View Full Version : using a lot of ram?

07-11-2010, 8:43pm
I seem to be chewing up a lot of ram........this computer has 4 gig of ram but sometimes when I go to close PS it tells me there is not enough ram to close the clipboard? I will admit I have LR, PS and usually AP open at the same time........:o would this be the cause? I diligently use the clean up disc thingo and defrag on Wednesday nights. It is Vista tho......
I have downloaded a few actions to play with as well........do they use heaps of memory?
Is there anything else I can do bar upgrading.......

07-11-2010, 8:50pm
It is probably Vista, my hubby (an It guy) says it can use a gig of Ram without anything running, I too like to have them all running at once but I still use XP because of that. I only have 3 gig of ram but don't get those error messages, LR occasionally runs out of memory. C cleaner is recommended (freebie). When windows opens up programs it creates lots of little temporary files to make the load processes faster but it uses ram.....opps I fell asleep...

07-11-2010, 8:50pm
32 bit? CS5?



07-11-2010, 9:01pm
the 32 bit version of cs5 has a hissy fit on my machine at times and I have 12GB ram, but the 64 bit version runs very smoothly. CS4 works fine in 32 bit, so my guess is that you are using cs5 in a 32 bit environment...maybe

07-11-2010, 9:16pm
hmmm I have all the preferences set the way it said in the links........yes its a 32 bit.......phooey anything I can do to improve it?

nope I see I have to upgrade...........to 64 bit......wont hubby be pleased he bought the cheap glasses...:)

14-11-2010, 6:24am
I think I have it sorted for the moment. I have turned off open gnl drawing ( in image preferences ) which I think is to do with 3d drawing stuff.......hasnt crashed for a while anyway. Still cause a bit of lag but nowhere near where it was. Just thought I would say what I did incase anyone else makes the same mistake.:(