View Full Version : how to do a red nose correction

21-11-2010, 12:53pm
hiiiiiiiiiiii peoples :D just a quick little processing question...
what is the best way to get rid of a red nose on someone without making it look too processed? by that i mean its a guys red nose so the skin cant be tooooo softy looking. would you just use the healing brush or clone from another part of the skin?

21-11-2010, 1:14pm
many ways to do it and it would depend on the image, you could make a selection of the area and reduce the red in that area only, clone in skin from another area, or duplicate the image reduce the red overall mask the duplicate and just paint over the red nose area. as I say many ways but subtlety is the key:D

04-12-2010, 9:50pm
The best way is probably to make a feathered selection, copy and paste that onto a new layer and then manipulate that layer with a selective colour adjustment layer; bringing down the red and magenta slightly until it matches the rest of the skin tone surrounding it. Then you can fiddle with the opacity of the nose layer until it looks more natural. Leave a tiny bit of redness in.

05-12-2010, 7:27am
I'd be doing a layer adjustment. Make a layer, mask the nose, fiddle with colour balance and saturation etc until it looks right. Fiddly but worth it in the end. Don't go so far that it looks unnatural, if this is a portrait remember people would recognise that 'Rudolf' factor.

06-12-2010, 4:21pm
Ah yes I tried using a new layer but I seemed just just keep turning the nose grey when I desat it... I just kept using the healing brush until I got most red out then used a layer to then desat the red... It worked.... Sort of lol il keep trying diff ways until I get it :)

07-12-2010, 7:47am
Hey jb, if you just desat it will turn grey, what you need to do is use colour balance on you new layer and just pull a little of the red slider into the -ve. mask the new layer and with a white brush paint the treated area into the original layer:D