmas presents for their kids... any ideas??

25-12-2010, 12:57am
Newspapers are typically tight, but $3-400 for a good range of images and a few hours work wouldn't be unfair, especially given they would be spending lots more if they had to fly a photographer in or risk driving through floodwater (if possible) to get around.

25-12-2010, 6:08pm
go for it ! Being in the right place at the right time is the key - so take the advantage.

$ as to the value - sell a LIMITED licence to use the images - one off only for that single publication. If you dont, the first paper to buy them will simply sell them on, and thats how the wealthier get wealthier. So keep control of them by selling a limited licence to use by each publication, and not sister publications.

If you then want to go and give all the financial benefit then hey again, go for that if you feel like that :)

Just remember that the newspapers and televison channels rarely give anything away, its a business :)

25-12-2010, 7:50pm
$ as to the value - sell a LIMITED licence to use the images - one off only for that single publication. If you dont, the first paper to buy them will simply sell them on, and thats how the wealthier get wealthier. So keep control of them by selling a limited licence to use by each publication, and not sister publications.

Just remember that the newspapers and televison channels rarely give anything away, its a business :).

Yeh, geez I never really thought of that,

25-12-2010, 8:27pm
If you don't want payment, still take it and donate it to someone that will help the locals (and do so in your name so you can claim the donaton as a tax rebate). The papers etc. are making money out of your photos so don't give them anything for nothing.

25-12-2010, 10:21pm
I think William is right in saying that the publication you provide it to will license or on-sell it to other media outlets, but my experience with 2 regional newspapers (one Fairfax owned) is that if you try to attach clauses, usage licenses etc, and particularly a restrictive usage license that prevents them re-distributing or selling an image or one that requires royalty payments to you, they will happily overlook you, your pics, and simply move onto a different story instead of agreeing to terms.

Major publications with a wider audience may be different to small regional outlets.

One thing to consider is that if you make it too hard, or too costly to them, they will just send someone else to get what they want and then they will recover their costs by licensing and on-selling it anyway, and I truly believe they would do that rather than agree to prohibitive terms if it was a must have set of images.

Better to get a few $$ for your trouble than get nothing...

25-12-2010, 11:06pm
Being a publisher, Wayne, I'd have to agree with that. Small regional outlets are no different, just smaller budgets. A couple of hundred is a good price when you consider local news will pay $20 unless spectacular.
No tax rebate, Peter, unless they're a registered charity. But then the cause is more important anyway.

26-12-2010, 3:14am
Thanks guys, the info that you have provided me has assisted in a bit further thought.

I sort of have to agree that in this case, royalty payments and anything that would make someone read something for anything more then 2 seconds (i.e. contracts etc) would be considered to be a pain in the bum investment on their behalf. I might think different if I was Anne Geddes or someone that has a massive portfolio, but I don't, Im just a very very small fish in their pond.
The way I see it, if I want to do work from them (paid or not), then take what I can get... so to speak.
This work from the Newspaper company has also generated massive jumps in internet traffic for me, just cant beat that sort of advertising.
The likes of large businesses such as Fairfax/ News Corp will always have the advantage, to me thats acceptable knowledge, they don't build their empire with giving stuff away.
thanks again

26-12-2010, 4:34am
No tax rebate, Peter, unless they're a registered charity. But then the cause is more important anyway.

What I meant was, if a commercial organisation wants to use your product but you don't want payment for yourself, you take the money and you donate it to a charity of your choice - preferably for the benefit of those affected. In that way, the commercial organisation does not benefit at the expense of your effort or capitalise on the misery of others. You get to choose what happens and everyone is a winner. By donating to a charity of your choice, you maintain control.

26-12-2010, 7:37am
Thanks guys, the info that you have provided me has assisted in a bit further thought.

Im just a very very small fish in their pond.
The way I see it, if I want to do work from them (paid or not), then take what I can get... so to speak.

That is about it. Unless you have exclusive, world headline, front page news/images, then newspapers will dictate the terms and put their value on your work. If you had the only pics captured of say a tidal wave just before it hit shore and devastated a city, then you can name the price and the terms to outlets worldwide.

26-12-2010, 7:50am
All fair enough points. My point would probably be best remembered for something that is truly unique. But I wouldnt be scared to mention it, and see how the "land lies". These things are all about negotiation, and as you can probably see, in answer to your original question, there is no set figure to rely on.

31-12-2010, 6:52pm
I would be happy with a few hundred & ask them to put your ame or website on the article,could get you more work or $$$

31-12-2010, 11:03pm
Yep, they put the name and business on their website and printed article. They printed 2 separate articles over 2 weeks (paper comes out every sunday).
LIke I said just the mention on their website and paper has actually generate over 2700 daily views just on facebook alone, and 6000 hits on the website (+3x the normal bandwidth used) , which is pretty good for really only spending some of my own time whilst on holidays from the normal job and some fuel.

They have put me on a list for future local work as well.

The invoice is in and no one has complained yet, so thats a start :crossed:

Thanks everyone!!