View Full Version : Vale Andy Irons

04-11-2010, 6:55am
A great talent and nice guy lost to the surfing and sporting community.

Shown here winning his heat at the 2008 Quiksilver Pro at Snapper Rocks.

Note I have put this pic on my RedBubble site I have set it to a NIL% markup – I don't want to profit from this image, it is up there as a tribute.

http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1213/5144011980_3639ae4f47_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/45888581@N00/5144011980/)

Vale Andy Irons (http://www.flickr.com/photos/45888581@N00/5144011980/) by Photography by Odille (http://www.flickr.com/people/45888581@N00/), on Flickr

04-11-2010, 7:49pm
Terribly sad Odille ... made even worse with his wife heavily pregnant ... I just hope she gets all the support she's going to need.

05-11-2010, 8:56am
In one way better for her to have a child to remember him by, but it in no way makes it more bearable. And all the nasty media hype about drugs must be devastating for her.

A lot of people do not realise just how dangerous dengue can be - it affects the blood platelets and circulation - and from the press stuff I've read he would have had it about 7 days - one of the most dangerous phases is the 2 days after the fever subsides at about 5-6 days. I cannot imagine how any hospital could discharge him but maybe they did not realise he was going to be alone in a hotel room.