View Full Version : Kit Lens

27-11-2010, 7:38pm
Hi All
When I bought my canon 450d it had two kit lenes the one i am concerned with is the ef-s55-250mm 1:4-5.6is when I take a picture with it I can't get a very sharp picture, if I zoom into a 100% in photoshop it's not very clear, so what is the best option carry on with it or buy a new lens if the latter is the answer what lens do I buy.

27-11-2010, 7:43pm
kit lens will never be as sharp as a prime lens would be.

I say sell it and invest in prime.

have a look at your photo's and find the focal length you used the most, that will help you determine what fix lens you should look at.

27-11-2010, 7:49pm
Thanks Matilda for getting back to me so quick, yes it certainly looks like thats what I have to do

27-11-2010, 10:00pm
Yeah while the kit lenses aren't as good as higher end glass, they're still capable of producing descent images, sometimes it can be the user who's causing the not so sharp shots, or a too slow shutter speed, or shooting wide open or closed all the way down etc.
A couple of example shots would help

28-11-2010, 6:28am
G'day Paul

While each of the above comments are quite valid, I note that you are an Adelaide 'tog
I would suggest that you arrange to meet with the other local 'togs to a) show them your system, and b) to maybe borrow a lens during an outing, so that you are in a better position to decide which way to go.

There are a fair lot of Adelaide AP members here, and I'm sure they'd love to spend some time helping you with this issue

If you like this idea, maybe a follow up msg here asking for that help would speed things up
Regards, Phil

28-11-2010, 7:21am
Thanks to all for trying to help, a good idea Phil as we are going to the xmas mmet prehaps somebody could help me or give me some advice on what I am doing wrong!!!.

28-11-2010, 7:27am
I would keep practicing with that lens. I have the same lens and have taken some very clear shots. I find that its me at fault when the image is not clear.

28-11-2010, 7:37am
Thanks Rod I am glad I am not the only one who doesn't get good shots with the lens, I shoot most of mine in AV and in auto focus prehaps I should try manuel focus and see if that works.

28-11-2010, 7:52am
usually the longer the len the more lens shake becoms a problem and the higher the shutter speed you will need, just bear that in mind

28-11-2010, 8:16am
There's no reason why your kit lens won't take sharp photos.

Be careful about the lens snobs who portray the sentiment that kit lenses are rubbish, and the only way to take good photos is to buy expensive fast zooms, or high quality primes. It's simply not true. Many kit lenses are quite capable of stunning images! Both my Nikon 18-55 and 55-200 kit lenses are razor sharp when used correctly for example.


Look to yourself and your system to discover why your shots aren't sharp before blowing money on a new lens. You're using a 55-200 4-5.6 lens... that's a longish focal length, and pretty slow... what's the lighting like? Do you have IS engaged? Are you using any support (monopod, tripod etc...)?

Later, when you know why you might want a different lens, by all means get one for the right reasons... but this ain't it (unless you decide specifically that this lens is too slow for your lighting conditions and you need a faster (say, 2.8) zoom to work in your chosen conditions).


28-11-2010, 8:46am
Hi Eberbachl
The lighting was tungsten bulb indoors on a tripod with IS engaged and set to AV at 400iso and auto foucus.i also tried a EF75-300mm 1:4-5.6111 lens with the same result so it must be ME then!!

28-11-2010, 9:03am
http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?65500-Learning-Centre-Appendix-E-How-to-obtain-tack-sharp-images has all the answers! ;)

That lens should be ok! There are probably other things to fix.

28-11-2010, 9:08am
one of your problems is take theis of if it is mounted on tripod
cheers macca

28-11-2010, 9:13am
Hi Macmich
Thats a good point I forgot about that, just too much too remember.

28-11-2010, 9:40am
Yep... your problem is your IS is turned on on the tripod. Turn it off.


IS is designed to counter your movement by sensing movement and moving in the opposite direction.

On a tripod there's no movement, so the 'counter movements' actually degrade the image rather than making it sharper.

Generally, hand held, engage IS, monopod, engage IS, tripod, disengage IS.


... so don't rush out to buy a new lens just yet... work with what you have - it's more than capable of creating sharp images.


28-11-2010, 9:52am
Hi macmich I think you have solved my problem just took a couple of shots of the picture as befrore and they have now come out a lot better.

28-11-2010, 9:56am
Thanks for everyone in helping me with my kit lens problem I think now between everybody we now have the problem solved and guess what it was my fault, once again thanks very much you have saved loads of $.

28-11-2010, 10:24am
Good work team :)