View Full Version : My first L lens and loving it :)

22-12-2010, 7:51pm
Just got my 17-40 today and it's awesome.
I'm currently using it on an aps-c body so i'm not truly getting the 17mm.
Saying that though, i went out to Kurnell last night taking shots of the moon and generaly playing round with my failing 17-85 realised that there weren't as many shots shot at 17.
I've read issues about vignetting at 17mm on FF but I guess i'll deal with that when i do go FF.
For the moment, equivalent range of 27-64 i'm quite happy with. I still am quite novice and really can't believe the clarity that i'm getting out of these lens.
(Mind you i've got nothing to compare it too :confused013)
Loving life :)

But my wallet don't like me much these days lol.


22-12-2010, 8:42pm
The start of a very expensive love affair. :p

22-12-2010, 10:13pm
A great lens is the 17-40, I have had one for a while and consider it one of my sharper lenses and probably the easiest to handle, by that I mean I make less mistakes with it than any of the others. Vignetting shouldn't be a big problem with FF, just keep away from 17mm and you will still get great captures. Good luck and the start of a VERY expensive love affair as Scotty72 quoted above:eek:

23-12-2010, 12:14am
Congrats on your new lens. LOL you've done it now, you and your wallet should get used to the new relationship.

23-12-2010, 11:36pm
The start of a very expensive love affair. :p

+1 :D

31-12-2010, 8:04am
Just one important bit of advice "DON'T" let your better half see your credit card statement, once you venture down the "L" road you are a lost soul but your lenses will outlast many cameras. Congrats, you have joined the list of the fallen, a happy but poor group.:):)

02-01-2011, 2:43am
L series is for sure the way to go... the one thing you can trust is the quality and reliability of the product

07-01-2011, 9:04pm
Yes it is an expensive affair. But i must admit the colour produced by the lens is much more deeper, pronounced and richer than most of my others atm. Pity it doesn't have IS. Although looking at the 24-105 may fix the IS deficiency. But, as mentioned earlier, it's expensive so... I need to save for this!

In all seriousness, i'm enjoying what this lens has to offer and it's been permanently stuck to my 500D. Closely with my 50 1.8. It's definitely something i'm going to be learning a lot on.
Vingnetting hasn't been experienced as much as been read on forums with FF obviously with my 500D. I have experienced it with my 17-85 that is now hunting focus in average/normal light... (poor thing is sick and needs a service!)