View Full Version : GND's and creative Filters

16-12-2010, 11:32am
I have been looking at getting some filters, I tend to photograph alot of sunrise/sunsets/ landscapes. I have a circular polarizer which I use a fair bit and am happy with the results, but reading up and seeing different effects of various filters, I am not to sure which way to go.
Cokin have a set up which attaches to the lens and you can change the filters that way, not so sure that I would like to be traipsing around tracks etc with that set up.
I would also like to get more drama into the storm clouds without having to do to much PP.
I guess what I'm saying is, I want to get more creative with filters on the lens and not in PS, which way and what do I look at.


16-12-2010, 1:04pm
For landscapes:

Polariser (you have)
Set of graduated neutral density filters to 'balance' the exposure of a bright sky to the ground
Seet of neutral density filters - good for slow-mo waterfalls, ocean rocks etc
I am not a fan of the tinted orange filters etc, to fake sunsetsm, they tend to look un-natural to me. Though I have a blue and orange grad, that came with my 'kit'. I think I have used them about once.

Dylan & Marianne
16-12-2010, 2:20pm
Karen, walking around with filters shouldn't be a problem and if you're getting to that isolated waterfall, or that deserted beach, you're going to be glad you brought the stuff with you when you get there :)

16-12-2010, 2:21pm
Lee GND's and ND's are superb, and they have just released the new glass ND's in 2&3 stop, and there is also a 105mm CPL. It attaches the same way as Cokin do, but are optically superior and therefore far more expensive, however they are hand made.
Sadly, Lee have huge backlogs of orders at present and I'm waiting on quite a few of their filters and a holder, but to me, worth the wait for Lee quality. Schneider have also recently released a set of filters that are water white glass, they make the finest glass filters going (B+W) and they use a modified Lee holder. They too are very expensive, but I have every confidence their product will be the benchmark to follow.

16-12-2010, 3:22pm
Thank you.
I'm sure I can cope with walking around with them as I take everything else, but how do you usually buy them.
Do they come in sets like Iv'e seen the cokin ones. They have a set for $99.00 with holder. Would that be the set your talking about Ricktas?
And where do you buy Lee from? Emerald does not have much out here.


16-12-2010, 5:16pm
Emerald is like here (Isa) we have nil, nada nothing and what we do have we pay a kings ransom for, like Emerald I guess, especially once those new Palmer and Hancock coal mines and the LNG get running.

Lee can be found at http://www.robertwhite.co.uk/products.asp?PT_ID=501 and they are about the cheapest place to get them. If your budget is the Cokin $99 kits, then Lee isn't what you are looking for, their GND kit is GBP$141 so about AUD$235 + freight, and then you need a holder and adapter ring, although many people use Cokin Z (I think) holder for 4x6 filters as a cost saving measure, but the quality of the material etc is somewhat inferior to the Lee product which is very noticeable when holding both in your hand. A good Lee setup will set you back AUD$760, but quality is there if you are prepared to pay for it.