View Full Version : The broken contract ( with no dots!)

27-11-2010, 7:36am
HI all....I am just having a whinge. I am no Protog...and my hats off to you people who do this for a living....My little job has gone from bad to worse :eek: what was 6 nice easy head shots turned into 12 and 2 bookings ( not really a prob just unexpected ). They couldn't get everyone together for the group shots.....but hey you could put them in later cant you? Sure I can but its gonna cost...yes it will be added onto the bill.
Cancel the group shots for the calendar....whooo got out of that one! Not enough time to get it to the printers was the reason....oooookkkkkaayy??
And then a phone call later...."Aunty Jan....I shot the calendar for my hubby's company......but the printer says they are too dark and all red and blotchy...what do I do??" :eek:
I gotta laugh....if I didn't I would cry...Ok darlin bring around the disc and we will see if we help....the royal " we ".......:action:

Insert mad, insane, crazy laughter here......


27-11-2010, 7:42am
This is a good thread Jan. It shows people what can and will happen on a shoot (well some of the issues) anyway. Shoots rarely go to plan, and you have to be the director, as well as the photographer.

Now the question is, you were going to charge extra for editing the missing people in, but are you going to charge your niece/nephew for your time editing the photos now? In business you have to be choosy about what you do gratis, cause you will get a reputation for doing so. Once you have that reputation it is hard to shake.

27-11-2010, 8:04am
I doubt I would charge her Rick......I don't even know if they are salvagable yet. She is coming around today ....they have to be ready for the printer on Monday :)

Some background on the young lady....she drives an eos something something........its still in jpg auto something or other.....BUT....she won first prize in a open comp ( the water land central west government dept thingo }.....with a nice snapshot of her boys. I am pretty sure her hubby got me the job in the first place ( ok so there are no other people around my area that do studio portrait type stuff so maybe there wasn't much to choose from )

I reckon it would be better to be sure what side my bread is buttered on......I am thinking it's better for her to say.....but Aunty Jan helped me fix them......rather than Aunty Jan charged me a squillion dollars to fix them. But let me say Aunty Jan is charging a squillion dollars for the other stuff. This is small town politics stuff and I would rather have her ( and hubby ) grateful that I helped her out :)

Maybe some of the pros would have different ideas? I am all ears ..........

27-11-2010, 8:36am
Another consideration is whether the end result is acceptable, because if they are "rescued" but still very average, do you really want your name associated with them? :)

27-11-2010, 8:39am
uuurrrhhh hadn't thought of that.......

27-11-2010, 3:59pm
well bugger me.....the kettle has turned....they are offering double to do the calander.....12 shots plus the cover....all on a weekend where I have to go out of town......

#$%#&** caught between a rock and a hard place @#%^*(*^%

27-11-2010, 4:24pm
hehehehe. Seems someone has realised that they are paying for a service and if they want good service, they have to pay appropriately. Even if you are not going to be around to do it, well done on communicating the costs involved with them, and thus making them re-assess the situation.

27-11-2010, 7:12pm
Its a weird situation to be in Rick...........and I promised to take some pics at our work do on Saturday night.....but they are freebies and practice for me.:) I've done them for the last 10 years so I guess I am obliged.....

27-11-2010, 7:23pm
I wouldn't do them for double after they tried to skip you and use your niece. Principal.

27-11-2010, 7:49pm
Its a weird situation to be in Rick...........and I promised to take some pics at our work do on Saturday night.....but they are freebies and practice for me.:) I've done them for the last 10 years so I guess I am obliged.....

The questions needs to be asked. How much practice do you need?

confusedman :confused013

28-11-2010, 8:12am
Farquar...the day I say I dont need to be practising and learning is the day they put me in a pine box....and that applies to not only photography but anything I try my hand to. I am never gonna be an expert welder but by jingo I can do it to a reasonable standard!:D besides its in a pretty historic building with weird lighting ......something I can get my teeth into :)
Mark I can see where you are coming from but this is small town politics ( at which I am not much good ).......but it also involves family at which I am probably worse......do I offend family and therefore the company.......and never get any RE work again. Or get them out of a tight situation and polish my halo........or is there a 3rd option? I suppose I could stuff it up but I know the venue and have picked the time and hopefully I can pretend I know what I am doing.

29-11-2010, 4:54pm
Once the free guy, always the free guy.
With the politics, you need to casually mention that you are doing it as a favour, but it really costs X amount. Have a word in the right ear and let some chinese whispers work for you.
I just got a long outstanding invoice paid, by mentioning to a friend of the offending party that i was talking to the local courts about legal action. A few days later.. behold mysterious deposit into the back account. No actual effort required.
If you feel your work is high enough standard to be paid, then you should be.

30-11-2010, 5:04am
Thanks John....weird how small town stuff works hey!