View Full Version : So I ordered a D3100 tonight!

11-11-2010, 7:58pm
Hey all,

After 5 frustrating weeks waiting for my D90 to arrive in the country (ordered from a major retailer) I decided to cancel my order. I had already paid for it and they weren't real happy with themselves that they hadn't treated me a bit better along the way.

Therefore I decided to go the D3100.

This is my first SLR and I now realise that I would have struggled with the D90, probably aimed a bit high for the first one. The long wait is a blessing in disguise because the D3100 seems suited quite nicely to me and will be great to learn with.

So with the body, I got the 18-55mm + 55-200mm lens, Nikkor AF 50mm f/1.8D lens, Lowepro bag and 2 year extended warranty for $200 cheaper than the D90.

Hopefully it should turn up next week (ordered online).

Thought I'd share my story cos I'm pretty excited!

11-11-2010, 8:28pm
Nice work! I think you'll love the D3100 :D

It looks like a great body!


David Hobbs
13-11-2010, 6:00am
Hi Dizzle,

Take it from someone who has shot with an SLR (film and digital) for over 40 years. There will be very little that you WON'T be able to do with your D3100. Once upon a time even top of the line film SLRs offered far fewer features than the D3100 and legendary shooters travelled the world with them producing staggering results. I take a little D40 (near ancestor to the D3100) with me almost everywhere. It is light, simple, easy and a pleasure to use. I rarely wish I'd brought something more sophisticated. In YOUR case you've added high definition movies, a three inch LCD screen, higher res stills, etc etc. Great.

In a few years time you may want to upgrade to the latest equivalent model. You'll be able to do so at a fraction of the cost that "higher spec" owners will have to pay. The main thing I'd recommend to you is a genuine wide angle zoom - say a 10-20mm. When you want to add excitement or pizzazz to what might have been a fairly prosaic image, dig out the wide angle.

Have a great time with your new gear.


13-11-2010, 6:45pm
Hey David,

Thanks for the reply, I am really happy I decided to not get the D90. It really is a great camera from everyone I have spoken to but for me it isn't suitable. The D3100 will hopefully last me a few years and it is going to be great fun getting out there and having some fun with it.

Thanks for the tip on the wide angle lens too, I didn't even think about it but I reckon it will be a handy addition to my kit.

17-11-2010, 3:38pm

Got my D3100 today, and being a complete newbie the photography I can't really say much except that it looks like an impressive piece of kit. Have had a quick play with it and will have a good read of everything tonight. It's taken a while but finally I can get stuck into it and experiment.

17-11-2010, 3:49pm
i reckon it'd be a great little camera. :)
hope you enjoy it...

oh btw you'll find your 50mm wont AF on it but you can still use it manually :)

17-11-2010, 4:18pm
Hey Ving

Thanks for the info. Wasn't aware of that but it won't be an issue. In the very small amount of time I have spent with the camera so far I have found the manual focus to be a lot of fun.


18-11-2010, 1:06am
I would return the 50 f/1.8 for an AF-S Nikkor 35 f/1.8 it is a better size (due to 1.5 DX factor) and will AF.
Also invest in a good lightweight TriPod. You will find it invaluable for Landscapes, Portraits, and Movies.

18-11-2010, 7:53am
No - don't return the 50mm...

Get the 35 f/1.8 as well! :D

Both great lenses!


18-11-2010, 4:55pm
Yeah it was a tough decision when I was ordering, the 50 was really cheap (great value for money I read) so I though that would be a good starting point

And the last thing I need is encouragement to spend more money!:)

21-11-2010, 7:40pm
I had the 50 and just got the AF-S Nikkor 35mm f/1.8.
It is exceptional on a DX
pics on my Nikonians gallery (Monterey Recreational Trail)

22-11-2010, 4:06pm
Biased Dizzle, but it is indeed a great little camera. Second comments around the AF-S 35 f/1.8 - magic lens. Your other two "kit" lenses are also very good, particularly the 18-55.

Look forward to seeing some pics (which reminds me I need to get some up) :)


23-11-2010, 9:27pm
Biased Dizzle, but it is indeed a great little camera. Second comments around the AF-S 35 f/1.8 - magic lens. Your other two "kit" lenses are also very good, particularly the 18-55.

Look forward to seeing some pics (which reminds me I need to get some up) :)


Thanks alot. It has been pretty cool trying to get some photos of my little boy and a few for my wife's business. My photos look half decent to my untrained eye but I know I have a long way to go. It is such a great learning experience and I owe a lot to this forum already.

I might get brave and throw an entry into the latest comp.