View Full Version : It's not for me:::

04-12-2010, 5:58pm
Hi All.
A friend asked about it. I have an old manual lens, which he wants to use on his (at present) Canon 300D. He has a T2 adapter that fits the EOS body. The body has electrical contacts and the T2 mount has just painted metal. I said he'd need to use manual mode as the Auto modes would not work. Before rendering his camera useless, I said I'd find out if it would even work at all.

Is this right? And what else should he consider? Thanks, and here's a pic of the back of the lens+T2 mount.

04-12-2010, 6:10pm
Personally, I'd be taping over the electrical contacts either on the body or around the edge of the adapter with electrical tape, just to be sure it doesn't short.

Otherwise, yes, it should be possible to use but will only be useful in M or Av mode. Set the camera's Aperture to the same as is set on the aperture ring on the lens. Metering should work, so you can work out your exposure, but might be out, depending on what the optical qualities of the lens are.

Also keep in mind that older lenses have different coatings (or none at all), meaning reflections from the sensor may result in ghosting.

04-12-2010, 6:14pm
I have this strange feeling of 'de ja vue'. (is that how it's spelt?)

Sorry am, I have no suggestions for a solution to your query.

I have absobloodylutely no idea why I even replied to this post, other than to say I may be a little bit 'in my cups'.



04-12-2010, 6:42pm
It will depend on what mount your old lens is.

Is that the adaptor we see in the picture ??

He will not have auto focus, nor will he have metering, he will need a light meter so that he will know what aperture to set on the lens and what shutter speed to set on the camera.

I don't think he would do any damage to the camera, but I cannot say for sure