View Full Version : bulk photos from our trip

15-11-2010, 1:51pm
Gday all, we have recently returned fro 8 weeks in Europe and UK, we took 3 cameras with us, and we have returned with more than 28 gigabytes of photos.
We have spent a bit of time going through them and are overwhelmed with the job of sorting them.
We saved them in folders on a net book and backed up with memory sticks so we haven't lost any. They are now on our media centre in our office as well.
The folders name includes where they were taken and with which camera.
Lots are duplicate between 2 of the cameras, the DSLR A300 Sony was used by myself and my wife used either a Kodak 5.2mp or a Samsung 10mp.
Most of the photos we took are pretty good just too many, We edited a lot as we went but it was pretty busy on the road.
Which ones and how many from each place is good to print and maybe print in a coffee table trip book and which ones to print as a normal pic. That is our dilemma.
I am beginning to think film is the most productive as you are so careful what pics you take.

16-11-2010, 8:36am
First off you have done the right thing in backing up all your RAW's.

28 GB does not seem that much for 8 weeks away. That's only 7 x 4GB cards, so not so many images I am guessing, but then some of those may be Jpegs which would up the count.

The selection process is not that hard. In a lot of packages (Lightroom, Aperture, Bridge, etc) you can allocate a star rating to each photo. There are usually 0 to 5 stars. You do this in a few passes.

1st pass - 1 Star - Give a Star to anything that is technically OK. So this is just an In/Out quick decision, a few seconds each shot be a bit ruthless.

Filter by 1 Star - Upgrade to 2 Stars the best of similar images and those which you like.

Filter by 2 Stars - Upgrade to 3 Stars those images images you will process and print.

Have fun.

16-11-2010, 10:05pm
+1 CabanSail

I use lightroom and do the same thing. Import all then start by rating the good images and filter, otherwise you be there forever.