View Full Version : Slideshow

06-11-2010, 8:38pm
Im wanting to make a slideshow with captions and music
whats a good hassle free movie maker to use ive tried windows movie maker but cant find anywhere on the microsoft site where and how to download it.


06-11-2010, 8:40pm
Google windows live movie, should find it

08-11-2010, 10:08am
Get a Mac. It's the only thing iPhoto is good for but it does a great job of it.

22-11-2010, 7:51pm
I got some awesome CyberLink software with the LG LightScribe Blue ray burner in my new system - I'ld have to say that I would buy one of these drives just to get the software siute that comes with it. One of the apps produces really nice mixed video and slideshow presentations with background music that play on a normal DVD player and the picture quality it maintains walks all over every other peice of software i have tried to do this with. :th3: