View Full Version : Advice......SIGMA APO 150-500 F5-6.3 DG OS HSM

24-12-2010, 11:19am
Hi All, I thought I'd buy myself an early Chrissie present:xmas31:.
On a budget,so, I researched and came up with SIGMA APO 150-500 F5-6.3 DG OS HSM. Just arrived today from Hong Kong, the only problem is it has no OS:(.The Description and pictures on E-Bay were OS version...SIGMA APO 150-500 F5-6.3 DG OS HSM....the Lens is not, the box has no OS on it(SIGMA APO 150-500 F5-6.3 DG HSM) ,but the instruction manual(sheet) enclosed states SIGMA APO 150-500 F5-6.3 DG OS HSM.

I'm new to all this and have a limited understanding of OS(optical stabilization) and alike. How important is OS ?,and if they have made a genuine mistake, should... (1) I try to get reduction on the price paid or (2)post it back and wait for the OS version.


24-12-2010, 11:27am
Is this for the Pentax? I had thought that Pentax mount lenses didn't have OS (IS?) because the body does. Or am I barking up the wrong tree...
Just a thought. Sorry I don't have time to research it.

Cheers. :santa:

24-12-2010, 11:37am
true. pentax go for OS in the body its self... the k10d does too therefore not needed in lens

24-12-2010, 11:37am
oh and congrats on the lens. it should be a good one... i have the nikon mount version.

24-12-2010, 11:56am
Geez I could kiss you both, hmmmm...... David and John, that'd be just wrong:eek:,

Thankyou Gentlemen, a Merry Christmas to you both:D

I @ M
24-12-2010, 12:59pm
I am finding this one a little strange as I can't find any mention of a 150-500 without OS and the Sigma site (http://www.sigmaphoto.com/shop/150-500mm-f5-63-apo-dg-os-hsm-sigma) seems to indicate that the lens in Pentax mount has the OS function as standard.

24-12-2010, 1:19pm
You may be right I@M, just recieved this from the seller:

I am sorry about that. I think that Sigma had sent
us an old version lens.

I have just contacted Sigma. They told me the OS
version lens is out of stock and they don't when
will have it again.

The lens can be returned to us and we will send
you a full refund.

Or we can refund you AU $200 and you can keep the

Please let me know you want to keep the lens or
return it to refund.

I must apologize for the inconvenience.
Best Regards,

Given the above, I'm not sure as to what to do?, does a $200.00 refund out-way any benefits of a non OS lens given the Pentax k20 has on-board OS ?????????


24-12-2010, 1:28pm
I have the Pentax K20D and the on-board OS works just fine.

I'd say " Thanks Santa for the $200" :christmasparty:

I @ M
24-12-2010, 1:32pm
This smells like a good scam to me, the fact that the seller advertised the OS version but "somehow" managed to send you a non OS version with the OS version instruction sheet is all too fishy.

I get the feeling that they were banking on the fact that you would have shut up and said nothing, to return the lens will cost you freight and $200.00 off the price isn't anywhere near the appropriate amount that is the difference between the versions.

Please don't mention the seller in this thread but if you would like to send me a pm about the whole deal I would be interested -----

24-12-2010, 1:55pm
If it's 'new' old stock, you shouldn't have a problem. AFAIK the only change was the inclusion of the OS and Sigma had problems with the early OS versions.

Press Release:

Auto focusing issue affects limited number of
Sigma telezoom lenses
After thorough investigation, we have ascertained that some APO 50-500mm F4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM, APO 120-400mm F4.5-5.6 DG OS HSM and APO 150-500mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM lenses, produced recently, may have a potential autofocus defect.

This issue could possibly occur in some lenses within the following range of serial numbers:

List of lenses requiring the modification
APO 50-500mm F4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM: Serial Numbers between 10633051 and 10972000
APO 120-400mm F4.5-5.6 DG OS HSM: Serial Numbers between 10574001 and 10972000
APO 150-500mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM: Serial Numbers between 10674301 and 10972000

This is a limited problem that will not occur in any lenses other than those specifically listed above.

Support for this problem
To overcome this issue, we will be offering our customers a modification service, free of charge. If one of our customers is experiencing an autofocus issue with one of the above lenses, we will rectify the situation through the help of our local authorized Sigma Service Stations.

We deeply apologize if any inconvenience has been caused to our customers. 

For further information, please contact your nearest authorized Sigma Service Station.


24-12-2010, 2:13pm
Hmmm, plot thickens, just came across this from sigma........http://www.sigma-photo.co.jp/english/lens/tele/150_500_5_63.htm

which includes this:
Sigma's own unique OS (Optical Stabilizer) technology
The lens is equipped with Sigma's own unique OS (Optical Stabilizer) function. This function uses two sensors inside the lens to detect vertical and horizontal movement of the camera and works by moving an optical image stabilizer lens group to effectively compensate for camera shake. It offers the use of shutter speeds approximately 4 stops slower. Mode 1 is ideal for general photography, and Mode 2 is effective on moving subject such as motor sports etc.
*Pentax and Sony mounts are not incorporated with OS function.

Given the above, I'm assuming I should keep the lens and take the $200.00 ?

The Sigma page linked is the only reference I can find that quotes a SIGMA APO 150-500 F5-6.3 DG HSM (non OS)

24-12-2010, 2:24pm
If you can get the $200 (or whatever the difference should be), I'd take it.

I'm not sure that body stabilisation would be improved by adding lens stabilisation - in fact they may even work against each other. Plus, I doubt you could even get OS in a Pentax mount.

Sounds like the seller not really knowing his onions.


24-12-2010, 2:38pm
Plus, I doubt you could even get OS in a Pentax mount.


The OS version certainly seems to be available in sony mount and they have in camera stabilisation as well

I @ M
24-12-2010, 3:15pm
Oh well, maybe they do make different versions, I was going by the US site that I linked that details both the Sony and Pentax versions having OS. :confused013

Does this mean that the Japanese are smarter than the Americans?

24-12-2010, 3:35pm
Sigma press release for the OS in Pentax and Sony http://www.sigma-photo.co.jp/english/news/100319_150_500_5_63_dg_hsm_so_pa.htm


24-12-2010, 4:12pm
I'm pretty sure that they DID make two different versions, and that the original version didn't have the OS for Pentax and Sony mounts too.
Now they only make the OS version for Pentax/Sony and that the non OS model is indeed the older model.
I also remember that someone had done a quick test to see if in camera or lens stabilisation was more effective at various focal lengths, and determined that the results were either slightly in favour of the lens OS or inconclusive.(pentax mount).

Personally, I'd take the $200 refund as you already have in camera stabilisation.

Instruction manual is for the lens in general. The lens was originally designed with OS(for all makes) but Sigma decided to not fit the OS system in the original Pentax and Sony mount lenses, and changed that some time(about a year??) later.
In the instruction manual, does it specify anywhere on the topic of OS, that OS is not available in Pentax or Sony cameras? or does it specify that in camera image stabilisation should be turned off when activating the lens'es OS system. Should determine the date of the lens manual too... ie. was lens switched in a surreptitious attempt to swindle the customer, or was it possibly a genuine mistake?

24-12-2010, 4:24pm
Arthur is correct. The non-OS version was made for Pentax/Sony (edit: 50-500 only). More recently an OS version was released for both 50-500 and 150-500 for Pentax.

Practically at 500mm you still want a decent shutter speed for wildlife and if using a tripod SR is off

24-12-2010, 4:28pm
Soooooo, I can now say that "yes, I have purchased a new lens that has been superseded by the OS version". I've posted a link to this thread in the Pentax section hoping that someone may have this..... K20 and lens combo.Being new to all this I'm ill equipped knowledge wise to conduct any tests and have no basis to make any comparisons.

Take the $200.00 or return item and receive a full refund,that is the question ?

Thank you to all the posters for sleuthing and knowledge, greatly appreciated.


24-12-2010, 4:34pm
Arthur is correct. The non-OS version was made for Pentax/Sony (edit: 50-500 only). More recently an OS version was released for both 50-500 and 150-500 for Pentax.

Practically at 500mm you still want a decent shutter speed for wildlife and if using a tripod SR is off

Kym, if I may ask your opinion"would you take the $200.00 or send it back and purchase the OS version ?", I still haven't got a clue:eek:


24-12-2010, 5:46pm
doppelganger, irrespective of Kym's opinion, which I respect, I feel you have to make your own mind up about this.

Consider the facts.

1. Your K20D has inbuilt image stabilisation. It works like it should. You don't need the OS version of the 150-500.

2. The specs on the pre and post OS models appear identical, other than a drop in weight in the OS model, maybe due to some more plastic.

3. From memory, there was negligible price difference.

4. The newer OS versions had focusing issues (see my post above). Do you need the hassle of getting a dud and having to get it 'serviced', and if you bought from o/seas that means sending it back to the o/seas retailer.

5. With the offered $200 discount you have a pretty damn good telephoto lens for probably less than $800.

Mate, for mine it's a no-brainer.


24-12-2010, 5:50pm
I'm using the 50-500 non OS - works a treat.
trublubiker - I think we are in agreement.
I would price check both lenses and see it they will give you more ;)

24-12-2010, 6:29pm
doppelganger, irrespective of Kym's opinion, which I respect, I feel you have to make your own mind up about this.

Consider the facts.

1. Your K20D has inbuilt image stabilisation. It works like it should. You don't need the OS version of the 150-500.

2. The specs on the pre and post OS models appear identical, other than a drop in weight in the OS model, maybe due to some more plastic.

3. From memory, there was negligible price difference.

4. The newer OS versions had focusing issues (see my post above). Do you need the hassle of getting a dud and having to get it 'serviced', and if you bought from o/seas that means sending it back to the o/seas retailer.

5. With the offered $200 discount you have a pretty damn good telephoto lens for probably less than $800.

Mate, for mine it's a no-brainer.


Thanks trublubiker,understand where your coming from,hard to ask someone there opinion when cash is being paid out, even without Kyms opinion,just the fact of now knowing that he owns the non OS sister lens(so to speak) 50-150 and is happy with it, is enough to seal my opinion. Fact 4 also tipped it to the keep it side, just had a play and working fine at the mo


24-12-2010, 6:33pm
I didn't think the 150-500 ever came with out IS ?? Could be wrong

What I can say for 100 percent certainty is that the one I sourced for my dad about 6 weeks ago HAS got OS, and he uses a K100 super

26-12-2010, 1:00pm
The notes in the specs about 1/4 the way down in this review indicate that the Pentax and Sony versions did not come with OS (at least initially); although we know they do now.


As you have in-body IS which should be quite effective, I think the $200 refund would be reasonable.

My 150-500 is in Nikon mount and I mostly use it on a tripod so IS is normally turned off anyway. Ultimately, it is your choice.

26-12-2010, 1:06pm
The 150-500 did not have a Pentax mount at all until recently.

26-12-2010, 1:47pm
The 150-500 did not have a Pentax mount at all until recently.

This thread from the Pentax User's Forum indicates that the 150-500 was available in Pentax mount in early 2009 without OS...

Pentax User (http://www.pentaxuser.co.uk/forum/topic/sigma-150-500-on-a-k20d--9576)

The new version with OS seems to have been announced around March 2010 or more than a year later.

26-12-2010, 4:59pm
Thanks all for your comments,advise and links, I'm keeping the lens and the seller will be refunding a discount of $200.00 after Christmas. Hopefully I can post some pics soon:)


26-12-2010, 7:44pm
I am sure you will be pleased with it. It is a ripper of a lens and mine will be getting further feedback mid-week when I go bird hunting with it.