View Full Version : Vendor Client Relationship

17-12-2010, 8:32am
Why does it sound so wrong in this video, but most photographers allow it to happen to them every day!


17-12-2010, 8:51am
Not just 'togs. A lot of small businesses get this (PC shops, mechanics etc)

17-12-2010, 8:52am
I agree, it happens in photography and alot of other areas when we think about it.

17-12-2010, 9:28am
love it...how true.

Just the other day I was asked to do some corporate headshots by a business I know personally. They wanted head, 3-quarter and full body shots using backdrops for deep etching. The client said "I had a bad experience with a photographer previously so if you do a good job I'm willing to pay commercial rates". It was at that time I felt like telling them to shove it, but due to my relationship with the company I opted for the polite approach and told them that for full body deep etching serious lighting gear is required and that I'd have to hire/borrow it. I got home, took some time to "look for equipment" (ie. had a beer and watched TV) and then sent an email saying I was unable to do the job and recommended a well priced photographic studio that does this for a living. They client is yet to contact the other business.

Sometimes you've just gotta stand your ground and say no to avoid these situations.

Sheila Smart
20-12-2010, 2:07pm
How many times do we get this type of line? The National Broadcaster contacted me about six months ago asking my "permission to use images for a staff development web seminar". The term "permission to use" is always an indication of lack of payment! I responded by advising them of a fee (very reasonable in my opinion) and was advised by my contact that "we do not have a budget for photographs". I responded by suggesting to her that she gets paid, her producers get paid, and the website gets paid so why are photographers expected to donate their work? Of course, there was no response. But it made me feel better:)
