View Full Version : Travel Lens

20-11-2010, 2:49pm
Hi, I'm going overseas in a couple of weeks and would love some input as to the best/ideal lens to use. Photos will be of people, landscapes, architecture etc. Looking for a lens that can stay on the camera all of the time. I'm a beginner so would appreciate if you could give some reasons as to why it is ideal rather than give me the model of the lens. This way I could learn more about lens choice.

I currently have a pretty standard kit I think. Nikon 18-55mm vr and 55-300vr.

Look forward to your suggestions. Thanks.

20-11-2010, 11:10pm
i'm guessing you have a nikon cropped sensor camera, in which case I would go for a fast 24 or 35mm lens, something f1.4 or at least f2.

21-11-2010, 6:09am
G'day HS

Nice to hear about your travel plans - I'll bet lots of others here would like to be going with you :D :D
If your tavelling is anything like mine [and lots of other travel pix I've seen over the years], then I'd guess you'll be doing the following:
>> lots of head-to-waist shots of friends in a group;
>> lots of group shots of people you are travelling with;
>> lots of facials of people you meet along the way, maybe in markets & shopping places;
>> lots of buildings, museums whatever;
>> lots of landscapes from moving vehicles [trains, planes] etc
>> maybe closeups of flowers or bits of interesting stuff you come across
etc etc etc

For this, if I were travelling and wanted one lens to do it all I would get an 18-200, probably a sigma as I know it isn't a large, heavy lens & it will focus down to 1/2 a metre and give me good close-ups, and it won't cost me the earth.

Hope this helps a bit ...
Regards, Phil

21-11-2010, 7:39am
Idho a nikon 18-200 or even the new 24-120 is getting good reviews

21-11-2010, 7:06pm
Thanks everyone for your suggestions.

OzzieTraveller, yes I want to be taking photos of all the things you listed. I only wish I had more experience with the camera to do all of those things nicely.:)

Is it always you get what you pay for with lenses? The sigma lens you recommended is the cheapest lens but I wonder how it actually compares to the nikon 18-200 which is double the price.

Has anyone used the tamron 18-270? This was recommended by a camera shop and apparently won awards for its catagory.

With the 24 or 35mm, I'm afraid I won't get the zoom I need for certain shots?

21-11-2010, 7:30pm
Hi happysnapz.
i have a tamron 18-250 canon mount, which i got while in nz. i like it and keep it on when i travel most of the time unless i see a shot that my 10-20 or 50mm would be better for.
for the price of it i like it.

Big Pix
21-11-2010, 8:25pm
........ 18-200 Nikon...... use this as a travel lens....... also keep the f2 35mm in my pocket as it is small and fast

22-11-2010, 8:08am
G'day HS

there are multiple answers to your Q: " Is it always you get what you pay for with lenses? "
1- yes, you will get what you pay for ... a really cheap item from a "$2-dollar shop" will give you a result that you may not be pleased with for very long
2- a rolls-royce item will give you a superb item for a hell-of-a-lot of money -

but ... eventually you enter the economic zone of "diminishing returns" ... you can plow more money into something for less and less result. if something is "almost perfect, how much effort and $ does it take to make it 'perfect'??

If you were a professional photographer making your day-to-day living from your photography, I would suggest that you have enough $ to buy the best and that you would charge your clients accordingly. As you (seem to be) a hobby-photographer, I would suggest that you buy gear more suited to your style of photography ... maybe like the majority of members on this forum (but to make that comment, I am assuming a lot here)

In your original post, you mentioned that you are a beginner & about to go overseas - and as such, I stick to my original comments
btw - my slr lenses are sigma lenses and they are damn good lenses :D :D

Hope this helps ...
Regards, Phil

24-11-2010, 9:27am
I ended up ordering the 18-200 online. Was tempted to get the 35mm as well but I think I will wait till I have more experience so I can appreciate the differences. Thanks for your help guys.

24-11-2010, 8:40pm
G'day HS

Well done - I'm sure that you will enjoy it and get lots of great holiday images
Just remember to flash a few up here so that we can drool over your travels ;) ;)

Regards, Phil

01-12-2010, 8:56pm
I am a Canon user and I would second the 18-200 mm lens. We went overseas in 2009 and this lens rarely left my camera. You can check out some of my photos at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/83646071@N00/sets/72157612132435952/ I am pretty sure that Nikon have a similar lens.

02-12-2010, 12:04pm
18-270 tamron may have rewards in its class, but its class is not one known for IQ.
look up the 16-85 VR and compare on slrgear.com

also look at

for me, holiday snaps = wide end over long.
needing somethign wider than 18mm is a must

04-12-2010, 6:55pm
I have the Tamron 18-270mm on my Canon 50D when I travel and have generally been happy with it. I usually take a couple of other lighter weight lens unless I have a specific purpose. I took a 100-400 to the Northern Territory this year and loved it for wildlife but it will stay home when I head off to the Egypt Jordan and Syria in 10 days time.
I will be taking my Tamron plus my wide angle Canon 10-22 and perhaps something for lower light such as the Efs 17-55 2.8 or even a prime 50mm 1.4.
Maybe a Joby Gorillapod and a few filters. All this will fit in a fantastic bag - the Lowpro Flipside AW400 - this is a backpack style and will fit tons of gear. Best bag I have used and I have lots of them-slingshot bags, belt style bags etc.
My kids will be taking high end point and shoots with incredible zooms. We will see who gets the best pics - I will be peeved if its them and I have a whole back pack to carry versus their tiny cameras! I have to admit the quality of point and shoots is getting better and better.
Hope this helps.

10-12-2010, 11:09pm
just to clarify, when I say 18-2xx are not known for IQ, not saying it's crap etc, but that sharpness and distortion issues will be greater than probably even your kit lens.
they have their uses, and of course in good hands will get great pictures. it's just a question of how important to you to carry 1 vs 2 lenses etc.

14-12-2010, 2:36pm
I'ld go with a 3 lens combo to cover most stuff;

Sigma 8-16mm
Nikon 18-200 VR II
Sigma 50/1.4