View Full Version : Which lens for K20D?

18-11-2010, 6:48am

I am a newbie to this forum and really know very little about photography. I recently purchased a K20D with a SMC Pentax DA 18-250 lens. Am I able to get nice DOF photos with this lens or should I look at a wide angle. If so, which lens is recommended?


18-11-2010, 9:58am
Experiment!! The lens varies f/stop f/3.5-6.3 so at the 50-80mm range it is reasonably open (I'm thinking people/portraits for a shallow DoF); obviously not as good as f/1.7 or f/2.8 etc.

For landscape you typically shoot at f/11-16-22 you will get good deep DoF as any other lens at those f/stops.
In fact these super zooms are better closed down than wide open.

So I reckon you should stick with that lens for 6 months, take lots of different types of photos, learn the art,
then think about more specialised lenses when you really know what you are going to shoot.

18-11-2010, 10:32am
Thanks so much Kym...

At least I know that this lens will allow me to learn to shoot different types of exposures and will be a bit versatile. I am going to take your advise and experiment and try to not get to frustrated:) I am not to educated on all of the specs and what exactly they mean re: different lenses.
I guess that will come in time:)


18-11-2010, 11:00am
Maybe have a look at the New to Photography (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=104) forum and the Learning Plan (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=24290).

It will cover all your issues.

18-11-2010, 3:52pm
Look at the Tamron 17-50mm f2.8 when you start doing some indoors
and the Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 if you find a love for landscapes

both are very sharp and quite cheap for the IQ