View Full Version : Newspaper Work

24-11-2010, 6:49am
Hey all,

Ive been asked to take some photos at a local workers strike today because the newspapers photog cant make it.
Is there anything i should be making sure of when dealing with the newspaper?
Its the first time Ive done this so i dont really know whats happening.


24-11-2010, 7:03am
Hey all,

Ive been asked to take some photos at a local workers strike today because the newspapers photog cant make it.
Is there anything i should be making sure of when dealing with the newspaper?
Its the first time Ive done this so i dont really know whats happening.


You need to talk this out with the newspaper before you take the photos. Discuss payment, amount etc with them. No use going and taking the photos and then not being happy with that they pay, if you haven't taken the initiative to discuss terms first.

We need more information:

* Are you taking photos and emailing/supplying RAW files only?
* Do you have to write part/all of the story?
* Is it going to be front page, or way through the paper?
* is it just a local rag, reaginal one, or a big daily?

To many facets here, that we do not know, to advise on $$ or anything like that

24-11-2010, 7:07am
Taking photos, emailing i believe. not sure on format or editing
No story
Ive been told if not the front it will be near the front
Large regional paper, Newcastle Herald.

I havent had any dealing with the paper about it. its all been organised through the person doing the rally.
But seeing as i reckon id be the one emailing the photos i dont just want to hand them over not knowing anything that i should

24-11-2010, 10:06am
You say you haven't been dealing with the paper and the organiser of the rally has arranged for you to attend, which could mean you get zip, nada, nil, nought etc from the Herald. If you haven't negotiated terms with them, then you will be at their mercy when it comes to getting paid anything.

I hope they pay more than the regional paper out here pays, because they pay so little it doesnt even cover the cost of fuel....

24-11-2010, 10:12am
You can almost guarantee that if the paper isnt sending anyone they dont particularly care about the story or the photos, that's my experience with the local news, so, its going to be a readers submission type story (by the person organising the rally)....discuss payment but I'd be expecting zero

Re the photos, get in close, look for interesting angles and something that illustrates the story. Get the people in the photo's names. Shoot RAW but send the files in JPEG at about 240DPI at about 2048 on the widest side (files should be between 1-2 mb in size) Dont do any cloning or other stuff like that, just colour correction, small amount of sharpening, crop and resize. Make sure your EXIF is intact including copyright details, and make sure uou ask for photo credit

James T
24-11-2010, 10:39am
If you're doing it for the organisers, then they're the ones you want to discuss payment with.

I've done a few similar sounding things, shooting rallies, demonstrations and whatnot, then sending the images out through AAP, AFP, etc. I discussed everything with the event organisers, got paid a day rate by them and then submitted the files to the agencies for editorial use.

Get your contact details for the paper off the organisers, they'll have spoken to each other so someone at the paper will be expect the files.

Be harsh with your editing, they don't want 40 images landing in their inbox, just a couple of verticals and horizontals of key shots. JPEGs between 1-4 MB as Kiwi says.

Put titles and captions in the file info describing the event, location and specific scene in that shot. Then include a line that says something like MANDATORY CREDIT / Brettles.

24-11-2010, 10:58am
thanks for your help

24-11-2010, 11:45am
The last lot I did (for 2 puplications, 1 newspaper and 1 glossy) they required them to be 300dpi, between 1 and 2 meg file size and in JPEG, not RAW. Hope that helps.

24-11-2010, 6:30pm
I doubt you'll see a cent out of this. Most regional papers down my way have photojournalists. Ie: journalists who just happen to have a camera, not like the good old days :p . So unless you're also submitting the story and doing all the leg work, I doubt they'll care much. They can always write a story and probably get some random person who went to the event to send in a pic or two for free. I'd do it for free and get your name alongside the pictures and use it for your portfolio

24-11-2010, 9:56pm
Every newspaper is different. Don't speculate and talk to the organiser before you do anything. You can be pretty sure the newspaper won't be paying anything, funding will come from another source. :)

30-11-2010, 10:58am
how did this end up ?

30-11-2010, 3:28pm
good question Kiwi..I would love to know how this went. Can I ask why you said no cloning?

30-11-2010, 3:29pm
For editorial work cloning and image manipulation will land you in big trouble, plenty have been sacked over it in fact.

30-11-2010, 3:50pm
got burned... havent seen anything, havent heard anything

30-11-2010, 3:54pm
how do you mean, you did the photos, handed them over, and not heard boo ?

30-11-2010, 4:14pm
handed over to the organiser and didnt hear diddly squat

30-11-2010, 8:32pm
Bugger.......chase them up ....
Thought that may have been the reason Kiwi.......

30-11-2010, 8:35pm
Chase them up fior what ? Op didn't ask for money, organizer asked for pictures and got pictures, transaction finished