View Full Version : How does Canon Digital Photo Professional stand up against others?

17-11-2010, 8:07am
Im interested to know how Canons software DPP stands up against the likes of Aperture and Lightroom? (also have photoshop for real photo editing)
I have been using Aperture because i like the layout better than Lightroom.

However, DPP seems to be quiet good, i was about to throw it out as shitty free software that comes with the camera. but after a little play, i think i prefer its file handling to that of Aperture.

Any opinions?
Any little quirky things that are annoying about it?
Are its manipulation and adjustment settings as smooth and nice as the others?

17-11-2010, 9:37am
I personally prefer Lightroom, but theres nothing wrong with DPP.

It's probably also the closest thing you'll get in terms of output with in-camera processed jpgs.

17-11-2010, 10:53am
Hi Daniel. (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?67805-Photoshop-CS5-or-Canon-Software.) Here is a Thread I started a while back some interesting feed back on it.

I use to use DPP, but find Bridge and PS5 all I need, not that i'm any expert on the subject.

17-11-2010, 11:55am
Thanks Roosta. no idea what i want to do.

18-11-2010, 12:06pm
I did use DPP but it does not have anywhere near the proficiency of Lightroom. I did a course on Lightroom, and this has given me a pretty good handle on its features. Even so I don't use all of the features. It is reasonably intuitive as well. I have had a couple of incarnations of Photoshop but I prefer something a little simpler. There are some quite adequate pro's who use Lightroom, and rarely have to venture across to photoshop. I don't have DPP on my new computer.

18-11-2010, 12:34pm
I used DPP.....till I discovered Lightroom and have never got back to it, Lightroom is just brilliant software that has everything you need to process RAW files esspecially.
Combined with Photoshop its the best you can get IMO.

18-11-2010, 5:14pm
Does Lightroom allow you to edit the Picture Styles used in CR2 files?
I just went through 2000 raw images block editing the Picture Styles with DPP and it was a breeze.

One thing does annoy me in DPP is the time taken to display at 'high resolution'.
I know it can be turned off in DPP and it's time for a faster PC, but still.... :pirbaffled

22-11-2010, 10:45pm
I love lightroom work flow but DPP color saturation is better during raw processing.