View Full Version : Canon G12 Lens error whilst overseas

23-12-2010, 9:33am
hey all , i recently brought a canon g12 camera to travel to south america with as i didnt want to bring my big nikon and the g12 seemed like a good alternetive, well i have been here 4 or so weeks now and up till today i could not of been happier with the performance and qaulioty of the images from places like macchu picchu and other various amazing places in south america but today i went to the rocheletta cemetery an amazing old cemetery and 10 shots in my camera started to take blurry photos and turned off and the lens was stuck fully extended . and when i tried to turn it back on it makes grinding noises . i then walked around the cemtery seeing amazing photos that i couldnt take (going back tommrow with a 27 shot film camera x about 3 lol ) i then took my camera to a shop here who is getting a techianican to look at it tommrow but she thinks it may be dust in the sensor or a broken sensor pin ;( lets hope not