View Full Version : 450d

23-11-2010, 9:18pm
Hi All
Just wondering if anybody else has a canon 450d and what sort of pictures you get from it, I still have the kit lens that came with it do I need to upgrade my lens

23-11-2010, 9:24pm
The 450D is a fine little camera, perhaps one of the best in its class and really I think the quality of pictures is largely up to the photographer. I have seen members on AP who have won competitions with gear that I never thought capable of such captures. All in all and excellent DSLR:th3:

23-11-2010, 9:35pm
Tough question, not that it would be that hard to say yes or no, just it would be hard to say yes or no in a way that was accurate, or for that matter fair to you.

Kit seems to be a synonymous with poxxie or something, and this is rarely the case. They are sometimes "slow" or or slow to focus, or all sorts of things, but they will generally work hand in hand with the body to generate better pictures than a point and shoot in the same hands. THey also provide a fair bit of flexibility in regard to zoom lengths,, especially the 2 lens kits. So........... before anyone answers, I suspect they will want to know some additional information.

Try providing some of the following info, and I'm sure others will ask for more, or other info, and see if you get a response.

What do you want to take photos of
What do you take photos of
What photos have you not been able to take, but would like to.
What are the lenses that you have

I can't tell how long you have been taking pics, but if yo are fairly new to it, the following link it a good place to start, and see how far and what you can get out of those kit lenses


Good luck with it, it can be a consuming hobby, no matter what lens or level of skill

24-11-2010, 6:51am
Hey Paul, I started with a 450D and two kits lenses so take a look at any of my threads from before this year (I got my 7D in January). There are some examples of what I could do with my 450, including a competition winner. It is a very capable camera (and I'm not the best photographer!) so I think my photos say a lot for the gear.

You only need to upgrade when you discover that part of your equipment is holding your back. At that stage you have learnt more about photography, what you like to shoot, and what you need.

24-11-2010, 7:10am
Like above, I also have a 450D and it is a great camera. Before you think of upgrading lenses you also need to think about what Bally has suggested. In other words what do you enjoy shooting, or what do you want to shoot. Answering those questions will help you when you do decide what lenses would suit when you do upgrade your lenses.

Just on that point, as Bally also mentioned, people look down on kit lenses & call them poxxie, but that is not always the correct assumption. My Canon 55-250 kit lens is still one of the sharpest lenses I have in my kit and delivers great shots, either on my 450D or my 50D.

One cheap option open to you and a good starter lens in the world of prime lenses is the 50mm f1.8 or "nifty fifty". It is cheap as chips at around $120 and is a great addition to any Canon owners kit. It is small, light, cheap and takes some pretty darn good images when used right. Happy togging & remember, it is not the kit that takes a great photograph, it is the photographer.

24-11-2010, 12:35pm
I have a 450D, twin lens kit and a nifty fifty. At present it suits my purposes, and I'm very happy with the pics it takes. I am putting a bit away for a 400mm lens, (nearly there), as I wish to shoot more wildlife/bird shots.

24-11-2010, 1:01pm
Ditto. I have a 450D and it's a great camera (including the "kit" lenses). I had specific reasons for upgrading my lenses and as suggested you need to look at why you need to upgrade and if you need to.

24-11-2010, 2:26pm
I have a 450D and I love it. I have got some really lovely images with both of my kit lenses, more particularly the 55-250. In good light, it never lets me down. I took this last week: http://www.flickr.com/photos/42049292@N08/5183996190/in/photostream/. I'm about to get my first non-kit lens for Christmas and am looking forward to seeing what else it can do.

24-11-2010, 2:55pm
Hi Paul, I still shoot with a 30D and 350D , Up until 2 months ago all I had was the Kit lens to work with , With these I have won numerous Comps and have 3 fairly large canvas prints hanging on the wall at home which look great , Learn to use the 450D to it's full extent , Get a 50 mm 1.8 and you'll be amazed , My 8.2 mp 30D still takes images as good IMO as the 50 D unless you want to go pixel peeping at 100% You can hardly see the difference , A better , newer camera wont make you take any better pics , It's how you drive what you have that counts ;):) Got off track there , BTW the kit lenses do work fine , I got some great Bird shots with the 75-300 , Sharp as !!

24-11-2010, 8:25pm
Hello Paul, I have had a 450d for about 2yrs & have had no issues with it so far. I only purchased the body & got a 18-250 Tamron lens for when we went to Canada & Alaska. I have since purchased a 50ml 1.4 & the 100-400. Like most people some times it is hard to get out & take shots, due to other commitments, but I have no issue with the shots I have taken so far. Like most will say it is a learning curve that never ends. Mind you some people just seem to have the knack when it comes to photography, & I'm not one of them, but in saying that the camera producers some great images, it's only the person behind it.:eek:

03-12-2010, 5:46am
Thanks to everbody for your suggestions I know I still have a lot to learn proberly trying to run before I can walk I will take on board what you all say and keep trying
thanks once again