View Full Version : What mount is this?

04-11-2010, 3:09pm
Hi All.
I've been beating the bounds about this lens mount adapter, calling up every photo place I could think of in Sydney.

For years I've been calling it a "T2 mount" (here for Minolta) but it's as if I had been speaking [an ancient, foreign tongue].

Can someone please tell me its proppa name?

I'm looking for one to attach a lens to an EOS system.
Thanks, Am.

The "Mount" (click for a louder view)
http://public.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pG1AxyXP0LSvmjRsvwg2pmuspuLdKTSFlQaHJgSf1tbNKnOdJUIXC57vsubn6jVdijNQMzCCt27X9a-2a0i9RQQ/img%20003mtc.jpg?psid=1 (http://cid-e15ffd049d805436.photos.live.com/self.aspx/AusPhotoPics/Tutorial/img%20003mtc.jpg)

04-11-2010, 3:30pm
Looks not dissimilar to my Canon FD reverse mount adapter, except mine has a male thread to screw into the lens filter thread.

Yeah, I know, no help at all. :action:

Good luck.


04-11-2010, 3:37pm
That's :DK Kevin. About as close as any response I've got all day. Am.

04-11-2010, 3:47pm
Am, there are obviously some lugs on one side, presumably the side that attaches to the camera.

What attachment facility is there on the other side?

04-11-2010, 3:52pm
Looks like an old "T" mount for a camera to fit a lens or other goodies on the end of it. It shouold be marked with a samll "N" for nikon or "PK" for pentax etc. Mongo has a box of them.

04-11-2010, 3:58pm
Looks like an old "T" mount for a camera to fit a lens or other goodies on the end of it. It shouold be marked with a samll "N" for nikon or "PK" for pentax etc. Mongo has a box of them.what mongo said... just screw the tube into the end and whack it in the telescope ;)

04-11-2010, 4:14pm
All of the above are correct, trublue... The lenses used to have a universal screw thread, then you'd get a T (thanks Ving) mount with whatever adapter you wanted for your camera. Mine (this one) is for a Minolta MC/MD bayont - and apparently now a Sony will fit that mount. (Hooray if someone gets me a Sony camera!)

Mongo - a box of them??? What goodies does he have, I wonders. Could it be he has one for a Canon EOS-S_S_???

04-11-2010, 4:47pm
Since posting I went and dug out my first 35mm camera to see what mount it has.

Couldn't get the lens off.

Googled "Ricoh Five One Nine' and it seems I have a rangefinder camera, whatever that is.

Anyway Am, just some more useless info to confuse the issue.



05-11-2010, 7:10am
G'day am

Good one mate -
Dunno where the term "T" came from, but I first saw these adaptors back in the '60s when long lenses first started to become available for screw-mount cameras. I remember all of 200mm - 500mm - even 1000mm lenses using these fellas. You bought the lens and the camera adaptor, fitted it to the lens and using small screwdrivers, slightly loosened the 3 outer screws, rotated your lens to the 'upright' position, then retightened the screws to lock the adapter into place. As a system it worked 'real-well'

btw - all these lenses were fully manual operation too as back in the dinosaur days, there were few mechanical linkages and electronics was a word not yet invented :cool:

And then there were other adapters for the front of the lens [ie the filter ring] for other accessory lenses to go on
I fondly remember the fish-eye adaptor - whack is onto your 'nifty' 50 and it became an 8-10mm fisheye
and then there were the lens reversing adaptors for super-macro stuff and ... well yeah, I remember . . . . . them were the ol' dayz

Regards, Phil

05-11-2010, 10:29am
Mongo - a box of them??? What goodies does he have, I wonders. Could it be he has one for a Canon EOS-S_S_???

Not sure - but Mongo will look for you and if there is one for canon, Mongo has no need for it and you can have it if you want. Will let you know.

05-11-2010, 7:31pm
Am thankses mongo for his kindness-ss.