View Full Version : Gold!!

09-12-2010, 7:29pm
A while ago the Mrs dragged me to a parenting expo..... Im still in counselling for it :)

Whilst there, there was a photographer that displayed his images in a gold tone... it wasnt sepia and not some sort of effect that I can replicate in photoshop.... well that I can see or try.

So that leave a couple of other variables... is it the lens... I have heard that some photographers use a stocking over he lens to give a smooth warm glow or is it the media?????

I dont think stockings are in excess up here, mainly shorts n thongs weather here.

Anyone got a clue how to create something similar???

Its not that I want to rip the same photographer off... I just want to know how to do it... its driving me crazy

09-12-2010, 7:33pm
Several ways you could do something like that. Warming gels on your lights, split-toning in post, either or both combined with Metallic paper would provide something quite golden to look at.
A stocking over the lens would just result in an image with very poor contrast and lack of sharpness I'd have thought.

09-12-2010, 7:35pm
yeh teh stocking is not something i have bothered to try, I guess it would be like looking through a lens with vaso all over it......

thanks for the info!!

10-12-2010, 6:42pm
I've heard of using Stockings ( Panty hose is what I was told) It gives a warm glow and great Bokeh , As I said I was told , Still have'nt tried it yet though, Karen did'nt want to sacrifice a pair :D

10-12-2010, 6:57pm
Did they also have a soft dreamy effect? It could be one of the Midnight Action Set for photoshop, they can give a golden glow result in post processing.

10-12-2010, 7:02pm
Nah not really Rick,
the images were quite sharp, hence my thought of media or effect. Ill google the action set you just mentioned and have a look see

10-12-2010, 8:14pm
Could it be one of the effects you can with "Alien Skin" software.

10-12-2010, 11:11pm
Hi Toni, yeh I have Alien skins on my macbook pro and its not one of them... for a few photos it actually looked quite stunning... they basically had a 5m x 10 m tent with every image like it and it was overkill.

I like the idea for say one offs but my real desire on how to figure it out now is just because Im stubborn and dont like being beat!! I have just remembered now....I think the Mrs has a similar photographers link with a similar thing on her mac mini.... Ill go pester her, see if I can find out or get a fist to the head for annoying her :)

11-12-2010, 11:34am
I guess the other option is makeup... lots and lots of makeup....., JUst figured that either lighting, filters or CS would play a major part in it....

11-12-2010, 1:29pm
alright, Ive worked it out... its a chemical process... now off to try the same thing in CS

11-12-2010, 7:25pm
this is my initial play with it. From what I can tell is its called Orotone or Aurotone... Like I said before not all images would benefit from this but some of the ones that I saw were pretty cool and from what I have tried isnt really doing it justice, but it gives me some ideas to play with.
Not my photo either, one I picked up from a stock website.


11-12-2010, 11:03pm
and another.... this one has a slight gold fleck @ 20% (like a sparkle) through it.... not sure how noticeable it is.. its more for texture then the image if that makes sense.

13-12-2010, 7:46pm
hahaha... just noticed the cigar in the brides hand.....

14-12-2010, 5:31am
Not my photo either, one I picked up from a stock website.


I have removed the photos please read this

Ausphotography Site Rules (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/misc.php?do=vsarules) state:

[6] Any photograph a member presents on Ausphotography, whether by uploading to the site or 'linking in' using the IMG tags from elsewhere must be copyright owned by the member. Breaching copyright is a serious matter with legal implications and could result in an immediate and permanent ban from Ausphotography. Links directing members to other sites, where third-party owned item(s) are displayed, is allowed. If you are linking to a third party's Art (photo etc) for critique/review/opinion, under the Australian copyright act you must acknowledge the author and title of the work, in your post/thread.


14-12-2010, 9:53am
nuff said.
Just to be clear to anyone that reads this.
The photo was not subjected to copyright, it was on a free to use Stock images site and was only used to explain a chemical process that I had seen.

Its wasnt my intention of taking anything away from the actual photographer.

In light of saying that I do understand where your coming from Rick

14-12-2010, 10:23am
nuff said.
Just to be clear to anyone that reads this.
The photo was not subjected to copyright, it was on a free to use Stock images site and was only used to explain a chemical process that I had seen.

Its wasnt my intention of taking anything away from the actual photographer.

In light of saying that I do understand where your coming from Rick

All photos are subject to copyright, by law. If a person wishes to provide them to free stock sites etc, that is their business, but copyright is assigned at the press of the shutter button, by law!

The photos also contained a watermark, which did not match the one you have used on the photos you have presented on this site so far. Therefore, I assume the watermark belonged to the copyright owner. Our rules are clear. Only photos taken by, and copyright owned, to the member posting them, is allowed!

14-12-2010, 10:26am
yup understand

14-12-2010, 1:34pm
GoldenOrb, any chance you could do the effect on one of your photo's and post it?

14-12-2010, 3:08pm
yeh I thought about that before using the other one and actually had a bit of a play with a couple but none of them sort of did the idea justice.

Ill have another look today and see if there is a image suitable that would look ok.

14-12-2010, 5:24pm
all right... try again... my photos.... probably not the right ones to use for this particular effect (and Im still working on it to try and make it a bit better).
Orotone, Aurotone appears to use multiple layers where it is printed on a laminate/ glass then a gold coat is painted behind it. I dare say that it would also create some sort of 3d or pop out effect. I just like the gold tones that it produced.

By showing these someone may get the drift on what I am after and might be able to teach me a bit more.. hopefully

normal photo taken with a 4meg P.O.S. Fuji that I brought in 2002.....


second image is what I am trying to create... or similar.


16-12-2010, 7:00pm
I think it looks pretty good. wonder if anyone else can give you some suggestions?

16-12-2010, 7:09pm
I think it looks pretty good. wonder if anyone else can give you some suggestions?
Thanks Tatts,
the way that I have created the action leaves it quit open to further modification with various levels etc. Cant really narrow it down to a specific because every image, tone and shadow will be different. Its all sliding scale sort of stuff, but gives it a start and is better then just a "filter setting"

16-12-2010, 7:15pm
just playing with this image at the moment.. One of the hundreds of frogs bouncing around my front yard at the moment...
Gives a interesting perceptive to the grano driveway. But like I said, Im just playing around with it.
And no I didnt run it over, its laying flat in about 10mm of water that I was laying in to get the shot with the fish eye

17-12-2010, 6:11am
Well it certainly is a different effect. Goodonya for trying:th3:

17-12-2010, 10:27pm
Well it certainly is a different effect. Goodonya for trying:th3:

Yeh thanks, Always looking to try different things... most of the time they dont work but occasionally something comes out right

17-12-2010, 10:48pm
I think you are doing a great job. It looks very interesting & thanks for taking the time to post the pics to give us a idea what you were trying to explain. The little girl looks great to.:)