View Full Version : Unknown Artist

16-12-2010, 10:32pm
My mum bought a camera over to my house last night, to accompany some of my prints and another old camera......kind of like a photography display above my fireplace. Anyhow, the camera was an old Kodak Pocket Model 1A which I figured was about circa mid 1920's. My mum has had it for years, as she is big on retro items. I started playing with it, and eventually go around to removing the back. That's when I discovered that it still had a roll of film in it. I removed it to find a roll of Kodak Verichrome 116. I had no idea whether it had been exposed, or subjected to light, or the speed of the film.

I developed it under red safelight conditions (it's an orthochromatic film), using the seesaw technique, for around 12 minutes. I wasn't expecting anything but fog, if that, but I was surprised to find that their was one image on the strip that was usable. I dried the film, and scanned it in this morning. I plan on printing it in the next couple of days. I do like the look of the image. I found this to be an intriguing excersise, but would love to know who took the image, and where it was taken. I'm guessing that this exposure was made sometime in the 1930's or 1940's.


17-12-2010, 10:34am
very interesting.
Is that a telegraph pole?

17-12-2010, 11:25am
A real pity that is the only shot off of the roll that could be developed. I bet there are other interesting shots hidden on there.

22-12-2010, 4:17pm
How interesting. the film survived 70 years in the camera. It is a pity there are no other images, it would have been quite a time capsule.

23-12-2010, 11:31pm
wow thats amazing..!! kinda like going right back in time!! I think you are lucky to get even one picture out of it :)